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Everything posted by Wii

  1. That was a long IGN video, very interesting, found myself agreeing with most of it. I've mellowed a bit on the NES Remix though I find it and Dr. Luigi overpriced for what they are and the effort put into them. Regarding the Wii U ad, it's definitely their best effort yet. At 2 minutes long that won't be on TV though. They can seriously condense it into 30 seconds. Speaking of Wii U ads, the 3D World ads dried up very quickly. Haven't seen it in near 2 weeks. No point making ads if you don't air them.
  2. Well now that answers some of my questions.
  3. Have you ever read the forum rules? You know what you're at. Let it go, I have. I said what was good and what was bad. I've not harped on about it.
  4. Called her and she's definitely not a Peach clone. She got a bit of The Ice Climbers vibe about her. Some confusion though, can Rosalina survive if Luma gets smashed? I think so. Does it work vice versa? Luma appears in some clips on his own like the Wii Fit training room. Tomorrows daily reveal will no doubt shed some light.
  5. Firstly Sonic has already released and secondly Hyrule Warriors is not 3rd party support. They're being paid to make this game. Is Metroid: Other M a 3rd party game? They're using Nintendo franchises. Wii U Sports is a 3rd party game so, it's developed by Namco. What about Smash? They've shown nothing for 2014 and before people say it's only Nintendo titles or exclusives, well it didn't stop them in previous Nintendo Directs showing 3rd party games.
  6. I wish they hadn't. They're lazy efforts. Dr. Luigi, it's not an L shaped pill. Brilliant. Milk the year Nintendo. Wii U Golf. Original 9 holes plus 9 NES holes. Really puts Tiger Woods to shame with the 20+ 18 hole courses. The NES games look real lazy, some are just mirrored or swapping out Mario to put in Link. The Sonic Lost World DLC, yes nice but that game has bombed and is supposedly bad. Not a single mention of any 3rd party support or game coming. Like I said Rosalina and MK8 was nice but that was the final 2 or 3minutes.
  7. What drugs are you smoking? Only the Rosalina reveal and the MK8 footage were any good and they both came right at the end.
  8. This needs to improve and quickly. This Nintendo Direct stinks so far. NES classics, don't care, Dr. Luigi, don't care, Wii U Golf, don't care.
  9. F#ck I missed that trailer, Hyrule Warriors. Only caught the chest opening.
  10. It's Christmas time and I want my presents Nintendo. This has to be good, not just for our sake but much more for their own. It's a time for giving and surprises, they best not disappoint again. I'm at the end of my tether with Nintendo. A massive 3rd party sizzle reel would be great and I don't mean indies, won't happen. I don't think they can survive on their own, they aren't.
  11. This is the claim I layed at NSMBU, we're a year on and they're still at it. It's nothing the remote and nunchuk can't manage to control hence it's inclusion. There's no innovation this generation, this is usually Nintendo's greatest strength. Yet the competition get away with the same repetition but there are many reasons why this can and is glossed over. It's multi faceted as we all know and has been repeated ad nauseam.
  12. And if every shot went in it would have been 22-12 to Man City. Szczesny (had a feeling I should have changed him) cost me -2 points today, Ramsey got 5 and Wilshere 2. City wise Nasri got 5, Zabaleta 4 and Negredo 5.
  13. I don't see any expansion into new genres or audiences. It's just a case of wash, rinse, repeat but it's not working like it did on the Wii. Largely in part because that audience is long gone. There's a list as long as your arm as to why Wii U failed. It's like they followed a book of ideas of what not to do for a successful console, in fact they're the author.
  14. Wii U has left the building. Anybody catch the exact time of death? I believe it died back in 2011.
  15. I love MH but have zero interest in Pokémon.
  16. I hope we get MH4 ported to the Wii U, that would be brilliant but even that at this stage is a stretch though not impossible. MH3 Ultimate did respectible sales figures.
  17. While the Cranky Kong reveal was disappointing and a wasted opportunity at VGX I did clearly explain that I didn't expect much.
  18. Relating to Pachter's Wii U sales prediction in November here's a list of his previous predictions and their accuracy. http://gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=218571 i think it's best to just wait for the results to be released.
  19. It's free and I still don't want it.
  20. Wow. What a night, what a surprise? Cranky Kong. OMG WOW I can't believe it. Best surprise ever! How did they calm the crowd? They must be still buzzing?
  21. Right, I'm back. Not looking, don't want to spoil. Good/bad? I've not read anything. Pathetic!!! F u Ninty. It was such a good day & I won't let you ruin it despite your best efforts.
  22. Going out on the piss, can't wait unfortunately even though I hear most of it is usually dross. Enjoy! I'll burn the town down when I get back if it's not Zelda. If it turns out to be Wii Sports U Golf, I'm gonna need a bigger cannister!
  23. No way is it Wii Sports U Golf. Reggie would be booed/laughed off the stage. This is a hardcore gamer audience. DK could get away with it but it won't get a great reaction. I can't believe they're showing up for the first time ever to show either game. Isn't everybody in attendance getting a WW HD Wii U bundle or is it given to the charity of their choice?
  24. That maybe true but the media didn't just lick that image up off the street. Even if was still a surprise, it would be underwhelming. Anyway I'm going down in a blaze of glory. HYPE!!! HYPE!!! HYPE!!! ZELDA!!! ZELDA!!! ZELDA!!! HYPE!!! HYPE!!! HYPE!!! ZELDA!!! ZELDA!!! ZELDA!!! If you believe they put Skull Kid on the moon, Skull Kid on the moon.......
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