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Everything posted by #1cubeplayer

  1. It's called a "wet dream," you dirty child. I just checked your profile. I thought you were older than 14.
  2. 138 levels, and I'm stuck on 3. EDIT: Wooo, just passed level 3.
  3. Don't rub it in. If Suse is about as heavy as Linux gets, should I try to get a smaller distribution? I'll look into a formatting program. Thanks.
  4. Are those Vista desktops I see?
  5. I hope you don't get flamed too bad. I'm not much of a Star Wars fan either, but I can see why some people are such devout fans.
  6. Another little problem. Since I couldn't sort out the usb thing with Slackware and since I don't have a ps/2 keyboard, I decided to use OpenSUSE instead. I'm trying to do the internet installation, where I boot my computer with a tiny boot medium on a disc and give it an installation repository to download the distribution from. I managed to connect to the server the distro was on, but the I got a message saying that I didn't have enough memory for the data (understandably so, I'm on a mere 64mb ) and to enter a swap partition. I figured I should type in /dev/hda but then it says there was an error activating swap space. And so I need your help.
  7. Why do so many of you express such hate towards these rappers. They do what they do, let them be in peace. If you don't like them that doesn't mean you should hose them down with pepper spray, shoot them, or anything of the sort. Plus, if they can make millions, good for them. The small, chubby cop must have felt overpowered by the black folk and so resorted to violence. Pig.
  8. I rarely remember my dreams. It sucks because sometimes I wake up and try to remember them, but they slip away like water through my fingers. For example, I woke up about 2 hours ago and I remembered what I had dreamed about. Now I have absolutely no clue whatsoever about that dream. Like SupaFry mentioned, sometimes I have memories of things that never happened in real life, only in dream. The most recent example is I was in the hospital (I'm a volunteer there) and we were all going to get lunch. Someone mentioned that they wanted iced tea, and for some reason I was 100% that they no longer served iced tea. I could remember having been to the caffeteria and noticing that it was gone. Then someone said they still did, after arguing we went down to find that my memory was invalid. Later I recalled dreaming about the hospital and how they had changed their menu. It may sound silly, but it's weird. Sometimes I also have some very frightening dreams. I panic and in rare occasions realize that I'm dreaming. Despite this, I can't escape the terror of my dream. Once, however, I was able to completely change my dream by thinking about it.
  9. Before it's locked, someone tell me what the point of this thread actually is.
  10. It did come up at boot and it did freeze my installation. Can you tell me exactly what command to type at the beginning of the installation? I tried some commands, but it said something like, "kernel not found."
  11. So I've hit my first bump. I downloaded an ISO, burned it, booted it, and was letting the Linux installation do its thing. Then I noticed something about a USB error, and then it asked me to push enter if I wanted to use the US keyboard configuration or 1 to change it, but my keystrokes weren't doing anything. My keyboard is connected to my comp through USB, and it has some kind of problem with USB right from the beginning. What should I do now? EDIT: So you know, I downloaded a distribution based on Slackware. I found this page http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/archive/14/2003/04/4/51971+slackware+linux+usb+keyboard&hl=en which looks helpful, but I'd like your guys' aid as well.
  12. Not much new info there. Anytime you need translating from Spanish, feel free to let me know.
  13. $500? Wow, your parents are either loaded or extremely generous. Congrats and get well soon. Morning sickness maybe? =P
  14. Hey all. My computer is acting up, missing dll's, and freezing too much. I've decided that since I'm going to have to reinstall Windows, I might as well ditch that and switch to Linux. I've been wanting to try it out for years, and I think now is the time. I'd appreciate it if any of you could give me any help/suggestions and recommend any specific distributions. I think I can use WINE emulation to run a lot of Windows aps but I have to admit I don't know much about this. Help/advice/etc please.
  15. If I oral sex you can I get a hollographic?
  16. Maybe "dump" is some sort of slang he wanted to use. Otherwise, that's pretty funny and amusing, lol.
  17. He couldn't have forced the dog to become erect and penetrate his drunk ass. The dog must have taken some incentive. Would've been funny as hell to have been one of the motorists.
  18. Come on, you know where to look (eBay).
  20. Well, why do any of us post our pics?
  21. I recommend this http://pcworld.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php/masterid=4446824 It has a scanner, serves as a fax and a copier, borderless printing, photo quality, color and thermal inkjet, LCD display, and it has twice the memory (64mb) that most other printers have. Also, it shouldn't be more than 100 pounds.
  22. I beg that you allow Piro to post his pic. He's beautiful.
  23. You get a 9 for having an unforgettable avatar.
  24. It's a bit more believable considering it happened just before Halloween. Depends if she stuck out blatantly or blended into the decor of her surroundings.
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