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Everything posted by Marcamillian
The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance
Marcamillian replied to Jonnas's topic in General Chit Chat
Nope, though Diageo seems to have spoilt Jonnas' surprise. (btw... again...leaving for work in a few minutes.. will answer what I can, be back tonight) -
The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance
Marcamillian replied to Jonnas's topic in General Chit Chat
I'm an advisor to the queen. I'm townie. My role says is that I am looking for him, when I've found him report it to the gathered gentlemen and at that point I'll receive further instructions. -
The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance
Marcamillian replied to Jonnas's topic in General Chit Chat
Following a gentlemanly telegram from Sir Roomy I find myself on a precipice. I sirs have been charged with finding a needle in a haystack. Jeoffrey Mustang is my name and Lord James is my target. I sirs, was told that he (thanks to that damned Kavanah) is using the much publicised tale of Angus to gain the throne for himself. Looking for him is proving difficult. Mundi was my big hope for finding him as names would have been a solid lead. Now all I can rely upon is my tracking skills and they arn't proving particularly useful at finding him. (btw... gotta leave for work at 9.45 so I can field questions till then) -
The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance
Marcamillian replied to Jonnas's topic in General Chit Chat
What I mean is that a stationary key is one that can be found... what with thieves about. -
The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance
Marcamillian replied to Jonnas's topic in General Chit Chat
Danny.. I have reason to believe you are right. What with Maddog's revelation I shall say this now... Flink, keep it moving. -
The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance
Marcamillian replied to Jonnas's topic in General Chit Chat
I am by nature a contrary person. When I see a lynchtrain pulling into Mundi station I tend to take the opposite view. I see value in knowing peoples names. If for example we knew "Geoff McJeffington" was a roleblocker we could say "hey Geoff roleblock Jonnas" and the mafia couldn't interfere with it. Also, hadn't posted since the write-up and no-one seemed to question the most prominent part of it... the fact that it doesn't appear to be a straight killing. -
The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance
Marcamillian replied to Jonnas's topic in General Chit Chat
On the mundi issue... Aqui1as description of his power does sound like he's a mafia specific roleblocker. BUT... I like the idea of having someone with the ability of finding out peoples names. In a game where characters are seeming to be interconnected and closely tied to characters last time round it could be useful to know who people are, especially if we can guess what powers the characters have. Using character names rather than usernames gives us a way to co-ordinate night actions without the mafia being able to interfere as they won't know who to target. Having said all that... will only work if we know the powers the characters have. On the write-up... There is a lot of fuss made if this really is a straight kill. Between "weighed up his options" and the missing body there's gotta be something more going on here. Is it unheard of to have a "dead" player that is still around for night activities? -
The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance
Marcamillian replied to Jonnas's topic in General Chit Chat
With the non-specificness of the survivors who have died I'm looking for whoever I can. The one that intrigues me most is the mention of the queens husband Lord James and his wife wearing the trousers in the relationship ============================== Eenuh Princess Olivia Having survived this complicated ordeal, Olivia grew to become one of the most popular personalities in British history. She eventually married Lord James of Wales, effectively making him the King, but everybody knows she is the one truly in charge. Cube Duke Philip Manning Since that time, the Duke has travelled the world several times over. Remaining always loyal to the crown, his influence and wisdom proved instrumental in the Kingdom's prosperous future. heroicjanitor The Detective, Neville Gladstone This eccentric detective, or "The Janitor", to his friends, eventually released a book, detailing the complicated relation between psychological human behaviour and algebraic statistics. It was shunned by the scientific community at the time, but which revolutionary theory isn't? Jayseven The Pugilist, Walter Armstrong This paranoid athlete lost much of his previous inhibition, allowing him to become champion in every sort of sanctioned tournament, including the Olympics. His current goal: to gain a title in every single weight class. Good luck, Walter! Marcamillian The Fencer, Alphonse Matthews This exceptional fencer, bored with the life of monitored duels, eventually disappeared. It is said that he now travels the world, searching for worthy opponents. Rummy Commander-in-Chief Steven Manleigh The life of a military officer is never easy. He boldly refused any sort of reward for his help in this incident, yet, to his death, he would always enjoy the undying loyalty of his peers. His night-vision monocle, however, would always be declared "far too situational" for practical use. MadDog Judge Victor Campbell His violent methods exposed, Campbell was deposed of his position as Judge. Commander-in-Chief Manleigh eventually summoned him, to teach new recruits how to become real men. The British army would become more fearsome than ever before. ReZourceman Prime Minister Arthur Langley He was never a popular figure, and this event would not change things. At a later time, he launched a cologne brand named after his kitten. It failed, but that did not bring down his optimism. Hope is truly never-ending for this man! ================================== -
The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance
Marcamillian replied to Jonnas's topic in General Chit Chat
Ok... all up to speed. Smeagol, its not looking good. Have you been provided any flavour text relating you to Edward Gallendeau? Along the same lines... not finding anything of merit last night I did some digging in the first gentlemans thread for potential survivors of last time... - ANGUS MCNEIL (escaped) - lost british twin James Barker, killed him. <>SURVIVORS - Olivia - Lord James of Wales (impotent king) - Duke Phillip Manning - Neville Gladstone (shunned by science) - Walter Armstrong (world class boxer.. trying to win every belt) - Alphonse Matthews (dissapeared... searching for worthy opponents) - Steven Manleigh ("... to his death?" - died before second game?) - Victor Campbell (expelled as judge.. joined army to train recriuts with Manleigh) - Arthur Langley (unpopular politician) -
IRL Mafia Games - How Do They Work?
Marcamillian replied to ReZourceman's topic in General Chit Chat
http://eblong.com/zarf/werewolf.html -- general rules for warewolf/mafia much the same as eddie said.] There's also a site that's got a whole bunch of IRL games http://ludocity.org/wiki/Category:Playable_games ..... http://ludocity.org/wiki/The_Gossip_Game sounds like something closer to our mafias, more flavour. -
I personally didn't see it as hypercritical as that. If that were the case they would surely blame the boogyman for "luring the deserters away" but they don't... their official line is that they thank god for getting rid of the unbelievers. Their view seems to be perfectly logical providing you believe that god is infallible and all powerful.
Snorlax would have been AMAZING. Fatty roleblocker sitting in the way of people that needed to be woken up with a pokeflute wielded by another player. In fact... red/blue being the only game with a pokeflute... woulda worked nice with a butterfree sleep-powder power. Also neutral nidoking/queen partnership coulda been cool. but having said that... thankyou once again ReZ your generosity with your time is much appreciated.
I do enjoy Louis. I found questioning the 11 year old about his beliefs a little cheap though. I don't really expect any 11 year old to have made a thought through decision about his own ethics and is pretty natural to follow parents lead however crazy they are. Their logic seems to be "if it happened, god meant it to happen"... that everything that happens is awesome cause its the will on god. The closest louis came to a proper crack in their logic was the friendship between the girl and the dutch student filmmaker. The point that she felt sad for him cause his parents raised him wrong doesn't ring true with their logic cause god meant him to be an "unbeliever". This does lead me to wonder how they deal with one of their family was crippled in a car crash... would that a demonstration of gods will? Wrath against a person that had been following his word as understood by their church? Assuming an all powerful god (as it seems they do) you couldn't push the blame onto a "devil"... so it would once again be awesome cause God did it. P.S. - If Obama is the anti-christ... God put him in that seat of power AWESOME!
*quietly raises hand* Please sir can I have some moar
P.S when is deadline?
I can't back up my claim. I just knows what I knows from my role information, What I would like to say... I think lapras is in the game and is the one hiding people in the write-up with weather effects. Should Zell be mafia, now that he's been silenced it'll be interesting to note who is speaking up for him
My take on this is that... newer sprites... its just the site ReZ ALWAYS pulls them from didn't have the original monotone sprites but newer flashier ones. shiny pokemon... its now an established game mechanic to throw off colour spotters (especially important with this game having a much reduced roster of pokemon to choose from) and to indicate special powers
Now that we are all working on different information since some have seen Zells "role information" and others havn't, I shall reveal mine... On a side note... I would wager that its the shiny lapras that has the obscuring power.
As you voiced yourself, I don't believe there would be two townie fire-type roleblockers. If mr_paul has confirmed you to be a roleblocker either you arn't a townie, you arn't fire type or I'm a big fat liar.
I've never claimed to be ledgendary... only that Im fiery and a roleblocker. This isn't called "pokemon - the anime", its called "red&blue". ReZ is experienced enough with these to not get them mixed up. ReZ is capable of being an arse and throwing in pokemon from other games to throw people off but I've got no reason to believe he's done this at the moment. I have no defence if you come up innocent. As far as I'm concerned you've told a porkie and I'm pulling you up on it. I apologise to everyone (especially ReZ) for being inactive for a day. People may have been posting but I wouldn't call "oh I've got no information" active. Then you see my dilemma. Its my word against yours. I can't do anything to prove what I am so I'm gonna have to hope people trust me.
If I were mafia it would be quite the suicide bid.
As I've already come out as the fiery roleblocker that targeted smeagol last night targets are not a problem fine sir. Night 1: I didn't target anyone.. missed the night. Night 2: Smeagol
People.... if MrPaul is sure that Zell is a roleblocker, I know there is another one. TWO people! And the one I know about is definiately firery... CAUSE ITS ME! The way Zell claimed it was very safe "oh it MIGHT be me" so he could back out of it later. TBH there arn't that many fire pokemon so its highly unlikely that both roleblockers are firery and roleblockers. Thus I call shenanigans on Zell Vote: Zell also... Legendary AND fiery? Well that leaves us with one option then Zell doesn't it... ... assuming this isn't an intricate web of lies
I'm active! ... Tales seems to be hinting at a silenced Dyson... silenced him or witnessed the silencing
I think you're walking in the wrong places and sitting in the right ones. Sitting isn't as fun on a bus