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Everything posted by Glen-i

  1. So some dude experimented with Amiibo's and how they work in Smash. Some intriguing stuff in here.
  2. This one is a particular fave of mine.
  3. N64. This one is designed around Gold and Silver instead of the anime. This one is better because it has more Totodile! This is truth and fact. Computers are utter cheats, due to the fact that they do whatever chain they like, whenever they like. Brilliant game though. Even without multiplayer.
  4. Has anyone here played the original Breath Of Fire? I've played the GBA version of BoF 2 and enjoyed it quite a bit.
  5. Um... OK... Random. I assume it just gives you a random Pokémon. The Pokémon ones I can understand. But why the others?
  6. But you could do that anyway! I've been telling my friends about Dat Inside Drift since Mario Kart! People need to know!
  7. "Now while maintaining your mid-air split, slowly remove your foot from your leg and place it on the floor. This pose helps to strengthen your back while also helping Crocodiles become Kremling Pirates."
  8. Huh, never knew that. Will have to keep that in mind when I go get my Latios.
  9. Get in! Operation "Punch every Kyogre in it's stupid face before it realises Primal Groudon has one hell of an upgrade" is go. Might have to rethink the name though.
  10. Tee hee! I have every Pokémon available on X and Y because I'm insane! @Serebii, quick question. Do you know if legendary Pokémon still have 3 perfect IV's like in X and Y?
  11. You're the one who posted here about Bravely Default being nominated in the first place!
  12. Are you trying to say Cambridge is wrong? http://dictionary.cambridge.org/pronunciation/british/omega-3
  13. Oh yeah, I'm not trying to defend that. It could have been handled better. I still loved playing it. I enjoyed the battle system too much to let that put a dampener on it. That finale was totally awesome though...
  14. I know the majority of people here hate Bravely Default. I've played it through 4 times since launch, still enjoyed it. Opinions, you know. The battle system is fantastic in my view. And I was OK with the second half. You don't have to do the optional stuff. You can make that part go by pretty quickly if you know what you're doing. Some of the late game optional fights are pretty brutal as well, even on Level 99. Shame almost no-one tried it.
  15. I know the voice is cringe-worthy, but stick with it to the end. You will not be sorry.
  16. Somehow, the picture in your sig makes that sentence so bloody funny. It's probably the facial expression.
  17. Oh god, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN!? Maybe after his second post, he was sucked into Smash Bros WiiU, never to be seen again!
  18. Oh, you snob. Some people might prefer playing it on the 3DS. Some people without internet access. Some people like me.
  19. DOMINION ROD!? DOMINION ROD! TAKE ALL MY MONEY! Oh wait, they already have... Great! I feel stupid for not thinking of the Dominion Rod. And hooray for more weapons for Zelda! Link is getting too many anyway. That adventure map makes me very excite. Lots of silly new items to use! Pretty much confirrms that the Spinner is Amiibo exclusive though. There aren't enough weapon icons. 2 for 5 minutes of screen time Midna's weapon upgrades. 2 for Zelda's Dominion Rod upgrades 1 for Ganny's keys And one more mystery one. No sign of any bronze weapon icons either, which is where brand new weapons normally are. Costumes are great as well! Are... Are they both for Link? I literally can't tell if that's Link or Zelda sporting the Ilia (Is that her name?) clothes. Damn you and your feminine looks, Link! 10 outta 10 for awesome! (It's sad that I'm more excited for this then Omega Ruby.)
  20. Who the hell is MIKEYBEAR?
  21. Bravo to Bravely Default! I don't care what anyone says. That game was an utter joy to play! I remember someone describing it as "The best Final Fantasy in a decade" and I think that's quite apt. Doesn't stand a chance against Smash though.
  22. Defensive, definitely defensive. It seems like it would make a decent mixed attacker. So... More Def/Sp.Def, less Speed? That's what I went for. As for moves, definitely keep Diamond Storm. It's Stone Edge without the crap accuracy. Has a 50% chance of raising Defense too. Very nice. Moonblast is always nice. Stealth Rock, Toxic, etc. Just don't be expecting to go first with it...
  23. What is this? The 90's? It's a grey logo now.
  24. Basically, Ridley being a boss is as close as it's ever going to get? Any sensible person could have guessed that.
  25. Wait, Platinum had the 5 facility Battle Frontier? Man, I remember so little about that game... Fair enough, my bad. Still hugely disappointed about this though. I'm officially not even remotely hyped about this remake now. I wanted to tackle all those facilities with an actual knowledge of EV and IV training.
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