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C-E Veterans
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Everything posted by soag

  1. Me and the missus waiting for a bus in Dublin
  2. Got back from dublin at half 3 this morning, but man was it worth the trip . An amazing set by both the New York Dolls and Morrissey. Morrisseys set list.. Irish blood , English heart Ask First of the gang Thats how people grow up Sister i'm a poet All you need is me I just want to see the boy happy What she said/Rubber ring Billy Budd The Loop The world is full of crashing bores Mama lay me softly on the river bed Stretch out and wait I'm throwing my arms around Paris Death of a disco dancer Why don't you find out for yourslef You say you don't love me One day goodbye will be farewell Vicar in a tutu Life is a pigsty How soon is now -------------- Last of the famous international playboys Amazing
  3. Use the patch or the implant, miles better than the pill or condom.
  4. I'm off to see the Moz in dublin today, so hopefully it will be an awesome day
  5. Damn right it is *Goes and gets the saddle*
  6. That movie is awesome, we got a lot of our sex game ideas from that movie : peace:
  7. She must have one hell of a deep belly button
  8. Watch the movie teeth before hand that will get you in the mood .
  9. Please do say that as it would be EPIC and you will die a legend
  10. But pregnancy is suppssed to be the best time for sex!
  11. I have never really liked the cow girl position, go for doggy style or sideways. They are my fave postions.
  12. See what woman could resist that
  13. Best way for it is just lie ontop of her and flap about like a magikarp. Do this and you'll do grand
  14. Lets hope so, it would be a travisty if they changed the theme tune. Jan 09 is to far away and we prob wont get it til summer 09 then *sobs*
  15. If I lost my pokémon saves I swear I'd kill everyone I seen for the next 25 years. Too many hours was spend getting all those critters.
  16. Yes we want Goemon and we want him now
  17. So will they be on the season 5 dvd? then I wont have to wait til next year to see them? I know this season was cut short due to the writers strike.
  18. Really unexpected but this could be a classic beat em up if konami pull it off. Here's hoping
  19. Me eating the most horrible crisp ever invented. God it was horrible!!
  20. I only have series one and three . Really need to get my act together and get the rest. Can't wait to see the next series after the big cliffhanger at the end of the current one.
  21. Nothings good enough for you is it
  22. I think it looks well, it puzzles me how you get it so white!
  23. lets all start an online petition to get them back as we all know they work so well
  24. In the land of pallet town no pokémon pwns more than the mighty BLASTOISE
  25. I've always wondered the samething! There must be wires or something you can use. Firstthing tomorrow off to pc world you must trot. [EDIT] Coolness I love you! I want one sooooooooooooooo badly now
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