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Everything posted by Din

  1. So is Killer 7 worth getting? I'm not totally convinced by it so I'm not sure if I will actually enjoy the game. Looks totally fucked up!
  2. Haven't watched it once and I don't really care. Can't believe that there will be 50,000 at St. James' Park...
  3. Finally buying the GameCube on launch day in Europe after waiting soooo long for it to arrive here! Playing Metroid Prime. It's such a beautiful and atmospheric game. Pure greatness. It has become my favourite game on the system. Finally getting Mario Sunshine and just running and messing around not doing anything in particular. Just having fun! Playing Wind Waker for the first time was another great moment. Another beautiful looking game.
  4. NGC Mag said it was the 3D Pokemon we all want. I'm not getting it anyway because I never liked Colosseum. It looks too much like Colosseum.
  5. Some of them don't work for me either. :no: < Like that one
  6. That's cool!! It's strange that being in the game. Wonder why the hell it's there?
  7. Sounds ok. I bought Zelda: ALTTP boxed with instructions & Map in perefect condition and has the Nintendo seal on one side of the box for only £5!!! I think I ripped him off! Got Mario Kart in about the same condition as well!
  8. I still have my orginal Game Boy. It's not in a very good condition now The back has been sellotaped on and the screen is scratched! I've just picked it up for the first time in ages and it's a beast! I remember this really odd game called "Rescue of Princess Blobette" In fact it's there in the draw with all my other Game Boy games. You had to feed this blob some jelly beans to change its form! Super Mario Land is there as well. So is Six Golden Coins which doesn't work I loved that game. I've never played some of these games for years: Golf (which has a label made be me stuck on the cartridge, which I have miss spelled Nintendo: Nitendo LOL), Tetris, Wario Land, Super Mario Land, SML: 6 Golden Coins V-Rally, Bust-a-Move, World Cup, Rescue of Princess Blobette.
  9. When it was first announced I thought that it was going to be a decent FPS game. But as time went on the game really didn't impress me (especially with it having a long development time) so I wasn't really expecting it to be great. The reviews seem to suggest that it isn't all that great so I think I will be giving this game a miss. I might pick it up one day if I can find it for cheap some where.
  10. Resident Evil 5. 4 was excellent on the GameCube just imagine how good it could be on the Revolution. Timesplitters. Lets launch with a brilliant FPS. Revolution is perfect for FPS games + Timesplitters is already good FPS game so that would equal one hell of an awesome launch game! Pro Evolution Soccer. Great football game and I would love to see it on Revolution. Lets hope so.
  11. He He. Canny funny that.
  12. That's another reason why I like NGC. They always seem to make me laugh with some of the things they write.
  13. I only ever buy NGC. It is the best Nintendo magazine. NOM was pretty rubbish when I used to read it a few years ago. Although I haven't read it in some time but I still imagine it is crap. I keep meaning to buy Edge but always forget.
  14. Yeah I know he changes but he doesn't totally change does he? He still goes on to the Dark Tower even though he knows it will mean the death of his very close friends (Ka-tet). I know the book was more about the whole journey but it still doesn't stop me from hating the ending.
  15. **Possible Spoilers** Right, what was the point in the Crimson King? The way he was killed was so crap. That kid (don't remember his name) drew a picture and then erased the Crimson King from the Tower. I was expecting a massive battle between Roland and him. And Mordred seemed a bit pointless to me also.
  16. I made a paper GameCube before it was released here in Europe. The sad thing is it actually used to sit where my GameCube sits now... :yes: I've also made a paper Revolution controller...
  17. After picking up my Wavebird I can tell you that I use...Y to jump. Don't like using up to jump. It doesn't feel right to me.
  18. I got a Bank Statement for Barclays. Plus some loan company offering me a loan...went straight in the bin. Not very exciting mail I must admit.
  19. Great series of books but worst ending EVER!!!!!!! The story was great. From the moment I picked up The Gunslinger I was totally hooked. I read all the way up to Wizard & Glass then had to wait for the other 3 books to come out which wasn't very nice as I couldn't wait to find out what was going to happen. I did read on because I thought where Stephen King wanted you to stop reading was bullshit. Mind you it didn't get much better.
  20. I've only Played 4 and 5 so I would say get 4. Me and my mates played Mario Party 4 quite a lot so I bought 5 expecting the same but we never got into it. Although now I think there both crap and boring.
  21. I will be buying Revolution because it looks like it will be so much fun and it's totally different. But I will want one other ("normal") console. Not sure which other one I want though! Probably get Xbox 360.
  22. Just played Luigi's Mansion there for about 10 minutes and decided I couldn't be bothered with it! Don't really know what I want to play on the GameCube . I'm getting Castlevania tomorrow for the DS so I will be playing that.
  23. NGC Magazine Glasses Case Mini Disk player Driving Test CDRom Sony Ericsson K700i Pens Pot for pens with pins, stapler & scissors Paper Allen Key My old wallet Money Stella bottle top Batteries Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, Simpsons mouse mat, speakers I think I need to tidy it up!
  24. I thought the reason that Domster mentioned he had all consoles was to say it didn't really bother him about the games not coming to the 'Cube (as Platty said). So IMO it does have relevance in this thread. To be perfectly honest I bought a GameCube to play exclusive Nintendo games. But, yes it does sometimes bother me when GameCube doesn't get some games. But what can you do?
  25. Nintendo, Duck Hunt must be a launch title PLEASE!
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