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Everything posted by Sprout

  1. Wrong way around, according to the article it says that Shigsy has stated rumble is not featured, and the rumours are that rumble is in. Not really much of a biggy. Infact, if you consider the fact that the rumble could throw off your aim, it might be for the best.
  2. Spaghetti and white clothing always spells disaster.
  3. Coming out for Wii now then is it? Not really surprised to be honest. Can't have a proper Nintendo console launch without a Mario game afterall (I'm including Luigi's Mansion of course). This launch is gonna leave a massive hole in my wallet it seems... There's still a chance they'll release it on Gamecube too. They might do to this game what they did to Twilight Princess, and release it on both consoles, one having Wii control and such perhaps. That's probably just wishful thinking on my part though. Offtopic note here, but does anyone know what happened to that Kirby game for the 'Cube? Is it cancelled or something? If so, I'm way behind the news here...
  4. I have been far too lazy this summer. I apologise deeply. Though this is a filler mag, it is considerably longer. I think you'll love this one. So, TAKE THAT!
  5. We do have an SSBB thread you know...
  6. Well, that took a long time, but I've FINALLY done it. Sorry for my lateness again. The story continues! EDIT: As it has been so long since the last non-filler, I'll put up the previous comic from the story too, just to remind you of whats happened.
  7. Here's a theory I found interesting.
  8. Good news guys, I've managed to get me Adobe Photoshop CS2, which is better than the version I was using before. Once I get accustomed to the thing the comic is back underway. So you could possibly expect one tomorrow. Oh, and sorry about not getting that filler one done. I recently bought Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires for the Xbox 360, and have been playing it to death, hehe.
  9. I really need to apologise here. Recently, my computer was reformatted by my elder brother, and didn't give me the chance to save any stuff. My previous mags (including Nintendo Christmas Carol) and other projects are deleted, aswell as Photoshop. Which is a shame really. I'll be getting Photoshop back ASAP, and I'll make a mag as soon as I've got that. Though I have been pretty lazy lately too, so I'm also to blame. Sorry . I'll see if I can make a comic on Paint tomorrow. It'll be filler though. At this rate, we'll never get back to the main ones, haha.
  10. The fact that he's the size of a 50p coin might be a reason :P. Klonoa interests me. I enjoyed playing his games.
  11. SURPRISE POST! My apologies for not making a comic in so long. I've been working on this one little by little since the GCSE exams started. Sorry that its still filler, but Spriter's Resource was still down when I begun it (though its up again now, so you'll be seeing the regular comics soon enough). Though don't expect another mag until at least Thursday...
  12. My apologies, I just can't picture a cel shaded Link in a game that looks like this right now. And after they made Pit look more human, I just have my doubts is all. Just my view on the matter, you may ignore it if you wish.
  13. Don't really see why people want Young Link gone. We can rebuild him. We have the technology. We can make him better than he was before. Better... stronger... faster... Err, I mean Young Link has the capability to change and further himself apart from Link. He has many items at his disposal, such as: Magical Rod from The Legend of Zelda (or the fire/ice rods from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past) Pegasus Shoes from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Goron, Deku, Zora and Fierce Deity Masks from The Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask There's plenty of stuff to fixate Y.Link with, you just gotta look at the options. And Cel Shaded Link...WHAT THE HELL?!
  14. Pokémon: "*says name*" Ash: "Wow, what's that Pokémon?" *gets out Pokédex* I used to watch it all the time during the Kanto and Orange Islands sagas, which were quite good. Then Johto came, and the quality of the show seemed to drop, at least in my eyes. It seems to have improved though with Hoenn, and nowadays when Toonami is showing it I may watch it (providing it isn't one I've seen before.) I've seen the first three movies, and they were pretty good. Haven't had the chance to see the others though. I also watched that episode with the different voice actors. They weren't good, but I wouldn't say they were bad (well, except the voices of Ash, James and Professor Oak, they weren't that good, and Brock's voice was down right horrible.) But hey, I'm sure the new voice actors will learn over time. Think my favourite episodes would have to be the later episodes in Kanto (starting around the time Misty got Togepi, up to Brock leaving Ash and Misty.) Though I also like the Team Rocket moments in the Hoenn episodes (especially the scenes involving Meowth's fantasies involving Giovanni's reaction to their success.)
  15. For one English Language exam, you'll be questioned on something you've been reading in class (to my knowledge). I'll be doing a test on the latter 6 short stories from the book "Other Worlds". The other English exam is essay writing and such, which is something that you can't really revise for. Sciencewise, I've been revising Physics more, I find it to be the hardest of the three science subjects.
  16. I must apologise for the lack of comics. The Spriter's Resource is now back up, so I can begin comics again. However, as many know, it is exam season, so you may not get any until they've finished. I'll try and make one for tomorrow, but I can't make any promises. Again, sorry about this. Anyway, err, speaking ontopic, the addition of in game Snake shots pleases me greatly. Now I wonder what the next update may hold. New characters? Stage descriptions? I have absolutely no idea.
  17. This information was posted on the same page though, surely you'd browse the current page at least.
  18. On the contrary, I'd say that is quite reasonable. No use having characters that have no history with Nintendo whatsoever. If they didn't have a history with Nintendo, then just about any character in gaming could get in. Doesn't matter that much though, as there are still some awesome candidates. Viewtiful Joe, Bomberman, Megaman, the list goes on.
  19. Yes, I'm aware that Roy was in the first GBA Fire Emblem game. It was even mentioned in my post. And I think you'll find that Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword (or just Fire Emblem over here) is actually Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken.
  20. Well, it seems likely that the 12 from the original Super Smash Bros. will return, as they all returned for SSBM (and quit hating Jigglypuff, the Pokémon rocks.) Chances are that Zelda, Ice Climbers, Peach and Bowser will return as well, being default characters of SSBM. As for the secret characters (besides Luigi and Jigglypuff), well... Dr. Mario is most likely to not make a return as an individual character. However, as an alternate costume, thats a whole different story. Falco will either be kept, or replaced by someone like Krystal or Wolf O'Donnell. They can't really afford to decrease the quantity of characters from the Starfox series.Hell, perhaps Falco, Krystal and Wolf O'Donnell will all join in the fun (though if only one character could get in, it would probably be Krystal. What with her staff, she could adapt an entirely different playing style to Fox.) Marth will get in for sure. The Japanese public voted for him to be there last time, so I doubt Sakurai will take him out. Roy is probably on the border when it comes to cancellation. On the one hand, he has a strong fanbase as a Smash Bros. character, and starred in the first GBA Fire Emblem game. On the other hand, he is a clone of Marth, he is yet to fulfill his "future release" promise shown on his trophy, and the only reason he was put in there in the first place was to advertise his game. And if he becomes an alternate Marth costume, then what chance do other Fire Emblem lords have of getting into the game as an individual character? But as said before, he's a really popular character, so he may just make it. I for one will be glad if he does. Pichu is probably gonna kick the bucket entirely. I don't see him becoming some form of alternate costume to Pikachu at all, and he is quite the hated character. However, he was the Pokémon chosen for Johto, so who knows. Mewtwo isn't too liked either. To be honest, I thought that HAL weakened him too much. Doesn't really give you the impression of him being the strongest Pokémon, now does he? But hey, maybe he'll get some extra power in this next title, if he turns up at all that is. (You know, I can't help but feel that they're going to add Meowth. Dunno why, but he just feels like a good contender to me.) Young Link is actually a favourite of mine. If he goes I'd be devastated (even if he comes back as Wind Waker style Link. Arrgh!) I'd think he'd get a change of moves, perhaps the ability to use masks to transform into Deku, Goron, Zora and Fierce Diety Links (perhaps his super move, with the transformation being completely randomn.) Ganondorf may finally put that sword into good use this time round. I don't think he'll be taken out, he'll just be given a different moveset. Mr G&W is a Nintendo legend. He surely can't go. 'Nuff said on the matter. Also, I still don't think Cloud should get in. Come on, bow down to the might of the awesome FF1 Fighter and Black Mage. Bow I say!
  21. I was talking about the picture of Pit in my previous post. The other pictures in his profile are in game (minus the screenshot taken from the E3 video.)
  22. Just incase you didn't know, Smash Bros Dojo has now got the character section up. The only ones on the character list there so far are Meta Knight and Pit however. Pit's character art looks awesome.
  23. You know, personally, I'd prefer to have Fighter and Black Mage from Final Fantasy 1 rather than Cloud and Sephiroth. They were from the NES afterall.
  24. E3 is over and the Nintendoom thread is back. Woohoo! Just to let you know, Spriter's Resource still isn't up yet, so we're still on filler here. Even they don't know when they'll be back up, haha.
  25. I found Wally in my pockets. But seriously, I've got nothing in these pockets.
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