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Everything posted by Sprout

  1. Maidens is my surname. I thought my email address gave that away .
  2. Bloody forum, its completely messed up! I'd best explain why there are three posts that include the same mag. Well, when I first tried posting it, the message wouldn't appear. Later, I saw that there was a new post on another thread. Hoping that I could do the same, I tried reposting. Nada. I thought it may only be me having this problem, so I asked my good friend coo to post it for me. Again, nothing. Now all of a sudden these posts have magically appeared, and I am unable to edit them for now. So sorry about that. But hey, at least its up .
  3. No messed up forum is gonna stop me from posting mag 11:
  4. A basic setup has been sorted out, so that I'll be able to manage fitting it into the 24 days I have. It will end on Christmas Eve, don't you worry.
  5. The mag has entered the double digit numbers, starting with this one, number 10:
  6. Here lies mag number 8: Now back to my revision.
  7. That was released after Smash Bros Melee. Also, Eliwood is Roy's Father. Roy had his own GBA game released, but in Japan only. Don't mess with me, I know my Fire Emblem .
  8. I'm going to take a wild guess here. Now if you go back to Super Smash Bros Melee, and looked at Roy's Trophy, you'd notice 'Future Release' where it would usually show the game name they debuted from. Basically, Roy was used as a character to advertise the next Fire Emblem game (which unfortunately never was released outside of Japan). Now I think this is going to happen again, we are going to be given a character that we may never have seen before, to hype up a new game. Also, we're gonna be given more retro characters for definite. Look out for another appearence of 'why is he so popular?' Dry Bones, Kid Icarus, Little Mac and ROB in the future. Not that I'm complaining about this, would be quite good actually.
  9. My apologies, I was working on my drama coursework at the same time. Thank God that's the last piece I have to do.
  10. Mag number 6 is here. We're one quarter into the story!
  11. Woah, I'm earlier than usual. Don't expect this to hapen regularly . And cheers again for putting it on the main site. I'm thrilled . Oh, and a jolly lol at the past few posts.
  12. I have replied, do with my mag what you will . Glad to see everyone likes it that much.
  13. Glad you people like it . Here's part 2:
  14. So, I'm bored, with barely anything to do. I open up my music files, and notice 'Scrooge', from the Muppets Christmas Carol. Then I got this idea, a Nintendo Christmas Carol. I immediately started working on it. The best I can do however are comics made in paint . My plan is to have 24 comics, a new one everyday, ending on Christmas Eve. It may change, but for now, who knows. So here's the first one. Enjoy . EDIT: The comlete archive is here!
  15. I'd probably try and download most of the games I own, plus others, like Earthbound and Mario RPG. Chrono Trigger too. Wonder if they'll make Animal Forest available for download .
  16. Oh I've had a couple, nothing that gets my life to flash before my eyes though. Infact I almost died yesterday. I fell off my bike when crossing the icy road and hit my head. Good job that cars go slow when roads are icy, otherwise I might have got much worse injuries. Also, I saw my friend get hit by a car. Sports car going miles over the speed limit, knocked him off his bike, and his head hit the window, smashing it as he bounced off, then landed on the road. He managed to get up, his entire forehead covered in glass and blood, limped to the driver, apologised, and collapsed. Was quite a horrific sight.
  17. Yup, probably got fed up of people taking the piss out of him .
  18. A fine idea. 1. Super Mario World: Nothing can beat the moment when I read 'YOU ARE A SUPER PLAYER' in coins. You don't get many games saying that to you. 2. Super Mario 64 3. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 4. Super Mario Kart 5. Super Smash Bros Melee Look Ma, no OOT .
  19. Sorry, but I really dislike that editor. I prefer doing it by hand on the computer. I usually get a better result by doing so.
  20. Mcfly are justed wanabees of Busted. My joy when Busted split was immeasurable. Mcfly breaking up will be the cherry on the cake.
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