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Everything posted by mario_jr

  1. I second that opinion: peace:
  2. wow a $ONY TV huh?.?.?.
  3. XBOX controller sucks:nono: ,... but 360 controller better then the Dualshock.
  4. Imagine all that pRon you can put on it:hehe:
  5. Can you watch this show online?
  6. so would this call for a lock or what??
  7. The "Brand Name" has lost all credibility with all its lies and unkept promises.
  8. This was already posted in another thread.
  9. Man Dr. Cox would own all:bowdown:
  10. wow I never thought of it like that. If $ony was to win over 360 and Wii because of the Tech-Geeks who want nothing but the best high end DVD players, then the game developers would be the ones to lose. Sad:(
  11. Do not try to be like this guy, or should I say Idiot. http://youtube.com/watch?v=1TxTxAhaCLM&search=wii
  12. NO:nono: . The Nunchaku can only detect tilt function, it would not know if you're trying to hit a "Tom" or the "High Hat" like FHC.
  13. ofcourse there will be:yay: . Thats the reason that the FHC was connected by a wire Story here: http://wii.advancedmn.com/article.php?artid=6844
  14. That movie was pretty much a Nintendo commercial.
  15. I thought you ment the STD because I hear that those can be pretty scary.
  16. I use Matroska Pack codec, basicly the only codec I've ever had to DL.
  17. What if I sync it through WMP 11 instead of the software that came with the MP3 player, will it still have the annoying pauses?
  18. Maybe in the near future it might be wireless, seeing as how Ninty now have full Bluetooth support from Broadcom Story here: http://wii.advancedmn.com/article.php?artid=6838
  19. Can you say "Graphics Whore":indeed:
  20. Did he just foward this post to everybodys PM inbox??
  21. Have you guys seen the Phil Harrison interview at IGN. Man what a Fuc*ing idiot. "The real winner is the player who buys a PS3." Shut the Fu*k up, nothing but Bull Sh*t lies, LIES!!
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