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Everything posted by Wii

  1. I was in Gamestop yesterday. They had Rayman Legends and Splinter Cell Blacklist, the 2 for €30. That's really decent. Was tempted but then when will I ever get around to them? On another note, Gamestop had a demo of Mario 3D World set up and Smyths had Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate set up. That's good to see. Edit: I should also add Smyths were selling the Wii for €230 with a game and a motionplus Wii remote. What a con. I pity anybody that falls for that. They had Wii minis for €100, going nowhere fast.
  2. Just read the news this morning. Simply awful, awful news about Vilanova. R.I.P. and my sympathies to his family.
  3. It's up to players like Aidan McGeady to make up their own mind. He played for Celtic and facing vitriol from Rangers fans amongst others I'm sure helped cement his decision even further.
  4. Wii

    Mario Kart 8

    People are complaining because this is supposed to be the messiah to come and rescue the Wii U. Have to agree it's overpriced and a few bits of hideous tat doesn't change any of that. How much does it cost Nintendo to make the Wii remote? Sure they've added motionplus but it's the same shape and layout since 2002? Yet the price today is the same as back then. It's no real great effort. Of course they'll slobber the gamepad in some cheap plastic cover. No chance of a real green or red console bundle when they've a factory full of launch consoles still to get rid of. If they want to revive Wii U this bundle should be €200 and if they insist on that barf bundle, that should be €230 at most. Only thing missing is a Mart Kart themed party whistle. What a sight that would be to behold. Can you really picture someone in this garb reading the Prima guide wondering where are the keys?
  5. I made that comment right after Real scored not 90 minutes. It was 20 minutes into the game. They did control the game and every stat other than the crucial one.
  6. Unlike the game last night where only one team tried both teams in the other semi know how to play football and I'm sure won't be parking the team bus tonight. Hopefully anyway. Bayern must be sick. Steamrolled Real and with one attack are 1-0 down. First time I've heard the Real fans.
  7. Chelsea really know how to suck the life and joy out of football. Absolutely dour.
  8. The Gamecube is my all time favourite console. I loved it at the time, it's not a nostalgia thing. I didn't notice any drought either. People say the Wii U is the Gamecube all over again. If the Wii U gets half the magical titles Gamecube has it'll be doing well and that's 3rd party I'm referring to. Nintendo I'm sure will do their bit, hopefully. There's only about 3 or 4 titles I'm missing, never got them at the time and they're a bit to expensive now. Skies Of Arcadia, Fire Emblem and Twilighy Princess(bought on Wii instead at the time). Sold a couple too that I regret like RE 2&3.
  9. Thought it was his knee first, then his shoulder but ya I think it's his elbow in the end. Seemed like he was definitely off, then seemed fine before finally going off. Edit: The presenter at half-time is saying that they were hearing it's a suspected fracture.
  10. Cech is off for Chelsea, hope he's gone for the weekend as well. He's one player I don't mind for them but still.
  11. There's no need. Spurs are already ruined.
  12. I'm devastated that Moyes has been sacked. I've never enjoyed a season so much as I have this one and he was a large part of the reason why. He should have been allowed see out his contract in full. We'll never know what depths he would have taken United to now.
  13. If ever there was a game suited for the gamepad, this is it.
  14. Ramires will probably get a 5 game ban because of his 2 previous red cards if the FA take action, which they should.
  15. This season alone I remember West Brom were robbed in the last seconds, they were winning 2-1 and the ref gave a phantom penalty 4 minutes into injury time. Ramires could have been sent off as well today for the elbow.
  16. Sunderland 2-1 up. Crazy stuff.
  17. The ref will help Chelsea if need be.
  18. Why would anybody help Abramybitch, Moaninho, Knacker Terry & co.? Chelsea got a fairly handy Premier League fixture draw. Their only tough fixture is Liverpool. They've only themselves to blame for their slip ups like against Villa and Crystal Palace not to mention scraping past relegation candidates 10 man Swansea 1-0 last week. If any team could complain about tough fixtures it's Norwich. Man City, Chelsea, Liverpool and Man United in their last 4 games. I don't hear Chelsea fans complaining about the handy route they've had in the Champions League or the help they got from the referee last week against Swansea..
  19. I think Zelda should go with the demo style graphics from E3 2012. It would move more hardware units than a Wind Waker style game would.
  20. Happily. I was just responding to others questioning me.
  21. I said they're not for me. Maybe for you graphics are irrelevant and for the most part they are for me too. But as I said NES and N64 are ugly. I don't think I could go back and play some of the 3D games on N64. No thanks. Again what's your point? Are any of these games lazy cash grabs like NES Remix?
  22. I don't get your point. None of those were as lazy as NES Remix. Don't know about Pac-man vs., maybe Warioware alright. I think also a problem I have with NES Remix is the graphics. They alright back in the day but now they look absolutely fugly. They haven't aged well like the N64. SNES graphics are perfectly fine. If there was a SNES Remix, maybe but it's still lazy. It's a cheap cash grab.
  23. I know, I think it's just the nostalgia of picking up the gaming magazines.
  24. It doesn't have to be I guess. If people like them, so be it. They're not for me. Nintendo have changed, I don't remember any of that mickey mouse crap back on the Gamecube. It all started with Wii Sports. I've explained it before but in summary Wii Sports was an experiment and the money rolled in. Little effort, tonnes of cash and they kept going with titles like Wii Play right up to Nintendo Land and NES remix. It's a great business model, greatest return for the tiniest of effort. But as a gamer I think they stink and I'm not buying them anymore. I have games like Wii Sports/Resort and Nintendo Land but that's only because they came with the consoles and motionplus.
  25. All of it. Captain Turd, NES Lazymix, Namco Wii Ports HD and Nintendeadland. Without online they're worthless. I'd prefer fully fledged powerhouse efforts from Nintendo like F-Zero, Metroid, Zelda, a new FPS, new IP. None of this lazy, quick fix, onlineless, rubbish. I want to be wowed.
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