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Everything posted by Sprout

  1. Well don't worry, whilst Mario Galaxy and this comic are taking place at the same time, the focus is totally on the Wario Bros. here, so you won't really have to have played the game to enjoy the comic.
  2. Yes, this comic is running at the same time as the events of Super Mario Galaxy. Sorry if that wasn't quite clear. Anywho, here's the next one!
  3. I follow the earliest update yet with the latest update yet! But here it is!
  4. It's the earliest update yet! Can I do earlier? Who knows!
  5. It be the next comic! Just a side note, I'd say this is a sequel of sorts to A Mario Christmas, so if you haven't read it, I highly suggest that you do.
  6. Heh, I'm gonna try and resist the Portal puns. Forgive me if I give in to temptation. Anywho, here's the next mag, late at night as usual!
  7. Nintendoom can be found here. The thread was renamed A Mario Christmas after it was merged with last year's Christmas comic thread (which starts on page 8).
  8. Here's the second comic. Sorry it's late (just like old times!), I'll do my best to get these up earlier than this. Probably not in regards to the story portion of that comic, what with me being rather lazy in the long term. As for the filler issues, I might do some similar to those occasionally, but I make no promises.
  9. Hello everyone. As you know, it's December 1st, which means I kick my butt into gear and make you all a Christmas themed sprite comic. For those new to my crazy antics, basically, I'll be making a comic once a day, leading up to Christmas. Think of it as a sort of advent calendar if you wish. So, err, I guess here's the first comic: And why is this in the Gamecube board? Because I felt like it! Forum staff are free to move/delete the thread though, so knock yourselves out. And see you tomorrow for the second comic!
  10. Regardless, I think that naming them wouldn't hurt. It will certainly narrow down our list of suspects, surely? Also, I'm not so sure about Cube's role myself, considering this: Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure Cube was believed to be male, wasn't he?
  11. Hmm, I think I'll believe Gizmo for now... I'd like to ask Coolness Bears and gaggle64 a question. You were members of this football team. Thus you would have been in contact with numerous members. Now, why don't you go ahead and tell us who these members were. Night 5 (Though this may not be jayseven discussing with Spyro, jayseven was back at this point.) Night 8 So, who were members of your footy team? Also, it seems either Coolness Bears, mr_paul or Haggis can double vote. And I see gaggle64 has deleted a post of his (I saw it.)
  12. Hmm... Who else have you been targeting during the game Gizmo?
  13. Well we can lynch a person and get lucky, possibly getting info in the process, or we can go ahead and vote nobody and let the bad guys pick us off one by one. I personally don't find the latter option very appealing, so let's start some discussion. I'd like to know more about this suited man is for starters. And we know someone who was talking to this man. Care to tell us what he proposed, gaggle64?
  14. In all honesty, I don't think voting for nobody is the best course of action with half of the players dead...
  15. Considering they stole sand from a good guy, I'm taking a guess and saying Giovanni stole the sand.
  16. Just posting to say it's good to be remembered by people! I find it hilarious that this is the second time I've died around the same time as darksnowman . Though I do wonder what this ghostly figure is planning to do with my body... Back to being dead I suppose. Sorry for posting whilst dead. Err, again. I know it's against the rules and such, so you won't hear from me again. Good luck finding your baddies people. And apologies to chairdriver for my inactivity for this game, I was attacked by a wild angry bear! That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it, my lack of posting is certainly nothing to do with a plumber flying through space...
  17. Got the game Thursday, and completed it today. I'll get my only bad point about the game out of the way first. My only nag really is the hub world. I find it inferior to Mario 64's Peach's Castle, perhaps even inferior to Mario Sunshine's Delfino Plaza. It's still good, but it's got nothing on Peach's Castle. Aside from that, I find the game pretty much perfect. It's easy, sure, but it has it's hard parts, and I'm quite sure some will find the game quite challenging for the most part. Is it better than Mario 64? In my opinion, I think they're both equally as good. But Mario Galaxy is certainly deserving of all these high scores being given to it, knocking OoT off it's number 1 pedestal (I preferred Majora's Mask anyway ). And for those thinking Serebii rushed, well...
  18. I was able to pick who to work for at the beginning of the game. I picked jayseven on the second night, and he ordered me to beat you up. Because I'm macho or something. Yes...
  19. I like the idea of a Smash Bros. one. You are Pichu. You will commit suicide on Night 1 as you are such a useless character, and even you doubt that you will make it into Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I'll go ahead and join once more.
  20. When that day started I was like "Argh! I didn't know I'd kill someone defending myself!" So I tried to make a post explaining my innocence, and shortly after posting it, BAM! thunderer goes ahead and lynches me anyway . I was all mad because you were lynching someone defending themselves when it clearly said there was a Mafia member right there! The town still won though, so it's all good . I admit, even I thought I had gone crazy when I suspected Cube, despite the fact he was already dead. And I wasn't in charge of what I stole, that was decided by chairdriver. I also stole 2 credits and an African Tribal mask from Dyson for MoogleViper on Night 6. Oh, and sorry for beating you up Ashmat. jayseven made me do it!
  21. Ah, playing as the mercenary was a lot of fun. Well, 'til I died that is . And I'd have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for that meddlin' darksnowman! Ah well, congrats to the winners.
  22. I am understanding of people's suspicions, I just wish they weren't so quick to try and kick the merc when just below that it clearly states that there was a Mafia hitman capable of killing. Who's the bigger concern? The Mafia! I've also just realised this is probably the most active I've been on N-E for quite a while . But yeah, I'm dead, so no more posty from me. Good luck town, you're certainly going to need it now.
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