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Everything posted by Sprout

  1. I'm at the Lincoln Uni, yes, though I've worked in theatre before Uni too (took part in National Theatre for a few years, if you've ever heard of it =P). Taking a joint honours in English and Drama however, so it's nothing major right now. Gonna have to look at what clubs are available for me here. =P
  2. I would have liked that, me also taking part in theatre, but I probably couldn't have stayed anyway. My health has been kinda gettin' in the way of things recently, heh. Maybe I'll see you after your next play. =P
  3. Just came back after seeing this in Lincoln. Some brilliant acting, I especially loved the parts involving the teddybear. My congrats go out to you dazzybee, and I wish you the best of luck on the rest of your tour. Though I don't think you'll need it. =P
  4. I'll admit I'm not a massive PC gamer, but I did play quite a few games before my old PC died on me. I also use things like Photoshop a lot, but that probably doesn't change much. =P Hmm, no, don't think I'll be looking at any porn. =P As for a graphics card, umm... I don't know. Err, in this leaflet I picked up in store it says "NVIDIA GF8600 512MB dedicated graphics", but I'm not sure if that has anything to do with a graphics card... I could ask in store tomorrow though if it helps.
  5. Hey there peeps! I'm looking for a new desktop PC, possibly with a monitor, and would really appreciate it if you could lend me a hand. I know absolutely nothing about PC technical jargon, so sorry in advance for that. Looking in store yesterday I noticed this Acer Aspire M3100 for £419.99 (about £569.99 with this monitor in store). It looks decent, but after reading a little about AMD and how it compares not so well to Intel (thanks again Shorty), I kinda have my doubts. Running with the Acer theme, I also spotted this Acer Asp M3640 for £389.99 (£499.99 with this monitor), which uses an Intel Quad Core Q6600 processor thingy instead, but has a 640GB hard drive compared to the M3100's two 500GB hard drives (my brain hurts already...). Anywho, be sure to check out the spec pages and tell me which one would be more worth my money. Or if you have a better suggestion for a PC, I'm open to it. Just, err, go easy on my poor brain. =P Don't really wanna spend more than £600-£650 (inc. monitor) if possible, if that helps your searches, and knowing the parents I'm probably restricted to buying it in store, like PC World, Comet, etc. Oh, and you're not restricted to Acer, I just liked the name. =P Thanks in advance!
  6. Heh, back when I used my NTSC copy of the game I had all the trophies except the Stickers one. Now with the PAL copy I've had to do it all over again :P. Got about 490, and at around the 610 stickers mark. I'd have probably gotten 'em all again by now were it not for my careful observation of which trophies and stickers are unlocking what in the Chronicle. Like, collecting the Tetra trophy adds The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass to the Chronicle for example.
  7. The Smash Bros. Dojo has been updated today! Have a look at the World Records of Target Smash!! and Home-Run Contest with each character. Pity it doesn't give you any names of the people who set them though.
  8. Whole thing's done, yeah. I didn't count votes when they stated two or more members (eg: "Most Helpful Member: Member A... or Member B!"), but aside from that, I've counted the lot of 'em (I guess I have too much free time :P). I could send you the results too over MSN / PM if you want.
  9. Tellyn was working on vote countery too, yes? Because I counted the votes myself and sent the results to him... Only took me two days, y'know...
  10. I got an e-mail today asking to confirm my address so they can send me the iPod. No phonecall though (yet). Just a heads up to those who are waiting.
  11. Well, there was a mixed batch really. There were some importers (most of which I had to face ), some which had gotten the game the day before, some who hadn't touched Brawl, and a few who hadn't even touched a Smash Bros. game! Character wise, I'd say Link, Kirby and Meta Knight were the most popular. There wasn't a single Peach, Yoshi or Olimar, and there weren't many Ikes as I thought there would be (about 4 of 5). Stage wise it was only on Final Destination (I hates Final Destination!) with items on, with the final on Shadow Moses Island (I think that's what Nintendo themselves requested). Most of the players who were Link, Kirby or Meta Knight were mainly spammers, but there were one or two that knew their stuff. One even won with the Wiimote on it's side control scheme! Pity we won't likely see another big Nintendo tournament for Brawl again, eh. :P
  12. I went to the Hull tourney and chose Pokémon Trainer. I got to the final, and lost to a brilliant Pit player (who had also imported) in Sudden Death. I feel that even though I lost, I lost in the best possible way (and I didn't really need the TV anyway, the iPod will do me just fine ). I've exchanged friend codes with the champion too, so I look forward to playing him again. Oh, and congrats to TysOnToast!
  13. Well, I'm not silenced, so I guess that leaves Calza then.
  14. Wow, I keep forgetting about this thing! Guess I should vote. Pity I'm a tad clueless on who to vote for. I guess I'm gonna put trust in mr-paul and vote: Shino. I have honestly no clue whatsoever which one of you is bad, but I do know that I have to make a decision rather than vote nobody. Let's just hope I'm right...
  15. My power involves me yelling at those who target me, causing them to leave me alone. Which basically means that if people target me, they've wasted their power for that night. Not the best of powers, but hey, it keeps me alive. It was MBAM! who had all the cool stuff . The problem with your claim as roleblocker is that in essence, you are claiming that you are the helper on that night. Let's take a look: jayseven, the banned member, was a roleblocker, targeting the silencer. The helper, which you claim to be, wasn't roleblocking the silencer, but instead was protecting the silencer from being roleblocked. As for last night, you could have quite easily just decided not to use your staff powers so as not to arouse suspicion over yourself. The only reason I haven't voted for you yet is because I can't tell who is the silencer. I want him dead, so I'm not going to rush this vote. I want to hear more from Shino first. For example, who have you been targetting at night? Also, chair, can you please tell us when our time for the day is almost up? It'd be nice for us to get a little warning beforehand...
  16. Gosh darn it chair, I asked you to give more day time for her! Here's a convincing explanation. You're not a roleblocker, you're a liar. C'mon fellas, think about it. mr-paul claims to have targetted Shino the night he was silenced. But if he roleblocked Shino, Shino couldn't possibly have silenced mr-paul that night. As such, it is impossible that he is a roleblocker. At least two of you, if not all three of you, are liars regarding your roles. One of you (Calza or mr-paul) is dynastygal. One of you is the silencer. I want answers. Now.
  17. Well, guess that settles who killed Strider then. Okay, so we have three possible targets it seems. One is McMad, based on this lie jayseven pointed out, with McMad trying to protect Shorty: We have the silent member who is corrupt: And we have the mysterious dynastygal. This could be Calza, mr-paul, or Shino (though all three are also potentially the silent staff member). So, everybody who can talk... well, talk . This way we can discover who the corrupt silent member is. Also, let's not be hasty when it comes to voting, we have to be careful for the Mafia to not vote off an innocent with so few of us left.
  18. Right, well, I can confirm that My Buttons are magic! is a good person. So the staff member who banned Strider will either be Haggis or Shino. Or both could be staff, who knows!
  19. Heh, sorry. First exams take my attention, and then birthday gifts do! And today all this spoilertastic Smash Bros. stuff! Allow me to make it up to you by opening up a little point for tomorrow's day activities that may have been forgotten. Remember what Vicar said earlier: I'm pretty sure that Strider, who died that night, was the one targeted by these people. Four people targeting one person? Surely one of them is a killer. One of these must be a staff member that got Strider banned. Hope that theory is some use to you all.
  20. Aww shucks! Cheers everyone! . Got me Zack and Wiki and Scrubs Season 6, both awesomeness. Oh and a PS3. Also awesomeness. I totally went to Pizza Hut today. You know me too well.
  21. [quote=Vicar;657378 on night five Eenuh Haggis My buttons are magic! and Shino targeted someone ... cant remember who :S I'm pretty confident that they all targeted Strider. Four people targeting one person? Surely one of them must have the ability to kill. In other words, at least one of these people is staff.
  22. Apologies for my silence everyone. Now I've finished my exams (which I'm pretty sure I've failed in ), I can participate a bit more frequently. Though that said, I don't really have any information to share... This is a fair point, I doubt the one who plays Brian Mcoy would infect himself after all (unless to avoid suspicion...) However, if the Admins are corrupt (which can be strongly assumed), if Shorty was Platty or Ashley, then surely it would be beneficial of us to be rid of him anyway?
  23. Change Vote: No Lynch gaggle telling Tellyn to keep quiet about the admin has put me in a state of confusion. Whilst I'll keep my suspicions of both O_W and gaggle, it's only the first day, and I don't think we truly have enough evidence to give a proper verdict over either person yet.
  24. Hold on, you're saying you discovered one thing about one person, and another thing about another person in one night? How is that possible?
  25. A banned member protected another banned member from the Admin. O_W is claiming to be chairdriver, who is not a banned member. On that note however, we know of another person who can protect others... I'm gonna just review here. We have O_W, who is apparently chairdriver. MadDog91UK backs him up, he's Paj Meen Ah. I'm starting to believe the duo, though I also believe they are not good, but are neutral characters, with their own goals to win. Like, survive until only those with the keyword "Mafia Player" remain for example. We have Eenuh, the person who accused O_W after apparently investigating him. People say she isn't usually this confident when accusing someone, but I imagine her post could have been influenced by the fact she was in a rush. And if O_W is neutral, then he may very well be classed as evil when investigated. After all, he can protect GTFO! members, who are assumed to be evil. Then we have you gaggle64, a person who also has the power to protect. As the write up says, there is are banned member that can protect other banned members. You also seemed pretty open to revealing that you could protect others. Maybe that's because you know the banned won't get you... Let's sum up a possible scenario. Eenuh, a good person, accuses O_W of being evil, based on her finds. The banned, including gaggle, use this opportunity to get a non banned member out of the running, pushing O_W to reveal his role. He claims to be chairdriver, yet the banned will vote for him anyway, because if he is chairdriver, they can get rid of O_W and Eenuh, killing two people in one day. In addition, gaggle claims to be a protector so he can be seen as good to the people. Based on that possible scenario, I shall Vote: gaggle64 for now. I am open to being convinced otherwise, however...
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