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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. I've heard Ubisoft has given Enchanted Arms a release of 7th September in Europe (4th in US) So much for a summer release! ..Ah well at date is better than no date.
  2. !!! Best news since E3...well aslong as it is on Wii (or 360) that is. But I'm more confident than anything that it is for Wii, after all you've all seen on the 3rd party list of confirmed games for Wii 'Untitled Tales RPG' haven't you? I hope it is a new Symphonia with the same characters. Prequel or sequel I don't mind.
  3. Yeah thats shockingly high. 5 A*-Cs here too. Oh and on the subject, my predictions: English Lit - B English Lang - B ICT - A Maths - B Graphics - D PEM - A Business Studies - C French - C Science - B RECBV - C
  4. F*ck that. Shenmue III we want, nothing else. Although Shenmue Online on PC still might not be canned.
  5. Uninspiring and the black background takes away any happy feelings the flowers try to signify. 3/10
  6. Dead rising looks like a great laugh, especially co op.
  7. Your alone. Oh and she's already nominated, Grace and Nikki
  8. Like the new sig guys? Don't worry I'll still use the other one regularly too, it's just nice to have a couple to swap between now and then. Also because I'm curious, I was wondering which you guys prefer? And special thanks to Ashley for helping to create them.
  9. No, because the majority of the viewers heard the chant and therefore will feel they don't need to vote in order for her to go out.
  10. In your opinion. RPGs are all about personal opinions and feelings.
  11. Fair enough, as long as you get around to getting it sometime soon. Just don't ask questions about Shenmue II before playing it! No offense but it really pisses me off as Shenmue is one of those games that you have to play through yourself without any spoilers to truly appreciate it.
  12. I'd never have a tatoo full stop, but like Hero and Tellyn say, the Triforce logo would be pretty great.
  13. My lips are sealed. Don't ask just go get it you fool
  14. Well the Kikizo article is mentioned yes, but a lot more is there too. Go to Shenmue Dojo http://shenmue.planets.gamespy.com/ and then: Shenmue III->Preview and ->Research Everyone, check out this awesome fan music video: "Shenmue - Destiny, Begin" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdR8R9TclEU Everything is put together really well. It's lovely. *WARNING* Not recommend to people who haven't played through Shenmue I, contains spoilers.
  15. They said Enchanted Arms is getting a release in both US and Europe in 'the summer' ...where's the release date dammit!
  16. Well we can all agree its been a failure in terms of sales success, but in terms of me personally, I've absolutely loved it. I think its the RPGs that have really done it for me. SSBM and Wind Waker are both fantastic imo, and i've really enjoyed the likes of SMS, F Zero GX, Soul Calibur II, viewtiful Joe 1+2. I'd only really played Golden Sun and Pokemon on the RPG front before Cube, so its what made it special for me. I fell in love with Skies of Arcadia, and then Tales of Symphonia and Baten Kaitos came to my delight. The 'non-rpg RPG' (as I like to call it) Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door was amazing. There's been some fantastic games on GC, Metroid Prime and Resident Evil 4 are looked upon as the best of the generation by many. There's also Super Paper Mario and Baten Kaitos Origins to look forward to, and there's many games out I intend to get that I haven't. So to sum up, yes it was a failure in success*, but no, not a failure for what's important, games. *And even saying that, Nintendo still made a profit from the GC
  17. Well, its too late to talk debate over whether he should of come or not like everyone seems to be. Don't worry he will play, I didn't expect to see him come on in the 1st game (as much as I wanted to) And i'm pleased he's come, adds more excitement and magic.
  18. Glyn is an absolute legend. Yu kno what ai meean?
  19. Yeah. Pranks can be funny but when they pretend people or animals have died I think its pushing it.
  20. Weather is bootiful. It annoys me all the people that complain about it, yet when its cold they moan how they wish it was warm.
  21. Harsh but I couldn't help laughing at times http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4870436784962287924&q=Cat+shout
  22. Whatever the price is I'm sure it won't cost more than £200 for a Wii + Zelda.
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