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Domo Kun

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Everything posted by Domo Kun

  1. Misato's nice, but my favourite Japanese resturant in London is Satsuma. I read a review of a place off Oxford Street that does traditional Kyoto cuisine for a few hundred pounds a meal. Sounds amazing, if a little bit of a waste of money.
  2. I'm liking the size of the Nintendo and Sony pitches. I'm so SO excited.
  3. Shenmue 2 goes for around £25 on ebay. Le sigh... I hate being a poor student.
  4. Are any developers actually going to make a game that the PS3 can handle and the Rev can't? Either way, I'll still need a ps3 as well as a Rev.
  5. Echo? Oooh! New characters!? Please don't spoil ANYTHING, but are they good? I'm so excited, seriously, the last episode of Season 1 was the most magnificent television moment in history.
  6. Oww, I don't ever want to be old. Poor people.
  7. Wikipedia is dangerous. My Grandad was on it, and whoever wrote the article about him got the facts wrong (according to my dad). Also I've read some horribly biased political profiles and historical accounts.
  8. I'd love to work in a games store... I think I may just try do that.
  9. Thank God it won't be called that. What a horrible name. It also doesn't give the consumer any idea that the console will be 'revolutionary'. Long live Revolution!
  10. Haha I'm hopeing it'll be on amazon.co.uk tomorrow.
  11. Isn't the rough date October/November? God knows where I remember hearing that though...
  12. Bit of a long shot, but does anyone remember how long it took the PS2 to fall to £200? I really want a PS3, but with that kinda price there isn't a chance I'll be buying it at launch, and it looks like I may have a long wait ahead of me... Le sigh... Oh well, Revolution should keep me entertained ^___^
  13. Really!? Oh man, that's the worst thing I've heard in years.
  14. I normally hate TV, but it's turning great again. Dr Who and Lost. All we need now is a new series of Peep Show and The Mighty Boosh.
  15. It looks heavily influenced by Dawn of the Dead. Love that film ^__^
  16. That's a point, the revo controller could slot into a plastic steering wheel shell. Raceing wheel 'controllers' were always expensive and pretty rubbish. I'm hopeing it'll be different to the GC pad, just to complete that new console feel where you hold the pad for the first time.
  17. I read on a channel 4 forum it'd be the 2nd of May. Well, either way it's soon, and I'm weeing myself. Finally my life will have purpose again!
  18. No-n-no no! Don't worry. This is what the 'controller shell' is going to be for. To allow more traditional control style and more unoriginal games. We'll still get the multi platform games (hopefully).
  19. Thanks for enforceing my aitheism.
  20. I thought (and I can't remember where from) that it was the sequel to The Wind Waker, with the (spoiler is the ending of The Wind Waker) Anyone else heard that? Or did I dream it? So it would be set in the 'land above'.
  21. Dale Winton is my idol. I LOVE SUPERMARKET SWEEP SO HARD!
  22. I'll buy a PS3 when it falls in price. I'm a poor student and I wouldn't be able to eat for a few months if I paid £400 for a console. I HAVE to have MGS4 however... I also need to eat... Why is life so crewl?
  23. It has your RDA of EVERY VITAMIN AND MINERAL that you need in your diet. Best. Vitamin. Pill. Ever.
  24. Very Another Code: Two Memories.
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