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Everything posted by hebilea

  1. I actually have a question regarding Amiibo. I am not sure if this question has been asked before, but do you know if you can connect Amiibo to more consoles? As in for example, if I use my Mario Amiibo for a Mii costume in Mario Kart 8 and I get the costume, can my friend, who has his own console register it with my Mario Amiibo too? Or is it limited to only one?
  2. I find it interesting how many people struggled with downloading it, because I was able to download mine in less than 10 minutes. That being said, my favourite track might be either the F-Zero one or Wario's Gold Mine. Wario's Gold Mine was hell of a track in Wii, but this time, it's easier and still super fun! I am rocking Tanooki Mario with the Blue Falcon. The Blue Falcon has fantastic speed and while turns can be quite hard, I have gotten used to them fairly quickly. What's also pretty funny, in online gaming, it always turns out that many people use Link (which is awesome), but a lot of the time, I ended up racing with people, where at least 50% of them had Link
  3. Absolutely agree with you. I am sorry, but when it comes to fighting games for me, most of the ones I know are the kind where you have to learn special moves by tapping buttons in a certain order, and having to memorize that can ruin the game for me. My friend bought a Tekken game for the Wii U and we have no idea how to figure it out, so we just mash buttons and that's it. This is what I love about Smash Bros, it's a fighting game where you are IN CONTROL of what attacks you can use, or overall what moves you can use to have a good strategy against the others. About journalism, I find it SO SAD that some people believe in other people's opinions, before the readers try it out first. I can understand that some people have a limited amount of money and therefore do some research before buying a game, but there is no reason to be so extremely critical. There should always be a balance between what's good and bad about a game.
  4. Which one? I make sure that neither of my plushies stick to the glass
  5. Well thank you Cube, it really means a lot to me I had the chance to take a picture of what it looks at the moment (please ignore the bad lighting, that's the best picture I could do + some of the mess, need to redo some of those shelves XD), hope you enjoy! Thank you
  6. Remember that this is only a demo, and therefore level 9 CPUs can be an absolute different case in the original game. I find it hardly believable that this is what lvl 9 CPUs will be like. We don't know yet, sure, but we will find out once the game comes out in our region.
  7. Yeah, I in fact enjoy his usual reviews. I personally don't really like Mike as much, as I find him really annoying while him trying to be funny. I only enjoy him somewhat in his own game reviews. I have heard that he is incredibly jealous of James' popularity and he just hangs out around him to try to be as James. Why do you think Mike still didn't make his own YT channel still?
  8. About Ice Climbers. I am sad for those people, whose main were Ice Climbers, but I am not as sad for those that think Ice Climbers have to be there just because. Ice Climbers were included in Melee first, nobody pretty much knew about them until this game. If they would have been part of the original from N64, then they would have been included in the roster for sure. From what I heard, Sakurai said that the original 12 are always going to be part of the roster, that's why even though most people from the Western culture didn't like Jigglypuff being added, he is a huge part of it and is still pretty much popular in Japan. This is what I also like about Sakurai, he does care about his fans, and Little Mac for example is a great example. Westerners were super excited about him, while almost all of Japan really disliked him being there. Funny how our cultures differ sometimes. I would also love to hear your opinions on the Super Smash attacks! Which one do you like best? Which ones are better improved? I personally I am super happy about Luigi's new Final Smash, because just about anybody was expecting for him to use his Poltergust 5000. I liked his Smash in Brawl too, I personally think it was a strong Smash (even though a lot of people would disagree with me). I am also happy about DK's improved Smash, because I knew before that you were able to make the soundwaves stronger when you hit buttons at a certain time, but I wasn't sure how to do that. Peach is also quite interesting. While her Smash is the same, there are now only 3 big peaches, which gives you more time to attack while the others are asleep.
  9. Yes, this is the same case for me! I cannot spend as much money on things, but at the same time, I have also a part time job that let's me buy things whenever I am able to! That sounds great, I would love to see yours! Remind me, as it's dark over here already and the pictures would look awful Thank you so much! I will contact them later on!
  10. My bad then, I still am waiting whether this is true. It happens that Nintendo changes the release dates as well, so time will tell.
  11. I don't remember where, but I have read it somewhere before the game even came out that there wouldn't be any DLC. Might have been just a rumor.
  12. Cool, as much as I want to own even one figure from F4F, I rather spend the money on more things at once. I would love to see how your collection looks like! This is a veeery old picture of mine, I should take a picture of what it currently looks like (but some cabinets are the same), I hope this is allowed to share, if not, please let me know and I will delete it
  13. To be honest, I still don't buy it. I am rather waiting for the eShop to announce the real date it will be available in Europe (unless I missed it). No way I let my hopes up for a random store that tells the date before eShop/Nintendo does.
  14. When do catch the Smash Ball and are ready to go, just press B
  15. See? Everybody has their own preferences when playing Smash. I am personally good with the faster ones dealing less damage, it depends. My main in Melee was Roy, in Brawl, it was more of a mix of Falco, Wario, Yoshi, Luigi and Squirtle and Ivysaur (I suck with Charizard)..
  16. You just made me endlessly happy about that Mario Nendoroid, because I have been expecting him since Luigi came out. I LOVE his chubby face Anybody else here though that is an avid collector of Nintendo merchandise overall? I would love to know some more collectors out there! I am an avid collector of Super Mario Bros, Pokemon and LoZ here and there!
  17. It's still odd though how people are suddenly interested in such a game (including myself) willing to spend hundreds on it (not including me though) when all it is...it's just a pretty bad game XD
  18. It's nice to see a lot of people that appreciate Super Mario Sunshine still! I have just replayed this game last week and I just couldn't stop playing it until I was finished. I finished the game in less than 2 days XD The problems I have had wasn't actually the camera as much...my biggest problem was that Mario was hard to maneuver in a lot of cases. Maybe I have gotten used to 3D World too much, but really, this wasn't as easy to finish, even though I finished it within 2 days. That being said, I have been hoping for SMS2 for a long time. When Super Smash Bros Brawl came out and Mario using FLUDD with his Down + B, I thought this would be a spoiler that a second game will be coming...sadly it didn't come. Now we have had Sunshine Airport in MK8, Mario uses FLUDD in the new Smash Bros again, and with the inclusion of Bowser Jr in the roster, his Final Smash is Shadow Mario. I can see that Nintendo is using these from the get go and I still have hopes that there will be a number 2 sometime.
  19. I see! That's interesting that Nintendo games are being released in Portuguese, I remember old games like Crash Bandicoot being in all kinds of European languages (I think Portuguese was part of it too if I remmeber right). As a kid, I dreamt having a game in my language, but that will never happen (Video games taught me English somehow, so I am grateful for that!) Looks like I have more luck then XD The only problem I have had with my Game Boy Color is that the slip that closes the battery space got broken...but otherwise, it works perfectly Oh, thank you for the recommendations! I have to check out all of these eventually. I can imagine sales being the hot cakes sometimes, I am myself a merchandise collector as well, and who wouldn't want games for a cheaper price? That would be nice as well, I love anything new, but nostalgia is a nice thing to add as well I am rather curious how Dr. Mario will play. He was much better to play as in Melee than Mario. I use the X or Y for jumping, better than the circle pad
  20. I feel you with Super Mario Land!!! As a kid, I could never really finish it (I got to Wario, but never beat him, always ran out of lives), but after picking the game up after about 12 years, it's an easy game to play, but always fun to pick up, no matter how short the game is!
  21. This game was fantastic, but I had the same problems with it as you. People actually said that it feels like LoZ?? .....ehm, no, not at all. It's very far from what LoZ is.
  22. AVGN is amusing to watch (if it sometimes weren't for too much cursing, because I don't like to curse, but it's part of him). That being said, this Big Rigs got me interested as well just for the fun. Though isn't it like whatever James reviews, the price might actually go up for some of these games?
  23. One of the BEST soundtracks of all time, although I love all of SMGalaxy's music. Good that we have Internet and I could find the entire soundtrack, because this, Super Mario 3D World and Mario Kart 8 soundtracks are the ones I love to listen the most at the moment (aaand LoZ: Twilight Princess here and there)
  24. Oh my god, somebody who knows Puchi Carat. I used to play this one religiously on my PS1, thank you for the nostalgia. I will have to pick this one up again.
  25. I am following OP religiously, because the Dressrosa Arc is coming along greatly! I can't wait to see how this turns out! For Naruto, I follow what happens here and there, but honestly, Naruto has looong lost it's touch. I know that Kishie wanted to end it for a long time.
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