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Everything posted by Marcamillian

  1. Jonnas, the random text colours was me messing around trying to make things more interesting for myself, see if I could get anyone to bite. Rummy also did the same thing for a post or two.
  2. I have no power/role. As a result of this I have no way to prove this. I could say I've done nothing all game but then someone could say that I'm saving an uberpower. I could call that hero and Zell both investigated me and found me good but then it could be said that I appear to be good under investigation. Woo for lack of proof!
  3. Wouldn't this list give Town the majority? 7 not to mention the doublevote?
  4. Wow... Why havn't the mafia hit in the last couple of days? Thought Zell would be gone by now. *crazy conspiracy* if Zell were in a mafia they wouldnt have to kill as he has pointed out enough of hte other mafia to gain trust. We cant even be sure if both mafia are around anymore. Can someone remind me who this DarkGreen killer is? Also... Chair... you got any more clarity on this mystery person you have to find? If my win condition were to find someone I would be getting pretty worried right about now... unless it was a bluff and you have to survive?
  5. I feel like I'm being really dense. Only looks like you target someone on the first night if you are unidentified in them all.. as the only time bright blue has shown up is on the first night that you claim that its been hijacked. doublepost ----------------- Chair... I've just gotta say Im not convinced. Killing Dan would make sense for the mafia and its obvious by the 4 bullets pointing at Dyson that his own mafia must have targetted him along with everyone else that could kill.
  6. Also, Eenuh... If your power is passive, how did you target Dan-likes-trees (yellow) on night 1? VERY wobbly ground :p
  7. Ok, crazyness with write-up affecting powers, interesting but confuzzles my brain. I've not been as engaged in this as I could have been but due to my lack of power. I am Bright Red and I have no power, hence alot of keeping my feet up next to the fire. Im assuming that Dark Red may be in the same boat.
  8. I done posted a couple of pages back Jonnas. This Paj thing is confusing, unless danny had no other way of saying DarkYellow was a roleblocker im pretty sure he was doing something last night. It is also very convienient that he supposedly doesnt know who he is looking for. heroicjanitor If he is telling the truth about his power... its only every other day anyway so its not like he's going to hit a townie tonight... if he is lying and does something it will be obvious from the write up. He poses no threat as of yet and could potentially absorb a mafia night kill, saving one of us.
  9. The whole dark blue/dark yellow thing is a little confusing. Its either that DarkBlue "stopped by" (as in popped in to say hello) or that they were "stopped by" DarkYellow, preventing him from doing something. I was inclined to believe that he stopped at DarkYellow's house as the next thing mentioned was the reds stayed at home alone but yay for interpretation. Chair.. there is a very good reason why my post look like it does. If things should change I will inform everyone
  10. Targetting list Night 1 1. Black --> yellow 2. White 3. Yellow --> red/unID2 4. Yellow (Bright) --> white 5. Yellow (dark) 6. Blue --> dark magenta 7. Blue (Bright) --> unidentified 8. Blue (darK) --> dark yellow 9. Lime --> bight magenta 10.Green (Bright) --> b/blue & unID 1 11.Green (dark) 12.Cyan (Bright) --> Dark Blue 13.Cyan (dark) --> lime 14.Red --> Magenta 15.Red (dark) --> none 16.Red (bright) --> none 17.Magenta 18.Magenta (bright) --> dark green 19.Magenta (dark) --> none 20.[unidentified 1] --> yellow 21.[unidentified 2] --> red 22. Judging by the list it could be that green and cyan are unidentified as they dont have the normal/bright/dark combo. One color seems to have got throught the writeup unmentioned it seems.
  11. Thanks ReZ. Despite the goofs twas an interesting game. I think the lack of investigators kinda surprised townies as they seemed very reluctant to vote on anything that wasn't direct good/evil information gathered from investigators.
  12. I've already got my suspicions and voiced them. I don't mind who people want to lynch but it seems that alot of people are waiting on someone like Tellyn to come forward with something than coming up with their own theories or looking for anything. Its this kind of thing thats caused days to end and then people complain.
  13. Second Moogles call for martinist to explain what happened with Danny when he targetted him.
  14. I apologise for the lack of context Cube. Mundi (who I already suspect) said that nobody else targetted Giz besides the killer. Yet still votes for him? A little strange to vote and then throw up a reason why the information that he based the vote on is wrong. You re-confirmed the fact that Tellyn isn't mentioned, almost drawing attention to it. I'm either very right or just made myself suspicious.
  15. Wow, am I becoming paranoid? Cube is looking mighty suspicious now. In the flurry of votes for Zell he spoke against Tellyn. A point that I disproved a couple of posts after. Now, despite my suspicion of Mundi he throws out a call of "if we cant find mafia we might as well take out neutrals (implying Moogle and Ell I presume)
  16. Im pretty sure the minion stuff means nothing to do with mafia. Night 1 Raining investigated danny (blue and purple). Raining was townie. If Moogle targetted the small white pokemon and something strange happened it would imply that the small white had a blocking power not a "see's who targets power". Other than this... Moogle can you confirm that you targetted Mundi?
  17. I'm throw this out there, vote: Mundi Im pretty sure Danny is on the level now. Looking back at the suspicions of danny, though votes came from a few people, Mundi and Giz seemed to be the ones that pushed the arguments against rather than just chucking in a vote.
  18. I thought as much from looking through the writeup. Had I not seen it I wouldn't have mentioned cause it would have provided too good an oppertunity for danny to look like he was being targetted by the mafia. Again its not watertight... I would still say that a shiny purugly is more white/purple than blue/purple imo. Additionally, from the LifeLight Pokemafia everyone KNEW they were shiny from their PM, Danny seemed surprised by it. Also, why voteblock rather than kill danny?
  19. Cube Presumably this would be Tellyn witnessing Gizmo's murder. As for Ell/Moogle. They might have their own agenda but as we havn't got rid of any mafia I like the idea that theres two less mafia suspects. If Giz was tasked with helping the mafia he wouldn't have targetted a mafia for lynching. Ima just put something out there. On a previous day I've been blocked lynch voting. If this was a power held by someone the most useful way for the mafia to use it would be on the known double voter? ( I am aware that voteblocking could also be a town power)
  20. Cube, were you expecting something different to happen? Can you shed any light on it? This red/navy/white pokemon has information from night 2 and on danny last night. In addition to this the red/navy/white would be able to confirm that the blue/purple is really danny or not.
  21. Tetris FTW. Since I fouund my original Gameboy its the only way to go... if you know what I mean. Also, scrunchers. Surely there is less containment, like a big shitty katamari. I wanna see Moogles thighs, 20 years of hovering must have toned them to sinewy perfection.
  22. From the sounds of it there were two investigators/trackers out last night, targetting the same Gold/Brown pokemon (could that have been rainings Staryu). One was blocked but the navy/red/white should have got something. Need to poke some inactives cause im not sure if theres even enough to get a majority. Ell... might I ask what pokemon you are?
  23. Giz. This sounds like the only investigator acting on the first night (atleast sucessfully, the other was "spotted"). On day 2 you claim to have investigated Ell and Raining claims to have investigated Danny. Raining was townie so it would seem that she was telling the truth. Danny coming forward as purugly seems to check out with this with the "sat proudly". Checking the purugly colurs (grey normally, purple shiny) Danny could well be a shiny purugly, goiong on the last game shinies seem to indeed have two powers. (Again this doesn't nesessarilly say danny is good) So to me it sounds like the quote above is Raining investigating Danny. If Giz obtained some information I would assume it should have appeared in the Night 1 write up.
  24. This is the thing that gets me suspicious. If you have the secondary power you describe... its a completely ineffective deterrant UNTIL the mafia know about it. Surely telling the mafia about it prevents them from hitting you above any one of the other townies that won't result in giving away one of themselves. (unless I'm missing something)
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