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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. I'm not going to judge yet. Well thats hopeful, but then like you lot say the title certainly hints at it being Colleseumish. Well, the only other (hopeful) possibility is that it is called 'Battle Revolution' because the battling has had a revolutionary new change, yet the game as a whole isn't revolved around it.
  2. Before I started Shenmue I knew nothing about it. I started playing it and got completely immersed and it felt like another life had started for me.
  3. Good going Shadow mate, if only others did the same Tellyn. Just buy and experience Shenmue, you won't regret it. Hero you disappoint me.
  4. I'm pissed off with this attitude to just making the online mode 'simple.' It's the perfect game to be online, yet Nintendo are acting as if they couldn't care less about it. FFS
  5. Nikki up for eviction? That's really suprising. Last nights show was so boring, just bitching after bitching. Thats the problem with too many women in there, the new housemate will undoubtably be a guy. And yeah Glyn and Pete ftw.
  6. I think the reason many people have felt let down by how Corruption looks is simply because Metroid Prime already looked AMAZING graphically, probably one of the best looking games for the generation so it was never going to look like a massive leap. I think it looks gorgeous, especially this pic.
  7. My English went well, although I put pressure on myself with time! Graphics exam was fucking hard. Definately failed to get a C, but I expected that to be so anyway, its my hardest subject and the only one I'll probably fail.
  8. Totally agree with you mate, can't stand it. It almost sounds like they're complaining, I mean come on if its such "a piece of piss" then why don't you get 100%. People are always complaining either about papers being too hard or too easy. Just sit the paper and if you find the paper not too taxing then yeah, be confident and wait for the results, but there's no need to go blurting out to your friends exagerrating.
  9. I want remixed Alttp Dark World music for the twilight realm. God I love that theme.
  10. Anyone heard the Overworld music? It's lovely. So similar to OOT yet so refreshing and unique.
  11. What a shame. [locked]
  12. Completed Viewtiful Joe 2 yesterday so there's one off of my list. Great game, difficult ending...but Viewtiful Joe wouldn't be Viewtiful Joe without bloody hard final bosses eh? Still, it wasn't as hard as Fire Leo
  13. I've changed my opinion of Mikey, he seems like an alright guy I guess, he might hang around with Grace and co but he's not being all bitchy and pathetic like the majority of them. I think Richard did the right thing, and being genuine, although you have to wonder, if he knew Imogen couldn't nominate next week...
  14. Its funny how obvious she makes it that the only reason shes really sad for Sezar going, or when Sezar & Imogen couldn't nominate is because it decreases her chances of staying. All this crappy 'our side' business.
  15. Anyone got a link to the newest AVG please?
  16. Good news for the fans Can't really make out the screenshots very well but they don't look all that revealing anyway.
  17. I was strangely attracted to her I think thats a little worrying
  18. God seeing those screens for the first time seems so long ago. Blimey more than 2 years since that E3 2004 trailer.
  19. Don't worry I got pretty much the whole soundtrack off Laguna now Thanks anyway.
  20. Aww I want 'Star get!' LOADS of lovely screens at IGN.
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