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Everything posted by blender

  1. invest in an expresso machine. they are awesome fun. The best thing on myshelf next to a wii. it takes skill to be a barrista
  2. I'm suprised they used the Pro-evolution brand. I would be more inclined to take risks with the ISS brand... especially after ISS3
  3. this thread is nothing without Solitanz
  4. its called "winning eleven 2008 - playmaker" for a reason next year it is "winning eleven 2009 - centre back" cant wait for "winning eleven 2010 - goalkeeper" bet £20000000000000 and turok
  5. I am sure they will fix it in the next iteration 2009... I hope they are not being like EA and holding back features (i.e. defence mechanics) to make future revisions more significant. Lets face it, as it is, there is enough innovation to make it a buy. We are forgiving as we dont know better
  6. shake the nunchunnk and you do a sliding tackle http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=179725 http://gaming.hexus.net/content/item.php?item=11644 even omn contradict themselves http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/article.php?id=2782 I bet the reviewer spent 10 minutes wiuth the game in easy mode where the game plays itself. much of the reivew and scores were predetermings
  7. my faith in OMNs crapness is restored also
  8. inspired by http://www.japanesebugfights.com/
  9. we need someone to tell us how mario as it is now is for adults... "coz blood is for 14 year olds" BLOOD is everything
  10. he just needed to play freedom fighters for a story about to brotherly plumbers with machine guns. I reckon he should keep the cartoon style Remember.... blood is EVERYTHING
  11. I think we should split n-europe forums also. I am fed up all these portugeuse trolls trying to take over!
  12. thats a valid point, I think it deserves its own thread
  13. when there is a worldcup of gamin, we will want to be in europe also think about the european championships. the solution is to make everyone speak english instead of jibberjabber
  14. the wii contrller was a mistake. They should have just relaunched the gamecube with the bongo controller as standard. This weekend I am going to play through jungle beat again. Cant wait!
  15. Confirmed! (however, the moral decision is not to buy this because it is a ubiport)
  16. i hate empty teaser trailers
  17. factor 5 speak bull crap. the only redeeming feature is that it is first party and so there will be quality control
  18. Thats an idea. GH sounds like something to check out... I was lolling at the southpark episode the other day. At the moment I am playing 4 player wii tennis. I have a wii mote stuffed in each of my socks and one in each hand. Its got to be a better work out than wii sports. Its a shame that the length of the rallies is not counted as then this could have been a godly challenge.
  19. Blood is everything. this game is nothing
  20. imagine the bloodbath that would be in a PS3/X360 clone of this game. there hasnt been one has there?
  21. i'm the kind of person that buys just one game and plays it until I am god. then rather than getting another game, I change the rules and play it some more (reaching god status again). When i saw the wiimote I thought I would be learning to play games right handed, then switching to left handed mastery.... then as a final twist playing the two player co-op by myself i.e. one wiimote in each hand. (i remember doing this in SWIV on the amiga) Is there such a game where I can be a hardcore master or must I wait? I am thinking some of the light gun games but dont really know. there can only be one kind regards the master
  22. Desktop Tower Defence The game of the year from now till jesus walks the earth again. (they should make a clone for the DS)
  23. gimmick mode http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/player.php?mode=article&id=271
  24. I think they should make the three RE films into games.... they need a hot woman in it! + they had a good story (good enough for games anyway) + we would get some superhuman powers as well as titties it would be the game of the film of the game !
  25. a game featuring a "stab" motion can only be a good thing.
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