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Posts posted by Glen-i

  1. 59 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

    I might skip this one. I was never much into the Game Boy apart from Tetris, a Mega Man game (no idea which one) and Six Golden Coins

    oh and Alleyway and Daedalian Opus. The latter was amazing. 

    I mean, figure out which Mega Man game that is, and you've just listed 5 games.

    Either way, you're free to vote next week if 3 games that you've played show up in the shortlist.

  2. Voting is now over.

    While I get to work on putting this article together, we'll move right to the next console.

    Game Boy


    Releasing in Europe in 1990, while it may not be Nintendo's first handheld console, the Game Boy differentiated itself from the Game & Watch by only needing to be bought once. It managed to beat all of it's more technically advanced competition by not eating your batteries in less than an hour. And don't worry, even if you're blown up by a bomb in the Gulf War, your Nintendo Brick will still keep playing Tetris.
    The Game Boy is right up there in the gaming hall of fame and has some absolute juggernauts of games to go with it. But which ones do you think are better than all the rest?

    Before you get ahead of yourself, there's a few restrictions that I'm introducing for this console.

    • Games that have multiple versions with slight differences will be counted as one title. For example, Pokémon Red, Pokémon Blue and Pokémon Yellow all count as one entry. Due to Pokémon immortalising this, I will call it the "Pokémon Clause"
    • Games that are made primarily for the Game Boy Color will not be accepted here. The Game Boy Color has enough titles to warrant it's own top 10. If you're unsure of whether a game is built for the Game Boy Color, check the box art.

    220px-Pok%C3%A9mon_box_art_-_Red_Version          latest?cb=20081012165215

    Nomination closes on the 6th of April

    • Thanks 2

  3. One final reminder for those who haven't voted (As well as people who didn't give nominations but might like to vote anyway). I mean, if that game gets in, it's all your fault!
    Today is the last day for voting for NES games.

    @Dcubed @Vileplume2000 @RedShell @Vanilla @Tim B @Ugh first aid and @Hero-of-Time

    If coming up for reasons is putting you off, just remember that you don't have to give a reason if you don't want to.

  4. R0W1dgE.png


    Next League Night: 4th April 8pm


    Room 1: @BowserBasher is host






    Next week will be the last league night before Nintendo Labo: VR improves all of our lives. So to celebrate, we'll only be using characters who appeared on the Virtual Boy.
    What's that? You don't know which characters those are? You peasant! Let's use artwork from the Virtual Boy to show you then.


    Look at Yoshi there, wearing normal shoes! What's up with that!?


    And don't forget Wario!

    To keep in the spirit of the Virtual Boy, Yoshi players must choose either Red or Black. You're also free to use the Gold Glider if you have access to it.

    Sign up Now!

    • Thanks 3
    • Haha 2

  5. 3 hours ago, Jimbob said:


    So MP's can't decide what they want

    Just bring it to the people, who are speaking quite loud and clear at present.  Then once that's done, call a General Election.

    Voters being asked to show Parliament what they want? Heaven forbid!

    I want to say I'm surprised, but I'm really not.

    2 hours ago, MindFreak said:

    Sorry, I haven't read your comments in general. Just came here to say that as a foreigner, this is looking more and more like a kindergarten. The way that discussion is carried out in the Parliament is just absurd - people shouting, mumbling in the background while May speaks, seems very rude and indifferent to the speaker.

    I posted this video back on the first page when @Jonnas made a similar point.

    Doesn't excuse the behaviour one bit, but it does give some context on why it's like that.

    I always massively groan whenever I see an MP ask a blatant question that basically asks why the PM is so great. What a waste of a question.

    Mind you, that hasn't happened in quite a while now...

  6. I'd quote @Hero-of-Time, but he wouldn't see it anyway. Passive Aggressive Dig over!

    Kinda defeats the main purpose of N-Europe if Nintendo wasn't the focus, wouldn't it?

    Ideally, people would check the Other Consoles board for any ongoing threads and ask a mod to move it over to Nintendo Gaming whenever Switch gets in on a multiplatform release of one is already there.

    Unless this game was just revealed, then it should have been put on this board in the first place.

  7. 18 hours ago, Vileplume2000 said:

    Of all FF games coming to the Switch, what would be the best one or most interesting one to start with? Taking into account that I have no desire to play them all so starting with the oldest and moving up is not necessary for me.

    As someone who has been working his way through the Final Fantasies in order...

    Play 7. The others are too obnoxiously devious with it's hidden extras for it to be fun for newcomers.

    10 is also a good suggestion. I found it pretty fun, but do note that it plays more similarly to the NES games and isn't really a good indicator for how much you might enjoy the PS1 games.

    Secret best answer is get a SNES Mini and play 6.

    • Thanks 1

  8. 6 hours ago, Jonnas said:
    • Fire Emblem Awakening - This playthrough went on hiatus for a bit, but I retook it. It dawned on me that, in order to do everything I want to do (like Galeforce for a bunch of units), I'll need a lot more time and grind. Since that might come at the detriment of me playing other games, I might put this on pause;

    I actually did that... For every unit... And got all their stats maxed...

    Don't look at me like that!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2