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Everything posted by Marcamillian

  1. @DuD - I see your point but from the outset the mafia know who aren't mafia and can whittle down numbers without extra information from actions and write-ups, information that the town rely on to get a clearer picture. I'm just saying that to some degree town need to gain information more than the mafia do. But anyway... difference of opinion... lets move on (though if Diageo could refrain from getting holey for a night I wouldn't complain) On the Magnus situation... I'm intrigued.. what have you to say Magnus?
  2. @Magnus Peterson . I have done nothing for two nights... if you wanna suspect me of gooing something on anything other than the second night you might want to rethink. Also... @DuD... on the holes. Mafia confusion pretty much ensures town confusion as write-ups and night powers are proving less than fruitful because of them. I wouldn't be averse to a less holey night 4.
  3. Bloody hell... I hate catching up with threads. Right... Yvonne called it on day 2... I'm the shamen. I do not imitate though I seem to have met the pink one who does in a tunnel he was making. I'm right in thinking this has been claimed by Jonnas arn't I?
  4. I shall play fine sir.
  5. A while ago I tripped across djBC and some interesting mash ups http://www.djbc.net/mashes/ favourite though - everything on Fluent in Moe - Hip hop + Ska(ish) = win Also pretty hyped to be seeing Amanda Palmer tomorrow following the new album - two favourites
  6. also.. congrats @Jon Dedede ... thought that was a touch and go condition to fulfil... especially the first vote one.
  7. I agree @mr_paul... I had pretty much the easiest win condition I think. @DuD.. when you were pushing me for how I knew all this information ... I was just begging you to give it up. Putting a massive "investigator" arrow over my head. It's the reason I said I showed up as mafia to try to put suspicion on me so the mafia might think of me as an easy scapegoat.... can't believe that no one reacted to it.
  8. Jay seemed to trust me so much by the 4th day that I thought I'd been making it through.
  9. I only started guessing on Night 2 but did alright with it.... Night 3 I realised that my number had been tapped so decided to take advantage of it - This was the one that the mafia intercepted. Just my luck when I try to reveal myself. @mr\-paul nice call on that. - I was lucky unlike peeps From mafia forums... ====== As for the game. I liked it a lot. The balance with the win conditions was difficult.. but it was a quick game so hard to say absolutely. I was gaining $3000 each day so considered giving myself up for bubs/omar... ReZ coulda had a huge step up to winning if he'd targeted me before I won. The idea that everyone has something to achieve gives a lot more impetus to be involved in the game rather than sitting back if you don't have a role that is generating solid info, and the fact that inactive townies wouldn't win by virtue of not making themselves targets and surviving. I've spoken to Yvonne briefly about the wiretap mechanic and would have been awesome if it'd pulled off. More talk later
  10. YEAH BOI. You have no idea how worried I was when I scrolled down to see my face in the middle panel. Will be following the game still, come on town!
  11. I know, but I'm saying that I'm not sure if the risk of bias is any greater within school than outside it. You seemed to be implying that political education in schools would be more prone. But I might have taken it the wrong way. I meant that if a test gives you marks for presenting both sides of the argument, teachers would have to show both sides to some degree. Something that isn't really guaranteed elsewhere.
  12. Even sources outside of schools can be biased. You could say that outside of a teacher/student environment people might be more likely to question the biased opinion but even then I'm not sure. At least with a syllabus balance can be ensured. By and large the media have free reign to spin anything any way they like. Besides all that I'd still like a better way for people of ANY age to learn about what the realities of politics are. As I said before... even the parties themselves only want to dazzle people with surface information.
  13. @Tales... sorry.. question mark was me not being sure who it was.. it was indeed Jonnas.
  14. Again... what is it you are looking for? Character claim... no-one's given that. - It's only been me figuring it out from what people have given. Power claim?... Tales(?) gave lie detector -- Peeps has outlined his power ? anyone else? Secondary win condition - I have one, I'll give you that, I hadn't said about it. Targets?
  15. @MoogleViper If education was better, your view on the 16/18 thing would change. Doesn't that mean it is part of the issue, all be it late for THIS instance but definitely part of the issue. You accept peoples knowledge at any age may not be up to scratch, that "at least" 18 year olds have "some" knowledge. You agree that 18 is already a compromised and inadequate system.. yet the notion of 16 year olds voting is patently idiotic?
  16. @DuD - There those out there should figure who I be and they aint mafia. What else you lookin for? Power? Targets ain bout me.
  17. @MoogleViper - fair enough so I assume your arguments around life experience and political knowledge be different for any other instance of lowering the voting age? @Ramar - Life experience could go both ways. It could give you a better idea of that goes on or make you more closed to opposing points of view. IMO working and the reality of how much tax you pay drives a lot of the mass vilification of people on benefits that has been a big political point since the coalition got in.
  18. So rather than engage with the wider argument of how we make EVERYONE make better use of their right to vote, we're going to call each others argument idiotic? Was not my argument ... I was making a point that age as an indicator of knowledge just doesn't hold water. I agree, we are kind of beholden to an age, so why not do something to ensure by whatever arbitrary age we choose people have had a reasonable exposure to politics beyond tabloids.
  19. Errthing I got out there in some form.
  20. I was just saying that the argument that 16 year olds don't know enough isn't as cut and dry as the thread seems to have stated so far. If we are questioning peoples knowledge of politics there is a much wider argument to be had about how we teach it. Schools don't cover it in any significant form yet its supposed to be the foundation of how our county operates. So, fine, 16 year olds don't know enough. As they grow up what changes? Your hoping people pick it up by osmosis through living 2 years till they get to 18 and then they are all good to go?
  21. @DuD Speakin gone get you got an I done plenty. There's plenty others ain said nothin (@Diageo?) and you come at me?
  22. I see a lot f parallels with the UK leaving Europe. Its a very emotive subject leaving something that is seen to control you. All the ways that they stop you from doing stuff are publicised a lot cause they cause outrage. All the ways you benefit from the relation arn't as exciting so never get spoken about (specifically bug economic advantages that people don't understand vs. taking away straight bananas). On the age of voting... all the people saying 16 year olds arn't aware enough to vote.... you are aware that the cast of The Only Way is Essex are legally allowed to vote? Politicians periodically complain about personality politics but the reality is people are easier to manipulate with it and they've been encouraging it since the year dot. I can't believe that there isn't an independent body that exists solely to educate people about politics, but the reality is politicians don't want that cause ignorant people are easier to control.
  23. I gots my ideas on who those be.. didn't pick DuD as who he is but it good to know.
  24. - Jay your how I tag yo' ass - freaky ass letters ain be english Lookin round, think I sees some faces Bubbles Jonny Weeks (don remember him goin by green) McNulty Bunk PreZ That be five I gone cross of my list. We know that Wallace be runnin round. I gots my short list and jimbob be on it. @Jimbob Sights layin on you, gimme a reason not to.
  25. Ain no ugly ass white man get he face on no legal mother fuckin tender CEPT he president. Tha lil hopper best watch he back. Question is... where he be?
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