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Everything posted by Bowser57

  1. 8/10, but it's no where near as good as mine! Edit: I was rating Guy's, but the other chap posted first. So about the other blokes, it's quite nice but could do with centering.
  2. On a completely unrelated note, I have Apple's name and address if anyone wants it.
  3. He's a dog, of course he never talks! I'm looking forward to seeing this but shall wait until I can go and watch it with my ladyfriend.
  4. Does anyone else read through the Rev forum if only to mentally check off forum users as fanboys and non-fanboys? (If you'd like to know how you scored, just PM me, or, I'll be publishing a list at the end of the year!) Oh yeah, that J Allard, what a "c*nt"!
  5. Perhaps not, but at least it's truthful. How many folks is he likely to put off by saying that though? There are people here who'd still turn up on launch day at 12:01am if he confessed it was the worst thing ever and all that'd be available is an updated version of Pong. The type of people who are likely to read/hear his comments will almost certainly have made up their own minds already. You'd be right to take it that way! Even at GCSE age I knew I didn't want to be sucking the corporate cock for a living! And settle Jord my man, apart from a couple of dozen exclamation marks Kav wasn't being a mental or anything.
  6. Are you suggesting there's some reason to like them? (No, I'm not a fan of fanboys, unless they're Halo 2 Xbox Live fanboys!). And welcome to the boards. ... Just don't be a fanboy.
  7. I'm on the NOE forums too! I only post once every couple of months to stir up the fanboys though.
  8. I would imagine they're testing them to make sure they don't just turn out a load of unplayable game types. They haven't gone far wrong in the past.
  9. I take it you've yet to own a console?
  10. Well the system for setting up a game and stuff is tricky to say the least. There was a tiny bit of lag, but the game was certainly playable and the voice chat worked very well. Overall, a success. (Guy's caved in and has said he'll buy it already!).
  11. I got Tiger Woods 2006 for the Xbox. Just got finished playing Mike and CVD from the forum. (Guy bought Nintendogs instead).
  12. 4.The Noble Truth of Suffering, The Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering, The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering, and the Noble Truth of the Way Leading to the Cessation of Suffering.
  13. I would say eight bullets. ... No, wait. Six.
  14. The BBC say it's because he used some VERY rude words. (Bum, fart, pee. That sort of thing). http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/cornwall/4311826.stm
  15. See now I don't know if you're just pissing about or missed the point of my post.
  16. I'll be getting a 360 for sure at some point. Possibly a Rev depending on the online gaming set up. Maybe a PS3, again depending on online gaming set up and games.
  17. Thanks for the link. And in answer to your original post. No I'm not a fan. The writing doesn't seem to be up to much and the jokes aren't really amusing to me.
  18. I know, that'd be mental given that people can do it for real at that age.
  19. Schpickles is right to prefer it as well. It's a much more refined example of pretend sex.
  20. No idea what you're on about. A clue perhaps?
  21. I'm hoping the good people at Gameplay get it to me tomorrow morning. If not I'll be on it Friday soon after the post arrives, building up the cash and customising my character. Pretty much all day I would imagine.
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