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Everything posted by Wii

  1. 14? A here, stick a fork in it, it's done. Seriously, wtf?
  2. I thought it was very good overall. I think the best performance was probably the cup song. I seen most of it but not all of the show. The vast majority of the kids doing the toy sections were nice but some of them were pretencious little $h!ts, like the sisters Beyonce and Rihanna. Their parents were real original, I can't remember the rest of the names they said their siblings were called but there was definitely a Britney. Jesus people. The co-host section was funny and the the fella playing FIFA was full of chat but when Robbie came out he got tongue tied and was genuinely star struck. Thought he was going to cry at one point. Missed the start, a bit in the middle and the end.
  3. I mentioned this in the Wii U discussion thread. So they added a U on the packaging. Nothing about the peripheral has changed. I was in HMV and they were charging €45 for a nunchuk. This hasn't changed since day 1 and is 7 year old technology. No Wii remotes, fat load a nunchuk is on its own. Who knows what they'd charge for a remote if they were in stock. I know this is HMV but I didn't see Gamestop nor Smyths stocking any nunchuks. Edit: Just did an online search in both Smyths and Gamestop - out of stock. Maybe that's why HMV are charging so much, they're the only shop selling them. Gamestop aren't selling remotes either. That's not good.
  4. Haven't heard from this game in ages. Here's a new video for it. I like the music, it fits perfectly. The 90's Arcade Racer: Environments Trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=sM6saRuiRBE
  5. I'm watching The Late Late Toy Show on TV here in Ireland, it's a tradition every year. @Mokong X\-C knows what I'm talking about. Didn't think Wii U would get a mention but it did which is great. They showed Xbone and PS4 as well. This is huge publicity, everybody here watches it. They showed Disney Infinity on Wii U. This will help get it on childrens Christmas toys wish list. I only wish they'd shown a better game on Wii U like Super Mario 3D World, Wonderful 101 or Zelda Wind Waker HD. Edit: Just went to a break and they showed an ad for Super Mario 3D World. Good stuff. That's more like it.
  6. I seen my first Wii U since the summer and Pikmin 3. It was for Super Mario 3D World. Ironically enough it was on Comedy Central at 12.15 during a repeat of the second part of the console wars episode of South Park which makes no mention of Wii U.
  7. I believe the Wii U sold 3 million up to March, the end of the fiscal year and since that until recently in their last quarterly report stated that it sold 0.9 million units since March. So it took over 4 months to reach 3 million not 6 weeks. Now regarding getting back 3rd party support for Wii U. Maybe if they reduce the commission they charge to put games on their platform. That might entice some of them to come back. It might not. I think we boarded the Titanic this time last year and I see an iceberg imminently in Nintendo's path.
  8. They cancelled because the game itself is awful or cricket in general is awful? I say both
  9. Wii Sports Club - Andre Agassi vs. Steffi Graf http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=A_2HvLr21vI
  10. A better tagline would have been:- Bowser: You call them spikes?
  11. Never heard of her. I'll go Google her. I'd add her to the list but I can't remember them either. Nintendo should put their hand a little deeper into their pocket, it is Christmas after all, the time of giving. :p Edit: So I googled her.......zzzzzzzzz
  12. Who is that? What's up with all the nobodys they're using in their ads lately? Edit: Where are you going with that hand Luigi?
  13. Well it good to know they're on the TV even if I haven't seen them. I have Sky so unless there's something specific that I know is coming on I don't flick through ITV as it's awkwardly stuck away in "other channels". The thing is advertising at this time of year probably costs them a lot more than if they'd done a steady stream throughout the year instead. I had been thinking would they show them during Champions League, what would be the point as there's no sports games to play let alone soccer games? That Messi XBONE ad has been on ad nauseam even though it's very good(the ad not the game).
  14. I was going to watch the Arsenal game on ITV this evening but watched the Celtic game on TV3 (Irish station) instead. They had plenty of XBONE and PS4 ads on during the breaks.
  15. Has anyone seen any Wii U ads, where's this big push that they said was coming? I haven't seen any at all. Just seen an ad for Zelda: ALBW on Channel 4. First one I've seen for that particular game but 3DS ads are on all the time. I haven't seen a Wii U ad since Pikmin 3.
  16. I haven't seen anything on Wii U that's better looking than what's on PS3/360. Take Rayman Legends as an example, that was designed originally as a Wii U exclusive. When it went multi platform it didn't take any hit to make the port. Maybe they just used the previous Rayman engine and didn't fully push the Wii U.
  17. That must be an exception because in Ireland in the few HMV's we have here their Wii U section is tiny and that's before they make room for the other 2. They had a Wii Mini for sale, the box was battered. I was annoyed that they were selling nunchuks for €45. No wonder they had so much trouble with administration. Also, I too am wondering what exactly are Tesco doing for Wii U? I've seen nothing, my local branch never had a Wii U section and still doesn't.
  18. Throw enough money and you can get anything in this world. Within reason people before someone says well you can't buy.......
  19. That is absolutely appalling and shocking. How can Nintendo turn that around? I don't think they can, it's too late now. Developer and public opinion is cemented.
  20. http://nintendoeverything.com/japan-call-of-duty-ghosts-sees-low-debut-on-wii-u-but-still-a-bit-better-than-rayman-and-sonic/ http://nintendoeverything.com/media-create-software-sales-1111-1117-top-50/
  21. http://mynintendonews.com/2013/11/24/nintendo-promises-there-wont-be-a-wii-u-software-drought-in-2014/ If anybody but Reggie said this I'd give them the benefit of the doubt but this man is a stone cold liar. I hope it's true.
  22. That was a straight red card or well it should've been. That was a really exciting game, best I've seen in a while and Joe Allen, what a miss. How? How? Again how? Miss of the season for me. He cost Liverpool the 3 points. Had that gone in, Everton would have given up.
  23. More here but this time in Japan and more of a variety. http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/20131122_624728.html
  24. Continuing on from the earlier review. Looks like its not so hot. http://mynintendonews.com/2013/11/22/ign-scores-mario-party-island-tour-with-a-5-5/
  25. Yay. Now the Wii U has 3 3rd party games confirmed for 2014. I've never bought a Lego game besides Undercover and that was most excellent so I'll keep an eye out for this. For the most part they're good, right? The gems well outweigh the stinkers? Edit: TT games developing. +10 hype already.
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