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Everything posted by Sprout

  1. You'd be surprised how many megastrikes you can fit into three minutes. I coulda done a couple more, but I liked the number 111 .
  2. Poor Bowser indeed . Gotten as far as the finals in the Striker Cup, then got my ass kicked. I now fear the words "BUTT SMAAASH!"
  3. Pfeiffer syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by the premature fusion of certain bones of the skull (craniosynostosis), which prevents further growth of the skull and affects the shape of the head and face. In addition, the thumbs and big toes are broader and often shorter than normal. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pfeiffer_syndrome I don't recommend looking it up on Google Images...
  4. So, has anyone taken notice of the filenames of these icons? Just something that caught my interest. world_b_01 world_b_09 world_b_10 world_b_18 Could be something to keep your eyes on, might give a hint on how many game series we can expect to be in the game. Just so you know, There were 14 game series in Melee (including the Smash Bros. series with characters like Master Hand).
  5. Hmm, looks to me it's that space stage from the Nintendo World 2006 trailer. EDIT: Since I did it for the last two:
  6. Damn! I thought postman loved me, but here they are getting the game to you first. All those times I watched Postman Pat as a child for nothing! Our relationship is totally over Mr Postman. *Keeps eyes towards the window, ready to give evil looks to the postman.* EDIT: Glee, I haves the game now! Mr Postman has been warned...
  7. I believe it's an original item, that doesn't really come from any Nintendo game, similar to the Beam Sword and the Fan. 'Course, I could be wrong.
  8. Looks like today introduces a new item: The Gooey Bomb. http://www.smashbros.com/en_uk/items/item01.html
  9. I do believe Mario is performing his down A move in that picture. He does a full 360 rotation during this move. This would mean that Link isn't behind Mario, Mario is merely facing the screen during play.
  10. The characters seem a bit brighter since they were originally shown off. A comparison:
  11. This calls for a mini dance. Ah heck, mini dances for everyone!
  12. *Appears* Anyone else notice this? Oh dear... But, err, yeah, tournament. Sign me up and stuff.
  13. Got the game along with Heatseeker and Metal Slug. Easily my favourite game of the three. Krillin is still kick ass. If you recall certain chapters there were battles where the condition was ?????. You have to win in these fights to unlock the What If scenarios. The battles you have to win are:
  14. Sure I've heard you tell me this once. It rings a bell.
  15. Don't think I've even surpassed my C-E post count yet .
  16. I joined C-E about a month before the DS was released I think. One of my favourite topics had to be that ms paint a member thread. I seem to remember The3rdChildren and EEVILMURRAY making some hilarious pics in that.
  17. Heh, yeah, quite the Fire Emblem nutter me. I'm always browsing threads, including this one, I just can't think of what to contribute most of the time. Seems to be a lot of argueing these days... Anyway, bad news regarding the pic you posted. Checking chapter 18 myself (Those 5 save files come in handy eh), I managed to notice that exact shot. Sorry . But hey, there's still the possibility of Ike returning.
  18. It's Ike allright, but is it a shot from Goddess of Dawn, or Path of Radiance? I'm quite sure that those characters are at the Daein border there, from chapter 18. The scene looks remarkably familiar... The game is looking pretty awesome, though I have that opinion on most Fire Emblems, heh. Here's hoping it gets released this year over here (I'm kinda predicting Christmas...)
  19. As far as Fire Emblem Characters go, I can see it turn out as: Marth, Roy and Ike Lyn, Eliwood and Hector (possible Ike or Marth too) Ike, Soren (I see him as Ike's main man) and The Black Knight Though I'm quite positive that they will at least keep in Marth in. After all, he's even on the Japanese Virtual Console now. Man I wish I had a Japanese Wii... Exactly! Nuts to Wind Waker Link. Put god ol' Young Link in there and toss in those transformation masks from Majora's Mask.
  20. You know, it's odd. On release lists I've seen, Wii Music comes up, yet Wii Motor Sports doesn't. I have the feeling it's been silently cancelled. Perhaps that flying demo will be part of a Wii Sports 2, or even better, Pilotwings. Then again, I could just be talking crazy.
  21. Woah, didn't think I would get a thread, what with me barely posting and such. I'm more of a reader of posts than a creator of them I guess. But cheers! Think I'm gonna pig out at Pizza Hut tonight. High metabolism rocks! Then just Wii like crazy with friends. Oh, and getting Mario Kart 64 on the VC today was awesome. It's like Nintendo themselves gave me a birthday present, except I had to pay for it, heh.
  22. It's the final one. And here's a bonus one. I'd like to say cheers to those who voted to me in the N-Europe awards by the way. Oh, and don't forget to read the old Christmas Carol if you haven't already (it's a link in the latest news on the main site). Merry Christmas everyone .
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