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C-E Veterans
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Everything posted by soag

  1. Town - Belfast http://www.gotobelfast.com/
  2. The best thing is we are getting to see it for free Know the manager of the cinema lol. I read it takes place in the north of ireland in a review, heard its better than the first so i have high hopes .
  3. Was the txt this morning? if so yea i was wondering who that was as i recently lost all my numbers. Send the jacks round to mine as i'm almost out Going to see hellboy 2 tonight cant wait
  4. Damn right I'll be bring the cola just as long as someelse brings the jacks to add to it :P. You have to admit the elites were well way more elite than the vets lol.
  5. Fuck the vets long live the ELITES!!
  6. I really hate this woman, she is ugly as sin to boot, saw her on the page 3 of the sun today and was nearly sick. If i seen the gold model i'd melt it down and use it for something useful.
  7. Maybe the world does owe him something
  8. Yays i was wondering when this was going to pop up :P, if there was no thread I might of just cried all over my smarties cake. so far i have got 1 pair of waterproof motorbike gloves steve and me book by terri irwin Transformers the movie dvd superbad dvd duck tails the movie - mega awesome and a joker t-shirt
  9. If this is true its the best news ever RESI 2 = Good times
  10. Why all the muse love on this page? God I hate muse lol On another note Be Your Own Pet are splitting up after this tour
  11. Police Academy 5 God I feel old lol
  12. My fave boxers has a huge hole in them but i just cant throw them out
  13. ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
  14. Batman (1989) A childhood classic, many awesome memories of my youth. Keaton is fantasic as the bat and jack as the joker is most excellent, never thought anyone would be better than him but I know that will change in the next week or 2. 8/10
  15. I know it's not even good to wipe my ass with, I just wanted the cd.
  16. The pile of shit that is Kerrang! magazine, only got it for the iron maiden tribute cd feat. such bands as Metallica, gallows, machine head and many more. Did'nt even look in the magazine just tossed that in the bin.
  17. But think how cute he'd look in pigtails
  18. Aghh why did roadkill cut his hair??!! That hair was epic
  19. That was the worst fake i have ever seen, they could of at least made it try to look like a zelda game.
  20. That would be the sex
  21. I broke my collar bone when i was about 2 but I cant remember it at all, but if i have a bag over my shoulder for an amout of time it hurts like hell. In January 2007 i dislocated my left knee which was the most pain i ever had the pleasure of receiving. Worst thing is it can happen again at anytime My lovely cast.
  22. This guy knows what he is talking about
  23. Got the net working again after the big move yays
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