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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. I'm enjoying playing through Majora's Mask on collector's edition right now, and also playing viewtiful joe 2. I have plenty to play and complete, but don't always get round to it. In the run up to Rev I'll probably get loads of titles cheap I always wanted to get but never got, and also complete as many as I can that I need to. Oh and two massive games next year...Baten Kaitos II and Zelda!
  2. True, I got so hyped for E3 2005 that it didn't live up to my expectations, but then again think, if Revolution and PS3 are going to both be PLAYABLE, it will be very interesting. And Jordan, don't get you're hopes up too high, afterall Jim Merrick said no games would be shown this year, but then again he said we should hear information about games and see the controller shell so who knows. Firday is going to be a very interesting day indeed.
  3. Got the thread name changed to 'Official Thread' like you can see February 23 2006 in Japan...argh ages away....
  4. Mario Kart online seems pretty christmassy to me But yeah..Zelda..like you know from Retro Gaming board I am currently playing through Majora's Mask, and loving it, and unlike the majority I shall not give up !
  5. Hmm yeah, jealous of someone buying a CORE pack with a WIRED controller when I'm getting a PREMIUM pack for Xmas? Think again.
  6. E3 2006 is going to be AMAZING....surely.
  7. First Famitsu reviews are in... NFS:Most Wanted 8/9/9/8 (34/40) FIFA 06 7/6/8/6 (27/40) Tetris 7/7/7/6 (27/40) Ridge Racer 6 9/8/9/9 (35/40) Everyparty 7/5/7/5 (24/40) Perfect Dark Zero 8/8/8/7 (31/40) DW5 SP 7/7/8/8 (30/40) King Kong 7/7/9/9 (32/40) Wrestle Kingdom 8/7/8/7 (30/40)
  8. I really want to complete it, because I love Zelda so much, and my target is to complete it before Twilgiht Princess comes out I'm playing it slow, like every weekend or so, because I enjoy Zelda games best when I have plenty of time to sit back and relax.
  9. There's no way you'll get it from Argos on friday. Monday/Tuesday at the earliest.
  10. I'm sure all thats been said is "to be released on next gen systems" so there is no confirmation of it being on Rev or not, although it is likely. Looks promising.
  11. Enjoying Great Bay, although its quite tricky. I've just got all the eggs and learnt the song. So I go off to that rock place under the mist I take it?(Is it called Turtle Rock?) Oh its so exciting
  12. Lol, if you try you'll be able to get one before Christmas, I'm confident I will afterall thats my xmas present
  13. I never look forward to it till the start of December, when I start my advent calendar and the tree is up Damm haven't done any xmas shopping at all yet. Oh and all I'm getting from my parents this year is the Xbox 360 Premium Pack. Not allowed anything else, afterall its £280
  14. He said Prime series not Metroid series
  15. I'm sure it will be a FPA again. I can't wait to pull back the controller to charge up the charge beam and then press A to release Erm...Metroid and funny gameplay?
  16. Controller shell revealed Information on first party titles Confirmation of 3rd party titles Final name revealed Another controller teaser(no gameplay footage) I reckon AT LEAST 1 or 2 of them will happen.
  17. Hmmmm... Well, I agree that a whole new way of playing games is A LOT more exciting than improved graphics and sound, but that doesn't mean Xbox 360 is a disappointment. I don't like comparing things usually, which is why I don't compare these two, as at the end of the day...you can't. Microsoft and Nintendo are aiming for different things, and I wish good success for both of them. HOWEVER, I think Revolution is far more exciting because its revolutionising the way we play games and thats EXACTLY what the game industry needs. If all consoles were just improvements over their prequels(with graphics,sound,online etc.) then it wouldn't be half as exciting. So yeah, Nintendo is right, the game industry does need a change.
  18. Went to the Arsenal v Blackburn match today, anyone seen Van Persie's goal? Incredible.
  19. NOE's marketting has really learnt from its mistakes and has improved dramatically, and as a result DS is one of the hottest selling products right now in Europe. Okay, so Nintendo should of always been like this with cube but at least they're working hard now and DS is selling excellent and gives hope that the Revolution will be marketted well.
  20. Some nice Kameo screens here! http://www.jeux-france.com/news13422_kameo-images-maison.html
  21. Yes all these threads about articles are pointless, but theres no way we should lock up the Revo board! Crazy boy! I'll try to keep this place tidy. This thread is pretty pointless so... [LOCKED]
  22. Of course not. Why? Because I can't afford it. I'm getting it for xmas...And I will, mark my words.
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