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Everything posted by Wii

  1. I'm sorry but I had to turn that off. I just can't listen to Reggie and the other 2 anymore spouting such bu11sh1t!
  2. Add that to his English quote in the preview right before the clip played out: "At least that's one convention we can keep". Then gives a thumbs up. Also, could explain why there's no sword. Zelda's fond of using the bow. I'll be honest, the instant I saw it I thought,"Is that Zelda"? There's no vocal sounds either, may be deliberate as well. I know Link has been androgynous before but this is really pushing it this time if it is him.
  3. I'll go one further. That's not Link, I think that might be Zelda.
  4. Look harder. You can see an eye, nose, mouth and chin.
  5. Is it my imagination or did anybody else notice the face on the arrow-head? Maybe it's a coincidence. No that's definitely deliberate.
  6. I think coverage starts at 5.15 p.m. GMT.
  7. We all know Majora's Mask remake has been as good as confirmed, right? Would prefer the Wii U but I see the sense in it being on 3DS.
  8. How was that a World Invitational when 14 of the 16 players were from the U.S.? Other than that and cringy commentating it was very enjoyable. Edit: And a tonne of them just happened to be from California. Where was my invite? How were they chosen?
  9. Crucial question, how much and what about those that already purchased Sketchpad? Not that it affects me but I did buy it back on DS and if the price is right, I may do so again. It really should be well under €10.
  10. Love that we got to see this at long last. It looks terrific but why only 30 seconds? It was ready to show last year supposedly. I really want to see more, so much more. Don't think they'll show us more though.
  11. Hands down the best game for me. Shame it's 2015 but I don't mind waiting knowing that it'll be worth it.
  12. This reflects badly on NSMB U and especially New Luigi U. It shows the titles for what they are. NLU was essentially NSMBU DLC, fiddled around with on an editor and we were charged €40 for that privilege. We need new smileys please?
  13. That's where marketing and advertising come in. Ubisoft did a great job in promoting Watch_Dogs. Let that be an example to Nintendo.
  14. Looks much more impressive than its initial reveal. They're playing as Midna at Treehouse and there's some really cool moves and cameos. I'll switch off as I don't want to spoil it too much. This is a game that screams online so I hope it's in. My interest has definitely risen for this.
  15. I can't give a full view but overall maybe 5-6 out of 10. Loved Zelda, wanted to see so much more. Hate Amibo, absolutely hate it. It's a money grabbing scam. Splatoon looks interesting. Cool idea. I did think would they put their twist on a FPS? Too much Smash. Palutena, great to see it finally confirmed. Xenblade Chronicles X looks amazing. Didn't show any gameplay but still great. Bayonetta 2 was good. Delighted we're getting the original and love the costumes. Missed Devils Third because I didn't know I had to watch IGN. I'll have to catch up on that later. Listening to Reggie on with IGN spewwing his usual BS. I do think their spacing of information is to make it look larger than the sum of its parts.
  16. Everything in the Universe but Nintendo.
  17. Is it too late to predict a new 3DS with dual analogue?
  18. Woohoo!!! 2 minutes to go!!!!!!! I like the preview music.
  19. Yes I know that but I'm sure it's not that simple. I'd say they're also entitled to a share of the profits and if Platinum feel there's no money to be made they'll turn Nintendo down. Could be wrong, we don't know the finer details of the contract.
  20. Gold had Bottom and The Young Ones on last night. I especially liked TYO episode, it was the University Challenge episode. Really funny bits in it. What an all star cast it was. The Bottom episode I'd seen more than the other but it still made me laugh. That was the camping episode in Wimbledon Common. The photo above with Adrian on the bench is really sad and poignant.
  21. I didn't watch either of them. Don't care. However, I did catch Platinum's new game, Scalebound is it? That looked interesting but it's XB1 exclusive. I have wondered will they too run a mile once their contract is up and Bayonetta 2 is complete? Should Nintendo have bought Platinum if it was possible?
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