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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. I still might not though... aghh i think too deeply about decisons
  2. I have decided to get a PS3, now it's just a matter of when.
  3. The plank bit was pretty far, at least in the second half of the game.
  4. Watched it, bloody awesome! Loved everything about it, things to do with fate/time always fascinate me.
  5. Yet another of the million reasons why japan rocks
  6. banana and maple syrup rolled up = incredible. I shall be getting my mum to make me it hopefully.
  7. The colours are awesome and are well suited to the character, generally looks fantastic. I find the text at the top left corner a bit unnecessary but others may think otherwise. I think it'll look better centered, because the character is. 9/10
  8. I've been attempting to convince fellow Lost fans to also watch it but some of them get put off because it's on the Sci Fi channel... i mean for christ sake.
  9. woo for those of us who have been waiting it's finally beginning in the UK on the Sci Fi channel in 10 minutes been so so looking forward to this
  10. It's perfectly building up between an FA Cup final between 2 of the big 3. I'd rather it wasn't though.
  11. Noticed this at play.com and hadn't heard about it before, despite always wanting one as the batteries run out pretty quick in the wiimote. It's by Joytech and is priced at £17.99 http://www.play.com/Games/Wii/GENBRW/3-/3320243/Wii_Power_Station/Product.html Anyone know anything about it... or if there'll be better ones coming up later on? I'd rather an official one but it doesn't look like Nintendo wants to make one.
  12. PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE (let that rumour come true)
  13. Haha i've had that comparison before, as well as elijah wood and "FERODO!" "hobbit!"
  14. Ok i guess i'll stick a couple up, here's two i done lately with my cam I'm growing it for the first time, once it's long enough i'm going to get it permanently straightened and in the same style as Tetsu from l'arc en ciel in this pic(second along): http://static.last.fm/proposedimages/original/6/1003278/176552.jpg
  15. I can't believe they haven't used the pointer, i really can't.
  16. I was in a good mood all day until I entered my law lesson which was beyond awful, my teacher is evil. Now I feel tense. I'll be getting excited soon though as i've got a cool night lined up for tonight, Tai Chi class + Heroes double bill UK premiere
  17. One day I want it, the next day I don't. repeat.repeat.repeat.
  18. Enchanted Arms for just £17.99 at Gameplay: http://shop.gameplay.co.uk/webstore/productpage.asp?productcode=XT0103&title=enchanted_arms It's a solid RPG that is probably worth getting if you are a fan of the genre but the game is never at any point spectacular.
  19. So is the genre F.R.E.E like Shenmue?
  20. The fact that it's not online prevented me from buying it full price. Damn shame.
  21. The symphonia intro with day after tommorow - Starry Heavens > US/EU intro imo.
  22. Angry. The last few days for me have been great but now that I get a day to just relax and it's the last day of half term and I need to revise for tommorow.
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