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Everything posted by blender

  1. I think you need to look at the video comparisons... there are some lol worthy cut-scenes where you can tell blood has been crudely removed at the last minute. Your suggestions are a falsehood. As i said before, Blood is EVERYTHING . There was a money descion that meant the artists were comprimised.
  2. its a good thing if she gets sold... developers will always invest in their investments
  3. blender

    Wii Fit

    to complete the stereotyping....we should add American Dumbness as a factor. "Nintendo Instruction" "American"
  4. this remindsme of stuwii
  5. the thing on top is a Laser sight (red laser) powered by 2 x AAA batteries oVerKill!
  6. My point is that nintendo could release SUPER MARIO GALAXY 2 or PIKMIN WII or Wii Sport 2 or EVEN ZELDA WII... and force you to update from disc. The choice is either to allow the update and kill your freeloader or not play the latest games. Same deal as the PSP I think. This killing spree could even come with EU Brawl release. (They could not do this for the GC becasue they could not update the firmware from disc.)... Regarding earlier comment, I am not sure where this was discussed before but take your word for it.
  7. New games force an install to new firmware from the disk! (as well as the interweb) e.g. metroid 3 http://gamesgadgets.wordpress.com/2007/09/03/wii-firmware-upgrade-to-version-220-with-metroid-prime-3-disc/ Nintendo have Datel by the balls
  8. datel are probably rushing out their product because they no it wont be compatible with the very latest games or wii updates. Seriously do not trust datel or even waste another thought on them... wait and see what happens as there are plenty of good PAL games coming out.
  9. blender

    Wii Fit

    i'm sure it will be compatible with us. However, I thought the max weigt of the existing one is like 21 stone.... which is plenty !
  10. the poisson is a an approximation of the binomial.. given the very exact details of the question .. (e.g. always a certain number of tickets sold ), I'd say that it is more correct to use the binomial. EdIt: actually looking at their wording "average rate", it points to them wanting the poisson....
  11. I agree 81.33334902. chairdriver you need to tear the answer page out of the book and wipe your arse with it. It will be an idiotic rounding error in by the author
  12. i was thinking the leaning mechanic of the rear person in double dash would have been awesome on the wiimote. Shame shame shame
  13. it seems stupid of datel to release a product before key games are released and tested... seems greedy
  14. is there going to be (wireless) LAN play... like double dash I wonder
  15. isnt online play regional and based on the discs settings? i may have made a wild assumption in my previous post (unlike me!) EDIT: not sure if you are forced to conncect to your disc regions server... but something worth checking
  16. Dont believe Datel till the product is in the shop. thats my experience with GC freeloader. I remember buying some USA games ready for my preorder which was then continuously delayed.... Anyway, with online play regional and to avoid lag issues, i am not importing. Imagine not being able to play in the N-europe tornaments ..... Furthermore, I want to be able to use nintendo firmware updates for the forthcoming itunes and video service
  17. if you are not here to discuss the wii or the ds or retro nintendo, I think you should leave. You know who you are... come on, get up .... LEAVE. DO IT NOW
  18. when you're pushed, killing is as easy as breathing
  19. you can also outsource the porting to code monkies who are cheap... the creative stuff/art is already .... the expensive genius teams are left to do the new games and so there is no human resource problem
  20. if they can port re4 to a mobile phone, they can do re5 to the wii.
  21. blender

    Wii Fit

    given what happendend in japan, its bound to sell out. So they can charge what they want. Its the ultimate casual game. i.e. people who own one game (wii sports) will buy this as their second game. Not sure what the potential for ebay scalping is. If it were christmas it would be mental. shame
  22. blender

    Wii Fit

    preorder at play open http://www.play.com/Games/Wii/4-/5211447/-/Product.html?searchstring=wii+fit&searchsource=0 (see earlier post regarding play taking pre-orders before allocations are known)
  23. dont care about this but it brings the wii closer to RE5
  24. nice idea... shame about the hippy "music" as he just sounds like a robot . beter with dance music
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