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Everything posted by blender

  1. blender

    Wii Fit

    just saw the dogs on my run.... mii-pets confirmed!
  2. Apparently they leach audio of youtube video tracks. I doubt they will be around for long. but thx as never saw this site before
  3. i bet EA saw the balance board and had ideas. Its not hard to add controls at the last minute. All those ports show this to be the case. But i imagine the ability to detect body weight shifts will reduce reliance on the accellerometers which just arnt that good at the moment
  4. Play made the same mistake for the wii launch. their preorders are never guaranteed. Looks like we are going to have another ebay frenzy for this and wii fit
  5. no yoda = fail (however, the new soul calibur which isnt coming to wii which i guess is why we get dual mode on our versi0on)
  6. i like the guerilla on more. Its a shame guiness advertinsing has taken a slump. Anyway its all about blendtec for the pinicale of motion picture advertising
  7. banning in forums is done by a moderator and so all your hate (and serial killer instincts ) are directed to that moderator. It would be cool if ordinary community members could just vote ban like in counterstrike. anyway, i'm banned and it feels good
  8. IGN review was american and by general gamers. they dont appreicate the hardcore realistic football tactical elements that we yern for in this game. UK reviews should out this at least at 8.8 Great!
  9. I'm not comparing it to anything... i'm just saying its a waste of energy and all the current uses for it are pointless and bad for the enviroment. When you know you are going to sell 20million+ units, enviromental concerns should be scrutinised for all aspects ....including those listed by the op. God bless green peace! I think nintendo didnt want to disclose that the wii is made from recycled gamecubes. This would give them a high greenpeace score but would not help their marketing allusion
  10. i think it is good that these reports and league tables are written. I'm not sure what japanese corporate culture is regarding the enviroment. I find wiiconnect24 particularly offensive for the enviroment. Partucularly when all the current services except email notification dont actually require the connection but will only work with it on.
  11. the next nintendo handheld will be the wiis mass storage device.... there may be scope for apple and the ipod to also get involved. to predict nintendos future, you only have to look at sega's past innovations
  12. mario must be due a plane game this generation
  13. you can play excite truck with the turning motion of a normal mario kart race wheel. its probably not optimal but works.. have a go
  14. i think that rules out any new hardware ... e.g. ds 2 / gameboy 2
  15. maybe it is the problem with the brawl disc that has been reported.. This is not due to freeloader.. but some problem with the brawl disc. Nintendo have said people need to return their wiis for cleaning to fix thiss .. google it. The official Press Release from Nintendo goes as follows : I'm sure nintendo of europe will help you "when" brawl comes out in Europe or some other double layered disk
  16. does it look like this ?
  17. theres an awesome flash game that has a simimlar idea.... you mainly add rotating arms and cogs to your monster and watch them fap at each other. It was on the same website exhibition as the world of goo flash game. anyway hope it makes it to wii ware. This eidos game looks crappy... i mean hammering a barrel.. fun? and the combat looks too complex and slow
  18. you may as well play cel damage if you want an awesome racer in this cartoony style.
  19. A preview of NOEs response to be released next month
  20. Ribbit King was the only game I had really never heard of on that list. It sounds like monkeyball with frogs. I wonder why out of sports games golf is particalularly subject to fantasy universes. hmm
  21. I think lego edition of zelda as in the toy... not a computer game
  22. vs img gun porn thread
  23. looks like rubber band ai to the extreme... and maybe even mini games!
  24. possibly even more badass http://www.mod.uk/DefenceInternet/DefenceNews/EquipmentAndLogistics/RapidfireGrenadeLauncherWillBeAWelcomeChristmasPresentForRoyalMarinesInAfghanistan.htm taliban are pretty brave to go up against that..
  25. no I meant why only third... and how do they decide between higheest and third highest... i guess to reach the pinacle you got to take out the taliban with your teeth or suffer some loss.
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