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Everything posted by Wii

  1. I often wonder why bother make it if you have no intention of advertising it? What must PG be thinking with Bayonetta 2? I know they'll get paid but it must be disheartening for them. I bet some are thinking this game will flop and aren't as motivated to make this game all it could be.
  2. Wasn't Torres known as El Nino? I hear he's dead. Well he might as well be for all he does.
  3. You know what's wrong? Advertising. Nintendo are the stingiest, most miserly company I've ever seen. We all know Metroid is brilliant. The masses don't. Show them why it's great. They send games out to die. I didn't see a single ad for Wonderful 101, nada. That's just 1 example but it's typical of Nintendo's attitude and business practices. There are more people that like these games, they just don't know it yet.
  4. Yes, Zelda. A proper F'n Zelda in the style of the demo would blow the roof of the joint. A kin to TP reveal. Last years E3 was a disgrace. More evidence of what's wrong with Nintendo. A new Metroid could be good, it is possible. I'm thinking 3rd person with FPS on the gamepad. Do it! Why not? F-Zero. You want the core audience back? Prove it. Talk is cheap. I've heard enough BS. I want Gamecube Part Deux. Enough of the piddly $h!t like Dr. Luigi and Wii Party PeeU. Rock it!
  5. No it's better, well I hope they have some equivalent. That image is etched in my mind but I can't figure it out. I remember constantly restarting but don't know why. The start was critical, get it wrong and back you go. Speed was crucial. That's 3DS I presume. There were enemies, especially that one just in the other side of the ravine, it's a wreck the head.
  6. The Wii remote is brilliant for certain franchises. Call Of Duty, PES, Tiger Woods and Skyward Sword (hate the game but the controls are great). I never ever ever want to play a FPS with dual analogue again. It's wrong, absolutely wrong. Yes standard controllers are irreplaceable but they're not the be all end all.
  7. Well it's 1-0 to Chelsea already and had a couple of other chances. A draw would be the better result but I'd love to see United get a pasting. I hate both teams, like ye don't know.
  8. I'm not talking about tomorrow, I meant years down the line. Who knows what will happen? I just think Nintendo would prefer to focus on a platform than be scattered all over the place and a merger with a Japanese company would make more sense than any other part of the world e.g. language, staff, buildings, relocation, etc. Could be Panasonic, who knows, gaming mightn't even exist. Well not as we know it. Does anyone have a crystal ball? I can't find mine.
  9. I think if things get a little hairy, I could see a merger and I hate to say it but most likely with Sony. I don't know why people assume they'll go down the same path as Sega, there are other options.
  10. That's true. I know I'm generalising but imagine their nostalgia in 20 years. "Remember the good old days of Call Of Duty and FIFA"? That will be true for a lot of them. I'll take Super Metroid and A Link To The Past over that any day. I feel Nintendo have more right than the other 2. I don't remember them back in 1983 with the Sony Playnothing and Microsoft Xzema. Nintendo along with Atari created this strand of gaming.
  11. O.k. sorry. I'd go make a contribution in that thread but I couldn't give a f### if Sony live or die. That's how much I care about them. Same applies to Microsoft. I hear they've a couple of worthwhile franchises each e.g. Uncharted and Halo. Ignorance is bliss but absolutely nothing on the scale of Nintendo. That's why Sony and Microsoft fanboys would love to see that treasure trove on their respective consoles.
  12. This whole discussion is horse $h!t, pie in the sky talk. Nintendo are not going 3rd party and should not go 3rd party. It is bad in the long run, it would result in a massive streamlining and reduction in staff and number of games. Think it's bad now waiting for the next iteration of a franchise, go 3rd party and some franchises would be permanently buried. Nintendo have as much chance of going 3rd party as Sony or Microsoft for that matter. All 3 companies have their problems, it's just the limelight is always more focused on the home consoles market. Nintendo are worth as much as Sony, Vita is in the toilet yet I don't see a thread saying Sony should go 3rd party. Why not? Well I for one couldn't give a damn about Sony but I'd imagine many a Sony fanboy would wet their pants if Nintendo games turned up on their system. Nintendo can compete on a technical level, it's just they choose not too and it's to their detriment that they don't. Next time, cop on and get it right Nintendo. Not a very cohesive post but it'll do.
  13. NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!
  14. Wii

    Art Academy

    Only if they have a prize for worst drawing. I'm terrible, Leonardo Da Cringi. It's astounding what so many people do with this software.
  15. The 3DS sales in Japan dwarf Wii U sales and the same in America, just look at NPD figures yesterday, 3DS was double Wii U. Some of those sales could have potentially been Wii U sales were it not for 3DS. Look at sales of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. Again sales were far higher on 3DS and when Smash Bros. arrives because it's on both platforms Wii U will lose sales. Nintendo won't care I'm sure as long as they get your money. Something else I think I remember but at the time SM3DW came out didn't 3D Land re-enter the charts and fairly high up. I may be wrong but I don't think so. Now haven't people said 3D Worlds sales weren't that impressive and maybe some people looked at the game and thought I don't need to buy a Wii U, sure isn't there an equivalent game on 3DS?
  16. @Serebii The Wii U's list of games is absolute pants. You can lump the 3 Sports together, listing them individually is stretching it. I wouldn't even call some of them games, they're an insult e.g. Wii Fit U, Game & Wario and Wii Party U. Only about a handful of those games are good. We know which ones they are. For originality only Wonderful 101 counts from that list. In answer to the question the answer is NO. If anything the 3DS is hurting the Wii U.
  17. Stop the bleeding. The good news just keeps coming. When it's rains, it pours. That's the biggest drop I've seen them take in 1 day by quite a margin. The biggest % drop I remember was when Nintendo was excluded from the Nikkei a few years back, 8%.
  18. Didn't take him to weigh in on the situation and I for one think it's a terrible idea. Good for the competition and its customers but not for Nintendo.
  19. Those ideas are great but these ideas could and should be implemented without making the gamepad a stand alone product.
  20. I'd think possibly Disney. Why would Nintendo sell to Sony? If anything it would be a merger, Nintendo are worth as much as Sony. Sony have their own problems, just reverse handheld with home console. I never want to see Nintendo go 3rd party, I think the day that happens is the day I quit gaming.
  21. A good idea is a good idea in any age. How old is the d pad, analogue sticks, shoulder buttons? It has been proven on the DS and 3DS, it just needs to be done so on the Wii U. I've said before a problem is that only one person gets to use the gamepad at a time, everyone else has to use another control scheme. DS/3DS players each have their own personal screen. That's just 1 of about a 1,000 problems with the Wii U.
  22. Nintendo you jive turkey! Quit jiving me, turkey!
  23. I don't see how he can. It's a self fulfilling prophecy at this point. The Wii U is damned. Keep going with it lose billions, amputate it and lose billions. Trying to figure out which is the least painful road is what they have to decide. I think they need to keep going. Dropping it at this stage would do irreparable damage to the company as a whole.
  24. The numbers are in. I posted them in the general gaming sales/chart. There's a whole pile of data there. 481k is what Wii U sold and 908k is what 3DS sold in December, not bad, not great for Wii U. 3DS numbers are very good.
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