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Everything posted by link64uk

  1. its how the pictures taken and i'd appreciate it if u keep on topic and just talk about the tattoo and not my gf thank you
  2. My girlfriend recently got the tattoo u see below has anyone else got a ninty related tattoo??
  3. Tick was awesome used to watch it on bbc2 was funny as ought
  4. u felt empty because batista is crap i felt the same.
  5. yeah raw was good last night orton and edge to take on dx should be interesting
  6. im not buying it either will watch it by other means
  7. Craig Male Celtic from near the crag hard as rock GRRRRR
  8. ill start things off with the inevitable. Geoffery FTW
  9. dogtanian for the win. woof woof woof woof woof woof woof muskahounds are always ready
  10. its a tough one but seein as i haven't seen 24 pheonix gets my vote
  11. thanks guys i feel so special got to see my gf last night which was nice. I got james bond ultimate collection dvds in a briefcase looks awesome. off out to get rat arsed tonight too, a good day to be had ha ha
  12. awesome simply awesome
  13. now now kids calm down. Both sides of the arguement have a point i look at it this way rokhed deals with death differently to knightendo, in that rokhed makes a joke out of it to ease the grief where as knightendo mourns for the loss. im probably wrong but thats how i see it
  14. only heard about this couple of hours ago. Realy sucks the guy was a legend sympathies to his family
  15. yes we need all info to be able to do this properly
  16. once u get used to it its an awesome game to play. understand the rules and ur halfway there my friend
  17. it was so bad it was good end of discussion viper apologie right now
  18. id go for 14 as they are quite big prove me wrong i dare you
  19. death to WB. Why must they ruin everything *goes to sulk in corner*
  20. ive voted and ford dude are u a bit fruity cos she be fine man
  21. downloaded dead rising demo doesn't let you do much i just walked to an area and it finished telling me how great the full game will be so i deleted it out of spite
  22. i love you i thought id imagined it and i didn't yay for me
  23. anybody remember a cartoon with three robots that had t.vs for a head yellow one red one and either blue or white can't remember the name of it though (sorry for hijacking thread but its doing my head in)
  24. yay new comic very nicely done sprout my man
  25. i liked both 1 and 2 both games have had a real bashing of the bongos especially on multiplayer 4 player is the shizzle
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