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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. Always a nice thing to see. Good choice of the video too :awesome: Its funny how they have the release dates down as Christmas day.
  2. The grade boundaries for Higher maths are suprisingly (and awesomely) low. Of course this means the questions are pretty taxing but even so, its preferable. Well for last years paper it was like: 19% - C 40% - B 55% - A 67% - A* I hope for at least a B personally, although an A isn't impossible.
  3. Yah she is a gold digger, but entertaining nevertheless. Her mouth is so small that when she smiles it looks like its going to fall off her face or something lol
  4. I agree, I thought the formation worked well, although Carragher didn't look comfortable playing the 'holding' role. Beckham was fantastic I thought. Really looking forward to watching the game tommorow, the football we play now is so much more exciting and promising than it was before the 2002 World Cup.
  5. Please everyone, before you post new media/info at least look through the last few pages of the thread to check it hasn't already been posted.
  6. Yeah, afterall "playing is believing" In terms of what I'm most excited about though, Zelda, Mario Galaxy and SSBB...naturally.
  7. Well in the English Lit exam I answered the question on the book I've been doing in class.. I find Chemistry the most difficult, but have been doing Biology revision mainly as its the closes science exam. Physics is what I'm best at science wise.
  8. What are we meant to revise for the two English Language exams? I take it they are on analysing media/writing to argue or persuade etc. Can't really revise for it... iIve mainly been revising Biology, what with there being so many irritating words that are easy to forget.
  9. WiiConnect24 sounds sweet, all we need now is them to sort out the online service for setting up games and it'll be awesome.
  10. Umm...Sezar was accusing Richard of bullying Imogen when Mikey and co were the ones who started all the insulting. Sezar's a dead man walking, if he doesn't get evicted tommorow I'll lose even more faith in the public of this country.
  11. Stands out yes, but maybe too much. Not too pleasant for the eyes, 4/10
  12. Yeah Glyn's hilarious. I wonder if Lea has any idea about his crush on her
  13. I think I'll just stare at my Wii and the TP case in awe for ages before I even get started.
  14. Interesting find Dante, I don't know him but that is one big ass sword. I'm going to buy Path of Radiance soon, need to get into Fire Emblem. *blinks* Do some people not look at the above posts in a thread before they post
  15. Hopefully that won't delay the US/EU date, as it most likely will.
  16. You lot reckon they'll put someone else in because George left?
  17. He's been updating the site each Thursday it seems so hopefully we should find out something new each week!
  18. Yeah it's sad when they are all waving goodbye to you.
  19. Website update! http://www.smashbros.com/en/characters/chara5/index.html :awesome:
  20. Yeah, November for us at the earliest then probably And there I was hoping I'd have it for the summer...ah well. Been listening to some Baten Kaitos music and its got me really excited for it.
  21. Haha yeah took me over 5 goes! As much as we hate it for seeing it so much ya just gotta love the music though, its a lovely moment.
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