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Everything posted by Bowser57

  1. There's been some very upset people around this afternoon. I've been called some very nasty names indeed.
  2. 8. Ugly Kid Joe? Could well be wrong though.
  3. Goonies poster = Mike wins. Everyone else give up now.
  4. Wait for someone to do it. On the subject of Dell though, we've had two laptops from them and have had no trouble at all. (One did get stolen, but that was my brother's fault, not the fault of Dell). You will get folks telling you to build your own PC, and that's fair enough providing you have the time, skill and inclination. In the mean time I have no complaints about Dell.
  5. One of the big changes around here is that there's a PC/Tech Talk board. When this thread is moved, that's where to look for it.
  6. You shouldn't have to wish yourself happy birthday, other people will. But not me. I kid, happy birthday Platty, have a good one old timer.
  7. That's pretty much what I'm expecting. I reckon Halo 2 and Tiger Woods 06 (This friday! ) will keep me busy for a while yet. Possibly coupled with a DS or PSP from the USA and I can maybe wait for a 360 price drop.
  8. If Haver does keep on performing as well as he did last night then he maybe should go up a tier. Apart from one shameful display from me which the rest of the team made up for everyone either played well or very well. I think we were spurred on by one of the first teams we played against having a Mickey Mouse style child who announced to his team "Let's take these homos!". Though we only got a draw for the game one of our flag captures was one of the sweetest moments ever, a real team effort where everything just clicked. We'd agreed to play team slayer until we lost but ended up having to call it a night before that happened.
  9. Blackfox - I'm on two points you slag.
  10. 7. Bock's Car Turn off this damn message too short thing!!!
  11. Bowser57

    Especially for those who have seen the film The Shining.... http://waxy.org/random/view.php?type=video&filename=shining_redux.mov
  12. ... Covered up by his jersey, having moved when he's jumped I would imagine.
  13. I'm fine with no shields, but I'd still like a motion sensor. Actually we should probably give Goldeneye settings another go soon as it seems like a while since we played that and it's all we used to play for a spell.
  14. But that's not what you'd say. You'd say something like "Me and Dabookerman will have sex with you".
  15. £30 on Play.com at the mo (for a year's live), so might be worth going with them for a top up. We shall see though.
  16. Marriage proposals from Jo and dukkadukka. Bowser57 FTW!
  17. I very much doubt it as people would just buy a load of Xbox Live kits on the cheap and then update it to their new 360 and so get a few years of very cheap 360 Live paid for. (It's what I'll do if that's the case anyhow).
  18. Two Masterchiefs works just fine. It's better to suspend your disbelief and just get on with it. One the major plus points of playing co-op is you have someone other than yourself to blame when things don't go so well. (If you find yourself playing a game with Guy be careful not to get him in one of his huffs).
  19. Give me an online Mario Kart with voice chat, and easily to set up parties and the like (and Bowser a decent driver) and I'd buy it.
  20. Could have done with a "I don't mind what the name is" option. Personally it really doesn't matter to me. It'll be about what the console offers, not what it's called.
  21. You're brilliant! Of course Nintendo's online setup will be far better than Xbox Live, they've had so much experience with it and showed so much interest thus far. Whereabouts did you try out all the new controllers? Which games have you played with them? Do tell!
  22. No motion sensor = not for me.
  23. Fair enough. Yes the screen looks nice.
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