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Domo Kun

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Everything posted by Domo Kun

  1. Although it's all down to opinion, I wouldn't recommend De Montford as it's in Bedford. I've been to Bedford a couple of times for various reasons and I found it to be a pretty horrible place. Of course that's just opinion, you should check out the place first. I hope no one on this board is from Bedford!
  2. Yep, Driveshaft, Charlie's fictional band in Lost has a website. http://www.driveshaftband.com/ Someone has a lot of spare time on their hands!
  3. Is The Cat Returns any good? I haven't seen it yet.
  4. I hope I'm not coming across too anti-British.
  5. I know, but I'm still not proud of it, and I'd prefer us to be less developed now then to have had the slave trade and the empire. But yeah, fair enough.
  6. I saw it! It was a pretty good film. I liked the ending when the guy choped the cherry blossom tree in half. Ping Pong's on tonight. Is anyone else really loving the Asain Invasion season?
  7. Nope, the East End had Irish immigrants years and years ago, then a wave of Jewish immigrants in the 20th centuary and recently loads of Bengali immigrants. It's a really interesting part of England. Famously, there's a synagogue there that was turned into a mosque as the Bengalies came. I could be wrong on that one. I read the book a long time ago.
  8. Well I'm mainly ashamed of our history. I don't take personal responsibility for it, nor do I think the Britons of today should, but I'm not proud of things like the empire and the slave trade.
  9. A bit off topic, but I once read a great book that explained that almost everything that's 'British' actually isn't at all. For example, Fish and Chips are Jewish, tea obveously, is Chinese, cockneys are mostly decended from Irish and Jewish immigrants, and Winston Chirchill was half American. I found it interesting.
  10. 'The east never forgets, the west never remembers.' - What I think is the most apt quote to current international relations.
  11. I just ordered Happiness of the Katakuris (a Japanese zombie musical), and The Calamari Wrestler (a film about a reincarnated squid who becomes a wrestler) off Amazon. I saw them on Johnathon Ross's Asain Invasion thing, they looked brilliant. Is anyone going to watch Gohatto on BBC4 tonight?
  12. Queen - Another One Bites the Dust I also want holograms of myself to haunt the audience and disrupt the ceremony. I want a cup attached to a wire to fly about and for a recording of my voice to say something along the lines of, 'You have made me aaaaangry!'
  13. Am I allowed to like them both equally? It depends what mood I'm in.
  14. Did anyone see the Japanese film that was on BBC4 last night? It was called Kikujiro. I really liked it. I know nothing about Japanese films, but what I've seen I liked.
  15. KAWAAI!!! - http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=wapanese - defines me and most people on this board.
  16. I made Onigiri once. I doused them in food colouring and used leaves from the cherry blossom tree in my garden. They fell apart and the leaves tasted horrible. I also doubt that I used the right kind of rice.
  17. Is anyone else a bit frighterned by his use of sadistic language towards a games console? - 'The Xbox 360 and PS3 will both destroy it'
  18. One of my friends read somewhere that Japanese cuisine is going to be the hip thing to eat in 2006. I have no idea where he read it or anything.
  19. Hmm... maybe it's an actual phobia I have? haha oh well.
  20. Melted cheese on toast with spaghetti hoops on top - God, love it. The tomato sauce soaks into the bread and mixes with the cheese. Mmm... Not healthy though... Phillidelphia on toast - yes please.
  21. Is anyone else into cooking Japanese food? I've really gotten into making ramen and other such noodle soup dishes because they're quick and taste so good. Miso is a God-send. Hah.
  22. I love cats, but my sister's alergic. I'm off to Uni soon and I'll be getting a cat in my second year hopefully. Dogs however, I can't stand. Does anyone else have a fear of their open mouthes? Is that just me? There's something about a dog with its mouth open that makes me feel ill. I like dogs who close keep their mouthes shut. e.g. ^^ eww! ^^ That's fine.
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