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Everything posted by Din

  1. I've only seen 2 Wii adverts. That's probably because I go channel surfing everytime an ad break comes on.
  2. I was always going to use composite anyway. It so much easier for me to plug in composite at the side of my TV rather than changing scart leads at the back of my TV everytime I want to watch a DVD/play a console.
  3. This is something I've been thinking about. I'm left handed but I'm not sure which hand to put the remote in. Probably for games like Zelda it will be in my right hand and for games like Wii Sports I will use my left hand.
  4. Yes it was GAME. It is stupid. I can't understand it.
  5. I went in to Game yesterday to pre order some games and accessories but the guy said that I couldn't pre order anything because there's going to be a shortage. Now isn't the whole fucking point of pre ordering so you can get the shit that you want??????? Is it just my Game that is doing this because it sounds like he is talking shit.
  6. Ha, it was something crap like: "There's Nin left"
  7. I didn't know that you could give the console a name! I thought you could just name your Mii. Hmm, probably call Mii Din as I use it in every video game. Dunno about my console yet.
  8. Ha, that's harsh!
  9. In The Sun they reported 7mins.
  10. Aye, he's always on about his 360 and playing on Xbox live.
  11. I'm still getting the Classic Controller even though I have GameCube controllers.
  12. I always go on IGN now to check news and watch some videos. I never used to check it but just recently I've been going on everytime I come on the net. I like it but I do think the loading times suck.
  13. How hard was he throwing the Wiimote for the strap to snap??
  14. I'm also waiting for Game to announce their bundles. I hope they do some good ones. I still have to go to Game to preorder Zelda so I'll ask about them then.
  15. Exactly, Resident Evil needed to be changed because it was outdated. Just look at the poor controls and dodgy camera angles. The series needed to change and it did - for the better. There isn't alot wrong (if anything!) with Zelda so there is no need for a radical change in gameplay.
  16. Well hopefully, given time, developers will actually get FPS games to work on Wii. Now I can't say that games like Red Steel don't work because I've never played it but looking at the reviews it seems like they haven't got the control scheme right. It's a dissapointment as I thought that Wii would be perfect for FPS games. I like your idea and it sounds like it would work. I hope that Metroid will nail the controls.
  17. I see no point in smashing any consoles.
  18. True. Me and my mate plan on being the first at Game in the morning to get our Wii's. So hopefully they do have everything we want.
  19. I think I will go down to Game and preorder a copy of Zelda. I wasn't gonna bother (because I'm too lazy) but I think I will just to be on the safe side. I wouldn't want to miss out on launch day. That would be a frickin disaster!
  20. Why would you be so sad and donate money to that site?
  21. Was never really interested in this game but it's getting some good reviews so might actually end up buying it.
  22. Christ remember the GameCube launch? US in November (I think it was?) and we had to wait till May! What the hell was going on there?
  23. That looked cool though. These don't.
  24. Yeah I remember reading something about the PAL version being harder. I know it's got me wanting to play it all over again.
  25. It was when the sucker lost his wings and he starts to charge at you. I found it be fustrating and hard! It just took me alot more attempts to nail Meta Ridley than it did Metroid Prime. Even on my second run through the game (to get 100% items) I found Ridley more difficult.
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