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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. Yeah okay use spoilers from now on guys.
  2. We've all had them, plenty of emotional ones especially. I'll start us off with a personal favourite. Vyse, Aika, Drachma and Fina are all together in the ship when they get attacked by the massive whale, Drachma falls away and it seems like he has died and Vyse gets seperated from Aika and Fina. Vyse ends up on a deserted island, and you go directly 'into his skin' and feel like you are him, as you write entries into the diary each evening and feel lonely, and lost. That part is so special Skies of Arcadia
  3. Took this from where I was sitting in the Stade de France at the Champions League final on Wednesday night.
  4. Yeah exactly. I'd love Shenmue III on Wii so much though, like imagining doing the QTE scenes using the wiimote, or simple things that you do like lighting a zippo and then holding it like a torch or throwing a dice at a stall game. Shenmue is all about immersion, and so is Wii. They're the perfect match in my eyes. I don't care what console it comes out on though to be honest as long as it happens! It's annoying i'd have to buy a PS3 just for it if it came out on it though (same goes for Skies of Arcadia II).
  5. No point in this thread as it just going to lead in fanboyism and flaming [locked]
  6. Me. I'd buy another Sega Console over a PS3 for sure.
  7. I haven't started it yet, got it from the Stars Catalogue and its on my shelf sealed waiting for me to start as soon as I've finished Metroid Prime. I'm piss poor at it and have got stuck many times and not been motivated to go back to it, thus why I haven't completed it. Once my exams are over I need to do a lot of gaming, especially completing games I haven't, and I need to complete both by the time Corruption is out afterall.
  8. Well I like to keep all my consoles, just to have them in my collection etc. and also if I was to sell my GC its like selling all my great memories when I bought the console etc.
  9. lmao Nikki is so weak and pathetic http://www.channel4.com/player/v2/player.jsp?initialClipId=422
  10. TGS 2006 Sega have suprisingly announced a sequel to their previous console, the Sega Dreamcast. The Sega Dreamcast 2 will launch with sequels to the highy appreciated RPGs on the original console, Shenmue III and Skies of Arcadia II Stocka: OOMMMMMMFFGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!:shock: !!!!!!!!!!!!OMFG!!112!!! ARGHH *cums*
  11. Trailer with the audience reaction! Its so funny when Snake gets revealed.
  12. Sega said it in their press release
  13. You can, there is a live stream but you have to pay for it. If someone could leak out the link please do...
  14. Pete is frickin hilarious. Anyway I'm shocked at how quick Sezar is trying to get it on with the girls, first night and he got one to sit in his bed Crazy. Oh and may I say again Imagen is SOOOO fit :shock:
  15. So is it confirmed for launch? With my Wii at launch I think I'm buying Twilight Princess + 1 other title (Red Steel or MP3 probably) but then I hope to get at least one game for Xmas, and this just seems like the perfect christmas game :awesome:
  16. Its looking very likely NiGHTS will come out now, and there's no way it'll be on PS3/360.
  17. Damm right. Long live 2D!
  18. I'm suprised no-one has mentioned the news. Hm, if you go to 00:35 on the E3 2006 trailer you can see this 'distinctive approach' and it looks wonderful
  19. Yeah it's superb isn't it! I'm very happy with the direction Nintendo have decided to take with Mario.
  20. Yay they start on Tuesday, the sooner they are the sooner they're over Looks like I'll have to do quite a bit of English, ICT and PEM revision over the weekend/monday, I can concentrate more when I know the exam is so soon
  21. Pretty much why I'm not going to mine. My middle school was AMAZING and probably the best experience of my life and I cried so much when I left, but today I've finished my gih school that I've been at for 4 years and don't feel anything other than excitement and wonder about my future.
  22. I knww it was always obvious to happen but for those that were worried about there not being online play for some crazy reason put your worries to rest I think this could quite easily become my most played game ever. Smash Bros jsut never gets boring for me and the thought of online play too is just magic.
  23. I guess her ass is hot and all but still her attitude makes her unattractive
  24. I hate 90% of them but then I'm always like that the first night, need to watch more to get to know people, although the majority(if not all) aren't themselves. Richard makes me feel sick. Imogen is the hottest in there by far. And that girl Nikki at the end, my god what a terrible gold digger attitude she has.
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