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Everything posted by Wii

  1. http://nintendoeverything.com/ubisoft-ceo-nintendo-has-to-perform-this-year-otherwise-they-will-have-less-games/
  2. http://nintendoeverything.com/miyamoto-will-see-what-he-can-do-about-accommodating-left-handed-gamers-better/#more-164072 I'm a left handed gamer but have never really found it a problem until the Wii and DS came along. Even then it was only a few titles that gave me any problems such as Okami, drawing the symbols. Even pointing in FPS with the Wii remote took a little getting used to. In fact I always thought it was an advantage being left handed with traditional controllers. I think movement is better controlled with your good hand. Maybe I just got used to it at an early age and don't know any different or better. The same as how I play golf right handed but if I had had left handed clubs maybe I would have been the next Bubba Watson or Phil Mickelson. The free Brain Training game we got, they could start with that. As someone else here mentioned I don't understand why I should have to turn the gamepad upside-down.
  3. Plus the first Street Fighter on a Nintendo home console since the SNES. Can't believe it's been so long and unless Nintendo buy Capcom it's likely to skip the Wii U as well. Think about that, that's 4 generations of no SF.
  4. http://mynintendonews.com/2014/06/17/nintendo-dominates-e3-twitter-talk-with-mentions-in-47-of-all-expo-tweets/
  5. Finally something we can agree on.
  6. Thanks, I knew I should have created a topic for it. Thought it would get more attention in there than here but the opposite happened before you moved it.
  7. Last May the 360 sold double Wii U's 60,000 this year and it didn't have any major releases. Nintendo had skipped sending out NPD press releases for much of last year. They sent one out for May boasting about the 3DS but completely blanking the Wii U's performance. I wonder what Nintendo will do this time.
  8. Again with the percentages. I refused to post that. The real number is 60,000 Wii U's were sold this May and that's not great. June will be more telling and should be a lot higher.
  9. http://gamasutra.com/view/news/219300/Capcom_shareholders_open_company_up_to_takeover_possibility.php I would love for Nintendo to buy Capcom. Nintendo need more developers and have been really tight with the purse strings. Regardless of this situation, they should have already been acquiring more studios. Capcom would be a great investment. You'd get all their franchises, their talent and being Japanese would make the transition smoother. Only slight argument I have is it's more Western focused and orientated developers that they need.
  10. I've no problem reading, I assume you have a different definition to most when you say "it's a bit more sparse"(I've no problem spelling either)? A bit, yeah, just a bit. Or did I assume that you wrote that?
  11. You keep mentioning the word idiot and yet you say that "things don't turn suddenly turn around in a day", followed by "Wii U will never get third party support, accept that". Really? Without 3rd party support things will not improve or turn around. A spike in sales for a few weeks does not constitute a revival. Where's the games to continue the momentum? 1st party or 3rd par.....nevermind.
  12. You were saying? I don't need to open my eyes and pay attention, I think you do though. One decent E3 in years does not fix all the problems. Sales are still not good, 3rd party support is as good as non-existent and the release schedule for the rest of the year is far from impressive. Still gaping game droughts.
  13. Did I miss something? One swallow does not a summer make. Regarding Iwata, the trend in all the recent votes have been downwards every time. It could be close. I don't know if he should go or not. I like him and he's done well in the past but he's also made some catastrophic errors.
  14. Great news. It's been so long already and there's so much more to go. I hope he makes as full a recovery as possible.
  15. http://mynintendonews.com/2014/06/16/uk-charts-mario-kart-8-climbs-into-second-position-tomodachi-life-sits-at-12/ MK8 is showing a decent bit of traction.
  16. I can't wait for this game. From being a meh before E3 to a guaranteed purchase after E3. Well done Platinum and Nintendo. The original game as a freebie, signed, sealed & delivered the deal for me.
  17. Whatever, I still don't like it. It did of course build on it's predecessor and there was some creativity as you say. My point is more they used 3D Land as a template for the game.
  18. NSMB started on the DS where it was limited by hardware. I think it was a brilliant game but instead of innovating and moving with the technology they've pretty much just copied and pasted that template since. They're fond of this practise. Where do you think Super Mario 3D World came out of?
  19. http://www.gonintendo.com/s/230950-miyamoto-ponders-multiple-vehicles-including-mechs-for-starfox-wii-u-calls-this-the-year-of-starfox
  20. Did I hear right that Miyamoto says that Starfox is next on the list for The Year Of? I'd prefer The Year Of Metroid.
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