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Everything posted by Marcamillian

  1. Do we have a Jimmy around? ... I'm sure I've herd that name floating around on the night air...
  2. Sorry good sirs, I nipped out of town on business. I was notified it after the events that night but found little in it, upon a call from a (now shown to be a ruse to befuddle a trusting visitor) I passed it on.
  3. I think it only right that someone should receive their property back if it is found... I should not see why I wouldn't be able to reunite its owner with the possession in question. Though I must say - if this is true - is aqui1a suggesting that I have just been duped by a fraudulent claim?
  4. Certainly tom... glad to be of service. Give:DuD - wallet
  5. Quite the opposite. If you had been paying attention I am a newcomer to this town. As for the police it was widely reported outside Peepsville that the chief of police was in the pocket of a certain Mr Gentry.
  6. Books and covers dear gentleman. Your eyes may have seen me to be suspicious and in the past you may have been right to question my intentions however, those days are past me. This woman was acting alone whatever her intentions were. The only thing she has taken as far as I know is my heart. The wallet was near empty apart from the owners licence though again. I would hand in my findings to the constabulary but, if rumour is to be believed, their own intentions might also be called into question.
  7. A distraction indeed my good sir, but I tend to be mindful of my person in such crowded company. You need not worry about me being scammed. The wallet was abandoned on a table in the corner. I felt it my duty to ensure it didn't fall into unseemly hands.
  8. Ahhh yes. The wallet. Tom Lancaster's (if the driving licence is to be believed). I shall of course return it upon request. Whilst my past is checkered, I would appreciate it if small minded members of this town would refrain from judging a guest too quickly.
  9. Whilst I am enthralled by this mystery woman don't take me to be besotted. I am not the kind of man to put recreation before my own intentions.
  10. Well I don't know about all this "monorail driver" stuff but I had an unexpectedly delightful night. Besides, tabloids are always exaggerating about these things. Visited a fine establishment, had a little tipple and met the most divine creature. Though we canoodled I've been left with naught but a divine vision and a heavy heart. If she's listening now I ask that she meet me at the same bar tomorrow night.
  11. WHAT! Was it all lies?! This is truly a sad day. Vote : Democracy
  12. I would take this opportunity to introduce myself, Pete's the name. Ever since I was a young lad my father regaled me with stories of the opportunities to be had in the town of Peepsville; that with enough ambition, any man could work himself up to the highest echelons of society. Whilst not an ambitious man by nature I have travelled so that I might give an old man some comfort in knowing that places still exist unsullied by the trappings of the Old Boys network.
  13. Quickly ... draw something... anything will do! Blech
  14. Indeed Fused King ... moar models! Daily progress is fine too so no need to feel like you have to finish in a day. Today - Scorpius from farscape.
  15. Lord Mayor Peeps must be avenged! Let me at the scoundrels!
  16. @Sprout - It's going to be an exciting Feb if you keep this up, looks like you're having a lot of fun with it. Day 3: Batteries Not Included
  17. Very much so! May your February adventure be a bountiful one! Mine for today..
  19. Time to sharpen the pencils and drag out the scanner! This year I'm going to be drawing to the theme of sci-fi... we'll see if that lasts the whole month. ANYWAYS good luck to all those participating!
  20. I regret nothing. Followers... adopt the moral high ground! No good feds killing *almost* legitimate businessmen
  21. BUILDING ON LOCKDOWN SIR. Pffft... amatures. Spies my arse. This'll be a cake walk.
  22. Thanks a'plenty for EEVIL - despite my initial absence I think the flavour did a really good job of giving people room to lie about characters (specifically the buu/kirby lie) by having a vague description and (as far as I saw) no character investigators - unless that was Magnus Peterson. I always find it hard to play as mafia and concoct a true deception so find similar issues of "wiggle room" with most mafia's. One thing I would say was maybe a few too many alignment investigators - Me, Rummy and Dohnut - especially when there's a booster flying around.
  23. That a good enough role claim for you Dohnut? AVENGE ME BROTHERS!
  24. Donning my cape, tophat and devilish moustache as we speak
  25. Ok. Now we've got a Mafia down, we've got some room to breath and I was able to use my boosted power (another reason for me not wanting to say yesterday Dohnut ) I shall reveal my power. I'm a sort of proxy investigator, I pick a person to receive the allignment of another player. @Jimbob should have info on someone. I failed to learn about mr-paul, flavor indicating it was due to his hulky self. This combined with his panchant for using negetive votes instead of positive ones leads me to vote: Mr_paul
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