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Everything posted by Wii

  1. Steady on now, there's been maybe a few announcements and we're still only getting 2 worthwhile games released in the first half of the year. I don't remember any noteworthy game announcements either. I wouldn't call that amazing. E3, yes, might change that. Fingers crossed.
  2. Wii

    Mario Kart 8

    I'd no idea Wonderful 101 was so big. That was the only other game that I don't have that I would have considered. That revelation would have put the brakes on quick fast. Imagine the poor unfortunates that get either Wii Party U, Sonic Lost World or Winter Olympics. God help them. It'd be like a dead rat clogging up your system.
  3. Just another reason for me to get this as my free game. The rest of ye still have to buy MH3U though. Remember what I said.
  4. What I find more disturbing is the length of the Gamecube cord. Next item off the production line?
  5. Wii

    Mario Kart 8

    More important than this game being released? Listen up people, this is the free game you all need, no must download unless of course you already own it. No excuses! Only possible selections I might accept are The Wonderful 101, The Wind Waker HD and Pikmin 3. Anything else and I will send Dire Miralis to hunt you down.
  6. Wii

    Mario Kart 8

    They want you to earn them money? I don't know. Or it could be because if you click onto next race by mistake then your video is lost and by doing it this way it makes it more of a conscious decision to push the control stick to move onto the next race rather than mindlessly pressing buttons.
  7. Wii

    Mario Kart 8

    Did it? That's low if true and must be a first for Nintendo.
  8. Wii

    Mario Kart 8

    Is this a joke? They must have read my quote yesterday about sports cars and the Wii U. If there's a real world draw for a free Mercedes for all the purchasers of MK8 in each region then that would be nice.
  9. Wii

    Mario Kart 8

    Insane Details in Mario Kart 8 (Blue Shells & Goombas) &ap=%%2526fmt%%3D22&fmt=22&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01">&ap=%%2526fmt%%3D22&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="615" height="360">
  10. Yes they really are that rare but at least they have their priorities right and have released plenty of new editions of the Wii remote. There's literally nowhere in Ireland selling them. I've seen people advertising here asking to buy one secondhand. Well just because you know the masses aren't confused enough as it is. You'll notice the Pro controller, their new, next gen controller doesn't feature in many if any ads. It's not in the MK8 ads that's for sure, plenty of multi coloured Wii remotes though.
  11. Wii

    Mario Kart 8

    A warning for those that get the game early, I don't know if it's 100% true but I heard if you register it before Friday you won't qualify for the free game. Maybe somebody else could confirm if it's true or not.
  12. That's disgraceful. I hate people like that, "excellent condition" my @rse! I hope you leave them the worst feedback and they better give you a refund. What the hell were they doing to the controller that it's in bits?
  13. I'm really starting to like these videos. The last 30 seconds ended on a downer though. "They're (Nintendo) the only ones supporting their platform", "either that or get 3rd parties on the phone". Then ends by saying we still have to cover 3rd party games which will be some of the biggest at E3 and it's kind of like he's saying Nintendo fans you can leave now because you're getting NOTHING. There was not a single mention of a 3rd party game. I think that this will be one of the most interesting aspects of E3. Releases and indeed some relationships are at their all time lowest levels. And no, downloadable indie games don't cut it. You wouldn't buy a sports car to just reverse in and out of your driveway now would you? Will they buy real 3rd party support?
  14. I'm only now really realising E3 is not far away. Must forget that quickly. Must not get hyped and start counting down the days.
  15. Of course they are, didn't say they weren't. I'm saying this feature wouldn't be happening if there wasn't money to be made. But at the same time, there's no money without us making videos. You wouldn't expect to go to work everyday and not be paid.
  16. I don't know. Would this even be happening if there wasn't revenue to be made by Nintendo? Probably not but you never know. I can't see any single user becoming millionaires or anything like it through this.
  17. Of course without games there's no sales and vice versa. People can choose to ignore it if they like but may find one day when they've removed their head from the sand that neither exist.
  18. A gyme! What's a gyme?(sees game) Oh, a gyme! (classic Homer)
  19. I'm sharpening my claws as we speak, getting ready for my Final Smash.
  20. Wii

    Mario Kart 8

    I second that motion.
  21. Wii

    Mario Kart 8

    What? Next you'll be telling me it's running at 59 FPS.
  22. Wii

    Mario Kart 8

    Somebody want to tell me what he said because I switched off after 10 seconds? No way I'm listening to that voice for 12 minutes.
  23. Wii

    Mario Kart 8

    Toys R Us are offering 40% off another game when you purchase MK8. What an amazing deal that is. If this doesn't shift the Wii U then nothing will. $80 or there abouts for 3 games. Get it while while the going is good. If only somebody would replicate that deal this side of the Atlantic.
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