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Blue Rogue

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Everything posted by Blue Rogue

  1. Well my team are out now. Even though we beat Greece 3-1 in my last game. That loss to Nigeria all but knocked us out last time. If I was less predictable in the match with Nigeria I might of made it through. Still my team scored the most goals in our group. Only Germany scored more than us in the whole tournament so far. I had fun might try out the main season at some point.
  2. I have not been informed. Which is why I'll be seeking answers.
  3. I'm very very annoyed with the management at work today. Today ever Chef except for me got a pay rise and a bonus. My omission from this has ticked me off. Especially since I've been putting in a lions share of overtime, bought equipment for the kitchen out my own pocket. As well as running a number of services by myself to cover for the other chefs many holidays. I feel that my efforts making Specials and designing one-off menus. As well as taking extra time to train new staff in food safety warrant at the very least equal treatment and wage parity. It's strange cause only a few days ago I was being praised for the food I was sending out being at an amazing quality and it was being sent quickly. Quicker than the Head Chef. So I'm at a loss here. I don't always see eye to eye with the managers and to be honest barely speak to them at times. I'm naturally a introvert so I tend to just focus on my work and leave the schmoozing to the others. Perhaps I should be more outgoing on that front. Still pay should be on merit not on how well liked you are. I have offers of work for slightly better pay from one of our nearest rivals. I might just have to make the switch. I'll have to have a chat about this with them next week. For now I have to focus on the Wedding were catering for this weekend. I will continue to pump out my best work and make sure they have an excellent wedding meal. I feel a little better now I've rambled. I'll have to think carefully about how I'm gonna deal with this. Very carefully.
  4. Got a win today that keeps me in the race to qualify. Those 3 Skill Keepers are really hurting Chile. Still a pretty tight group right now.
  5. I may have lost today but I don't think my team played badly at all. More possession than the other team and had as many chances. The difference was two free kicks that Greece capitalised on. If we make a few tweaks I think I might be able to pull this off.
  6. I'll give it a shot. I'll be managing the team I got in the sweeps. The mighty Ecuador.
  7. A Williams front row and I'm gonna be stuck at work. Best avoid the internet like the plague tomorrow till I watch it.
  8. I bought this on the fly after watching a few videos on it. At first it was very fun and I've clocked 13 Hours so far. I'm taking a rest from it for a few days now as it is getting a little repetitive. It's nice that this game doesn't seem to judge you for being away from it though. I can skip a few days and not have "Why haven't you written me a letter!" from it. It's less needy than Animal Crossing and I like that.
  9. Yesterday I bought my first car. (If you don't count a Fiat Punto that broke after a week.) A 2012 Peugot 107 Urban. It is pretty and now I don't have to wait around for buses to get to work. My almost 1 Hour journey has been cut to just 5 Minutes. Yee!
  10. Health inspection today. Head and Sous Chef off so it was left to me to deal with it. We got our 5 Stars. I like to think because of my all out charm offensive. Certainly wasn't exception to have to deal with that today.
  11. I would try the League out but unfortunately I pretty much work every Thursday night. Can't guarantee I'll ever have a set night off. Unless matches started at 11 PM (Even then I might be late) I can't do it. Still not had too much time with the game yet. Just finished everything on 50cc. Moving on to 100cc now. Had a few fun Online races on my split. Not had any problems since my first two races. All working pretty well.
  12. Mine got here while I nipped out for some milk. Caught them just as they was about to leave luckily. I've done all the new travks on 50cc now and tried to get a few online matches going. My internet seems to want to bail on races on the last lap though. So I'll try again later tonight. If it keeps doing it i'll re-jig a few things.
  13. My Nintendo UK Order is according to the tracker. "On Delivery" now. It's just a race for that driver to get here before my evening shift. If it doesn't I have to begin a midnight raid on the local post office.
  14. Gamecube Controller adapter.... Thanks for mugging me of my hard earned wages Nintendo.
  15. I retract my earlier rage.... Still feel I'm getting it late now every bugger else has it.
  16. "Dispatch Date: Est: 30/05/2014" Curse you Nintendo UK Store! I'll be waiting till Saturday then. When I'm working all day... Grr argh!
  17. Dat Offer! Looks like I'll finally get myself some Pikmin 3. As for voice chat. Meh I'm not too bothered it's not happening during races. Would of been nice to have it but everything else looks grand. Looking forward to this much more now. I had only a fleeting interest in it before this.
  18. I don't like phones, facebook etc replacing face to face communication. I find it weird how reliant some people are on technology to do all their social interaction. I feel more comfortable talking to people in person than over messages. It's less likely I can over think what I want to say. Which happens in messages. I like technology and the perks it gives us. I suppose anyone who visits a gaming forum will give technology a big old thumbs up. I do however see some peoples face to face social skills getting progressively worse. Then again perhaps just me going "Kids these days need to stop with these new fangled Snapchats, whatssappmagigers and talk to each other."
  19. Watched the direct last night. I think the 3DS version coming out early is a good move. I wasn't going to get the 3DS version before this. Now I know it's coming out first I'm getting both cause I needs it! Too much stuff in that direct for me to know were to start. Happy to see Greninja in there. It's become one of my top 5 favorite Pokemon.
  20. Just watched the finale...
  21. On my work days (Which lately has been pretty much everyday) I tend not to do much if any gaming. I start work at 9 and go off on my split by 3. It takes me roughly 20 minutes to get home. I'll have to be back by 5 or 6 when I'll work through till 11ish. When I game I like to sit down for at least a couple of hours. So I leave it for when I have a morning off. If it's a big RPG or something I prefer to marathon it on a full day off. I wanted to play a bit of FFX HD today but I've got to clean up this flat and do all my shopping etc. Living alone has it's perks but also means I can't delegate some household tasks to anyone. Basically I'm whining about my lack of free time instead of using said precious free time to do something more fun or productive. Meh the laundry can wait.
  22. Pretty accurate representation of this week. Turn up on time when you book tables.
  23. Got this today. Only had an hour spare to play it. So I've just reached Besaid Village. Overall I'm liking the improved visuals and music. Though the character models are hit and miss. Wakka especially is throwing me. Can't wait to get into some Blitzball. Just need a day off or two to enjoy a proper binge playthrough.
  24. I've been working as a Chef for around 2 years now. I recently moved and got a job in a new rather fancy Hotel. Which has been a step up in terms of the quality of food and produce I get to work with. I do find a few things frustrating. Long days, weeks without a day off, low pay for highly skilled work and management that are employed on high salaries because there Grandfather owns the place. On the positive side though I do enjoy the core aspects of my job. We started a new menu yesterday and a few dishes I created got on it. We get good feedback of most customers. I enjoy creating new dishes and this place lets me do that. Basically I'd love my job if I was given a couple of days off a week and had to deal with a less lazy management. It's still much better than my last kitchen which was a stressful hell that failed to pay me multiple times. EDIT: And as if to hammer home the point about lack of time off. I've been called in to work tonight on my first day off in two weeks. Yay!
  25. Williams is looking very pretty. As for Team Mate Wars: Vettel > Ricciardo Hard to believe Ricciardo will beat Seb. As much as I'd like to see it. Hamilton > Rosberg Too close to call in reality. I reckon Lewis will come out on top but not without some drama. Kimi > Alonso I can see it going either way. My own bias hopes Kimi comes out on top. Grosjean > Maldonado Maldonado will break down and blame everyone around him. Button > Magnussen Button will win this season but only just. Then fade away next season. Hulk > Perez Perez might surprise me but I think it'll be Hulk on top. Sutil > Gut I forgot Gut existed till just now. JEV > Kvyat JEV to dominate. Massa > Bottas I see Massa getting his confidence back and really flourishing this season. Bottas will challenge him though. Bianchi > Chilton Maxamillion will get curb stomped again. Kob > Ericsson Kobayashi being back is my favourite part of this season.
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