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Everything posted by Marcamillian
NIGHT 5 The watchman saw a single inhabitant coiled, waiting to react. Helpless, Diageo had waited for his fate. It was swift. Diageo was an investigator. @mr\-paul @Nintendohnut @The Peeps @Diageo Yvonne Jimbob DuD ReZourceman Cube Frag Grimes (previously DuD) There are 3 players, majority is 2. DAY SIX (day five will end at 11pm Wednesday unless majority is reached before then)
NIGHT 4 The towns inhabitants had been more driven recently. Only two were seen. One was passing. The other sat at home, taking his last breath. Jimbob died leaving the town down a protector. @mr\-paul @Nintendohnut @The Peeps @Yvonne @Jimbob DuD ReZourceman Cube Frag Grimes (previously DuD) There are 5 players, majority is 3. DAY FIVE (day five will end at 4pm Wednesday unless majority is reached before then)
NIGHT 3 Three could be seen during the night. One watched over the body the second had incapacitated. The third was seen leaving the house of the tracker ReZ. It's owner had not survived the night. @mr\-paul @Nintendohnut @The Peeps @Yvonne @ReZourceman Cube Frag Grimes (previously DuD) There are 7 players, majority is 4. DAY FOUR (day four will end at 3pm Sunday unless majority is reached before then)
NIGHT 2 The watchmans job was made easy this night, a quintet inhabitants were sluggish. Three found themselves in an ouroboros-like chain. Another looked closely but failed to see. The last passed successfully. Through all of this another life was was claimed. As master of misdirection, Cube would be missed. There are those that could tell which side mourned. @mr\-paul @Nintendohnut @ReZourceman @The Peeps @Yvonne @Cube Frag Grimes (previously DuD) Current players are 8, majority would be 5. DAY THREE (day three will end at 12pm Thursday unless majority is reached before then)
WHAT THE CHANG! Only started watching in season 3 but enjoy it a lot and will hunt down 1&2. It runs a fine line (especially with Troy and Abed) between being too "wacky"/"random" but always seems to save it with a strong character point. Having so many threads building through the season makes me happy. Jeff's ego episode was pure gold. The way the 3rd season ended you wonder if Harmon saw it coming.
Graduating with a fancy masters degree in mechanical engineering I had the opportunity to apply for standard jobs in engineering. I chose to look into trying to get into the games industry. Having worked part time for a year and living off savings for another I've made some progress but not got the first job in the industry. Can't help feeling that the longer I'm out of work the smaller my engineering safety net gets. Until I get that first break I won't be able to say I don't regret anything about taking the decision. I know I could have earned more in engineering but as long as I have enough to live on games is always going to be what I want to be doing.
With the weather having cleared, sign ups are in action to start Monday. No theme as such for this one and pretty simple roles but Me and Rummy are testing out a most votes system. If you didn't see the post in the general mafia thread or the interest thread - if majority is not reached by the end of the day the person with the most votes will be lynched (unless no-vote is the majority vote of course). As this one is a test it'll be a smallish game - aiming for 10-15 people.
Dibs not Prez.
Ok people... yesterday Rummy and I sketched out a most votes test mafia for 10 people (expansion possible). Its ready to roll out once weather/pokemafia finish.
I wasn't saying "what's the point in teaching kids to program", I was saying "what's the point of Raspberry Pi". I agree programming is amazing for developing a structured approach to problem solving that will help in all of a persons life. Schools have had the facilities to teach programming for years, just not the curriculum. Logo on an Acorn in year 7 was something but then it was 4 years of building the same databases and spreadsheets. It just seems like they're saying their failure to teach computing more widely was due to not having this "magic device". Hell they could have just bought a butt tonne of ZX Spectrum's and taught kids BASIC. Arduino boards have been around for years. Call me a cynic but if I was a hardware manufacturer I'd sure be spending my time convincing the government that it would be better to buy my device rather than just install an IDE on the computers they already have.
In that case I agree wholeheartedly then, kids shouldn't be let near computers ever
I don't know what people are expecting kids to write. They're not going to be making changes to an OS, deleting dll's or making network wide changes.
I'm baffled at what all the fuss is about. As Cube said... I don't see why this is any more beneficial to a kid learning to program on a PC, other than a big marketing push. (other countries where personal computers are less standard is another issue) Kids are 1000's of times more likely to screw a computer downloading stuff from the internet than programming. After investing millions in computers... why should schools shell out more hardware (though admittedly low price) for a more limited device. In addition to this... monitors still need to be bought to plug the thing into. One argument I've heard is giving kids a persistent workspace they can take home, but I don't know if schools should risk them going walkabout at home. The most convincing argument is that the simpler architecture makes it easier to do low-level stuff with the hardware. In terms of encouraging kids to program I'd think it'd be far more beneficial to push simpler development stuff on consoles. The spectrum was a development tool not just a media playback device. Kids are used to consoles, they associate them with fun. Get a development push on them and we'll be sorted for young programmers.
It's cool guize. I think I found his Blissey.
I know. Was hoping that a result on Yvonne would come up as my other targets turned out not to be the best. If people are happy with fudging with the write up I'll make sure its 100% tonight but targeting someone. To so consistently not be in write ups Peeps must have decided that me/my power don't show up.
Switch was the wrong word really. It changes the appearance of a target to something from the unused DIY suggestions (as we all made 3 suggestions or something). I targeted you so on night 3 you would've appeared different on that night but I don't get to know what (I assume as it takes out the opportunity for me to say "oh I targetted X, they'll look like "this" tonight). In my targets... where there are two people - the first is the "changed" and the second is the investigated party. Where there is 1 target I only investigated that person (no character changing shenanigans).
Been missing day phases. There's no excuse but here's what I got to see if it'll help. I'm dischord (MLP:FiM FTW) with a "chaotic" power. I CAN target 2 players one to character investigate, one to character switch (who appears as a random character from the suggestion pile). If I choose to character switch, my investigation will be 100% hit rate. If I don't character switch someone it will be 50%. This has put me in an awkward situation. Risk finding someone's character at the cost of screwing up the write up. Looking back I should have played it better but here it is. TARGETS - NIGHT 1 - Tales (untargettable) NIGHT 2 - Dohnut & Rummy (Rummy soap) NIGHT 3 - Diageo & mr-paul (mr-paul headphones) NIGHT 4 - Jonnas ( 50% chance missed) NIGHT 5 - Yvonne ( 50% chance missed) I've never been able to see myself in write ups but I suppose being little bits of a lot of animals would have been confusing to put in.
lol, just seen... seeded it quite nicely ReZ. This got messy. ReZ has been playing erratically since the beginning (not that that's a damning observation). Lots of information from seemingly nowhere ReZ... can you say why you thought DuD was mind controlled night 1?
The medieval thing seems to be there to try and fit in with the middle ages/fantasy thing that seems to loom large over boardgames. Abstact games can be cool though! No-one put Tetris down cause it didn't fit in with the Russian aesthetic.
That's where I got roleblocking child army from. I'm not a green character (didn't eevil fess to that?) so there was a redirection going on there somewhere. Also, from PMing it appears that I wasn't roleblocked, so doesn't look like a defensive measure from who I targeted. On the mr-paul front. The action of role blocking Cube isn't in question for me, just that he seemed a little to eager to use roleblocking a killer - that at the time... he didnt know was killer - as a justification for goodness. Anyways... I stand by my current no-lynch vote.
Errmm... you even thanked the post. Also... not quite sure what the italics were supposed to be about?
Ok. Throwing it in there... Vote: No Lynch. On the mafia killing front... Night 1 as far as I can see... not mention of attempted mafia kill Night 2 - DuD .. tiny scratches - bled over some time? Night 3 - blocked attack on Dohnut (also... child army is a role blocker)
Just clarifying. What is it that people have on mr-paul? I must have missed something. Was it mainly that be roleblocked cube after he came out with his power? ----AUTOMERGE Seeing as there is only 1 person dead from night killers we dont technically need to be lynching for the sake.
I targetted mr-paul and Diageo.