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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. When you go out to a pub/restaturant and have steak, how do you have it done? Rare, Medium or Well Done? I always have Medium, and usually with a pepper or diance sauce....mmmm...and some nice chunky pub chips When they do medium-rare thats the best though. ....sorry if the topic is a bit random I was wondering and I'm hungry right now.
  2. Whats the longest cables you can get? Anyway I doubt my Mum would let me have wires running through the house. Argh.
  3. Another pretty fake from the Gamespot forums So shiny....maybe too shiny...
  4. Xbox 360 Premium Pack... ...if I can find one. My mum has said she'll pay and everything so cost wise I know I can get it, its just the matter of finding one
  5. I'm pretty screwed when it comes to sorting out Live, my TV is bloody ages away from my PC, as my gaming TV is downstairs on the far right of my house, and the PC upstairs on the top left And the house is pretty big too, so its a bastard. Looks like i'll have to get a wireless adaptor....bu..bu.t...£60
  6. Anyone heard Spong's rumour? There is a strong chance we hear, that Zelda will come bundled with the Revolution as a 'showpiece' backwards-compatible title at launch. The wait before the final GameCube boxed version may be as long as a month. Sounds like a good move to me, it would persuade people to buy a Revolution who are big fans of Zelda but weren't originally planning on a Revolution, as otherwise they'd have to wait say a month. Also, it would guarantee more sales, as I doubt that the game itself will be being sold across most chain stores by then. I think its likely, and hope its true to be honest.
  7. Yeah, saw this the other day, looks like Tales DS will be called either Two Faiths of Doom Sign. The latter is a grotesque name Can't wait to see what they all end up as/are on. I'm hoping DS, Rev and 360 as I have no plans to get a PS3 as of now. Can anyone remember though, a few months back Namco registered another game, 'Tales of the Voice' and people believed it to be on DS because of the voice recognition. All very interesting indeed.
  8. As much as people think Nintendo don't care about the fans when they delayed it into 2006, I actually think it shows how Nintendo care SO MUCH about their fans. They could of released it this holiday season, and it would of sold like crazy, or they could give it a few more months to improve it and make it as perfect as possible for the fans. They care so much more about the quality of the game rather than its sales, I admire them. And as pissed off as I was at the time it was delayed, you've got to admit its great now because we still have SO much to look forward to! This year we could of seen some Revolution games at E3, and have Twilight Princess in our homes right now, but then there wouldn't be so much to look forward to. We better get Zelda before the summer though or I will be pissed off.
  9. Awesome thanks! I have tons of Zelda remixes on my PC, the majority come from the awesome site that is Ocremix. Go here for tons of Zelda remixes. http://www.ocremix.org/z/ I really recommend the following: 'Anthem of a Misguided Youth' by chthonic 'Pachelbel's Ganon' by djpretzel (my favourite) 'Ancient Hero' by DarkeSword 'Gerudo Peeples' by Scott Peeples 'GerudoInterlude' by djpretzel
  10. I don't think there will be a visor or any goggles for Revolution but I DO believe it will use stereoscopic 3D, without 3D glasses. It always seemed so unlikely, but now it seems more and more likely. Why else would they not show any screens or footage for so long? If the graphics are worse than Xbox 360 or just about the same then why would they bother? Nintendo have said so many times that its not horsepower that matters anymore, and in that way it might mean its not how good the specs are and polygons etc. but the revolution is how the graphics are displayed. Also, Miyamato's comment hints even closer, but also all that fuss about the director of Sin City or Peter Jackson or someone saying that Steroscopic 3D will be in cinemas by 2007, but a video game console being released in 2006 is to use it first. Its all starting to link together. Well I think so anyway, and its like the controller is designed for steroscopic 3D. Revolution will all be about immersion I think, thats the revolution.
  11. I think I've fixed the problem, thanks for some of the advice oliherst.
  12. I don't not like you Owen, I think your quite a friendly, fun guy its just it annoys me when people complain or look at themselves unlucky just because a game or two is one day late. Just appreciate that you can afford the games, and can play them this weekend. :wink:
  13. Had a mini 'Lindt excellence' milk chocolate square this morning, I can't get over how quality the chocolate is for an advent calendar
  14. http://www.alldumb.com/item/19410 LMAO, must see! PS: Thank member Dyson for finding this
  15. pdbpdb, please either talk about Xbox 360 here or leave please, if you refuse and carry on, I will bann you.
  16. Pffttt.. just appreciate you have one and four games, I can't manage to get a 360 right now yet alone afford four games and i'm not sulking, yet you are with a 360 and like 4/5/6 games with you/on the way.
  17. Good/hopeful 'news'....(for me anyway)... Have fun getting naughty tonight with that USB
  18. Looks like we'll be getting Half Life 3 and/or Counter Strike on rev folks!
  19. These guys are right, talk about Metroid Prime 3 in the other thread. [LOCKED]
  20. Mum had no luck getting one in city unfortunately(and obviously). I bloody hope microsoft send a second shipment to Europe before Xmas. They are for US this weekend so hopefully. Other than that, my only choice is to HUNT!
  21. I'm sure it will look far better than that.
  22. Great idea Sprout, I look forward to the next one
  23. Yeah I have, got rid of some shit but I still have the problem
  24. The hunt begins! (I'm hoping to get a Xbox 360 Premium Pack before Xmas, aint preordered) as that is what my xmas present is going to be. My Mum is going in the city tommorow and is going to look around, although I doubt she will find one. 24 days to go In Norwich there is the following: Whsmith x 2 Game x 2 Gamestation Woolworths Toys R Us Asda HMV x 2 Chips(indepent games specialist store) Virgin Megastore Dixons PC World Curries ...I mean come on, one of them must have one :wink:
  25. Argh, so when I go to click 'Shut Down' or 'Restart' it logs off my area, then when it gets to the bit where it says 'Saving your settings' it just freezes like that and nothing happens(for hours and hours). So everytime I turn my PC off now it has to be by the mains Help please!
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