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Everything posted by Wii

  1. It's not like Nintendo have ever denied anything only for it to be proved true and in some cases less than a week later. They probably don't want to spread like wildfire and steal their thunder at E3 if true. I bet they've been onto IGN and others to tell them to shut the f up.
  2. £32 million is outrageously cheap.
  3. They've already done it. I'm the last of my friends who buys Nintendo. They've all dropped off one by one since the SNES. Some thought the Wii was a weak assed joke of a console. None have bought the Wii U. Some never heard of it, others again say it's doomed and a cod of a console. The Gamecube was the last upturn in my friends buying a Nintendo console. They were good days. I don't blame my friends either, it's Nintendo's fault. If one of them asked me if they should buy Wii U I don't think I'd recommend it.
  4. Some would say they've done that with the Wii U. Some even with the Wii. Retailers are dropping the Wii U. Nintendo might not want to drop it but if nobody is selling it in a years time. What do they do then?
  5. It won't be coming. Isn't it skipping PS3/XBOX360? So that rules an afterthought port for Wii U. From that first screenshot, Wii U can't do that.
  6. Obviously it's Chelsea. If you live by the bus, you die by the bus. Chelsea's Champions League is definitely over. The Premiership is not over. You know now what will be posted if Liverpool do win the League. It's between them & City. I'll post that image again when Chelsea finish 3rd.
  7. No you can't have 2 evil teams in the final. C'mon Atletico!
  8. It had to happen. With Real already in the final, there wasn't enough room for 2 swollen-heads in the stadium with both Penaldo and Moaninho. Couldn't happen to a nicer prick. Atletico well and truly slashed the Chelsea bus tyres.
  9. I didn't think about that. If this does well, it gives Nintendo the green light to do the same in all their other games. They'll think we're happy enough with this but I'm not. A mute button was all that was needed. Give us the option. Don't like in game chat? Turn it off.
  10. This better not be Battle of the Buses. Edit: Sickening. Chelsea get lucky early on, should've conceded and now get an own goal. Torres will take it, it's probably his best all season. *beep, beep, beep* That's the sound of Chelsea reversing their bus in for the rest of the game.
  11. Damn it, it's too late I watched the American one earlier. I knew there had to be a European Direct. Anybody that feels like being annoyed? Watch this:
  12. Overall, brilliant. Good and bad. Awful American voice over actors and presentation. Still it's only a Direct, it won't affect the game. Looks amazing, sounds amazing and will be tonnes of fun. Stupid decision regarding voice chat. At least it's there in some form. Brilliant promotion in the free game giveaway. I'm getting Pikmin 3. The bundle is overpriced though. Very much looking forward to this now.
  13. Need Atletico to win tonight, otherwise it's a Hitler v Devil final. I think the last time I'd zero interest in a Champions League final was Porto v Monaco in 2004. Who knew back then what a bigger prick Moaninho would go on to become?
  14. That would make her a feather head, I'd say she's more of an heir head.
  15. Please God let it be true. It must be game chat, it would seem bizarre to mention it otherwise.
  16. Never heard of that before. Will have to invesigate further but that seems like cool tech.
  17. I can't do a wired connection. It would be too messy with cables, it's too far from the router and upstairs. I can get it to work but literally and this is no word of a lie, the Wii U right now is sitting in the middle of the room on the floor. The wifi range is nearly no better than the gamepad off screen gameplay range.
  18. I give up on this wifi crap. It's awful, truly awful. Yes the problem in part lies with UPC Horizon but I think I've concluded that the Wii U is muck as well. I've used desktops, laptops and smart phones with the same wifi connection, some of them much further away than the Wii U is. The Wii U just doesn't cut it. It's another fly on said dead horse.
  19. Thanks for the advice. Tried fiddling around some more and got nowhere so got in contact with UPC. Took well over an hour of changing settings but eventually I've got somewhere. Not sure if it's optimum, probably not but it's a damn sight better than it was before. The real test will come with Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate later.
  20. It's a list of error codes as long as my arm.
  21. It's UPC Horizon. I'm on the Wii U browser now and it takes a couple of seconds before it starts doing anything when you click on anything. Other times it's constant 106-???? errorss. Even now typing this response it's failed to loads symbols. It's a waterfall of question marks in place of what should have loaded. Reading this evening that people have a lot of problems with UPC.
  22. I switched internet providers today. I was hoping that the switch would improve the wifi on my Wii U. I didn't think it was possible but things are worse than ever. How has everyone else set up their wifi connection? I never had this much trouble with the Wii. Technology is meant to improve with time not regress. What's the best way to set it up?
  23. Still no mention of voicechat even at this late stage, is it yay or nay?
  24. I can't help it, I guess I was just born this way. Some of us are just blessed like that.
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