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About MindFreak

  • Birthday 03/16/1987

Personal Information

  • Location
    Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Interests
    Gaming, exercising
  • Occupation
    MSc in Mathematics and prof. master in Software Engineering, now Software Engineer


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    NES, N64, GBC, GCN, Wii, DS, 3DS, Wii U, Switch
  • Other Systems Owned
    Xbox 360
  • Gender

Game Info

  • Switch Friend Code
  • 3DS Friend Code
  • Nintendo Network ID
  • Wii Console Number
    0124 3365 5447 6580
  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    Brawl: 3050-7388-7979
  • Xbox Live Username

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  1. Well, that's going to sell very well, I suppose. Wonder if they'll make it something like LEGO Mario or just standalone building sets. Either way, can't see this be anything else than a huge success.
  2. I've reached the end game now, only the final boss battle to go. Except that I haven't completed the quest for getting the true ending, and seeing that it requires that I collect all 60 of a certain item, I don't think I can be bothered. I'm enjoying the game but backtracking (even after getting the final ability) is a bit of a pain. I think I got about half of them, though. And the parrot can help. Other than that, this game is brilliant and can't recommend it enough if you want something fresh and old-school.
  3. Actually, it is! It was added so that it is hidden on PokeStops. But I had the same experience and quit a couple of years ago. Sometimes I still miss it, getting eggs from bike rides and runs and such. But in the end, it was more frustrating than rewarding all in all and it took some of my presentness as I always thought about what could be in different places.
  4. Proximity chat...? So you can chat online but only if you are in the same room?
  5. I told my wife that I don't like the look of it and won't buy it. But that was probably a lie, if I find it at a nice price, I'll get it instantly. But please stop making new sets I need to buy, I haven't got room for them anymore. I wonder if it'll be able to actually drive if it comes off that stand. My sons would probably like it race it around.
  6. Looks fine, the new battle mechanics look interesting and are sure to spice things up. However, I'm not keen on the city being the only place to explore, as it can't possibly be as varied as Sinnoh was in Arceus. We also didn't get any hints as to what the story is in the game in the trailers.
  7. Hopefully we'll see something from Pokémon Legends: Z-A. Other than that, surprise me!
  8. So... You've been fired but you are required to work another month? How motivating. I wouldn't want to do any work in that case.
  9. I'm currently playing this, about 13 hours in and just met with Resh'na. I really enjoy my time with the game, I think they nailed the gameplay with not too many battles but enough to satisfy, and some nice Zelda-ish puzzles along the way. The world and setting is great, and the story is interesting enough to keep me going. The game feels linear much of the time but it's not confining. I could have done with some sort of reminder as to what my current objective is but seeing as there isn't many side quests in the game, it works out.
  10. Daredevil looks really good. Like the tone of it.
  11. I wonder if it'll be possible to use existing Pro Controllers for Switch 2. That would be really nice!
  12. Since it's supposedly backwards compatible, I don't see much need for a new Mario Kart right away.
  13. Oh, cool. I've only seen the back of the dock then.
  14. So... it's curious that none of the leaks mention a name at all, isn't it? Will it be called Switch 2 and thereby avoid any confusion, or will they go with a totally wonky name?
  15. It seems, to me, like a rather awkward grip if that is going to function as a mouse. But I can totally see that would benefit a lot of games, even though it would limit the ability to press buttons. Also, one could just use the built in gyro for mouse-ish control. Like in the Magic Remote for LG tvs.
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