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Nintendo Fan

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Everything posted by Nintendo Fan

  1. Tales of Symphonia soundtrack Still some of the best imo. Picked out a few: Audio Audio Audio Audio
  2. I'm looking forward to Starfox news mainly + any surprise announcements would be great.
  3. oh sweet nostalgia, i remember finding out about this glitch at school it was toy day or something a bunch of us took our game boys to school. Glad it's still in!
  4. haha brilliant! cute !
  5. This is cool, I've still not played RE6 so will definitely picked that up. Last time i played RE5 was back in 09 when i just got my 360, played the heck out of it with my flatmate at uni. Good times! Same here, if given the choice i always go retail. I would of preferred it if they were bundled and released together though.
  6. IT'S REALLY HAPPENING! HYPE HYPE!! I didn't expect this at all, I need this direct like right now. note to self: Don't doubt Nintendo directs based on duration!
  7. I mean when i first heard about it i was super hyped expecting a big show. Then i found out it was only going to be 5 minutes long and that kinda deflated my bubble. You're right with the Gen 6 trailer so i guess i can still expect big things from this direct. I HOPE! *Them minigames were the best! Rattata, Clefairy and lickitung spring to mind i forgot the other ones. Good times.
  8. I'm not gonna lie but my excitement levels have gone down since finding out that it's going to be a 5 minute long direct.
  9. The game is actually pretty damn good, it's just a shame they released it like this for people who wanted single player content. Personally i got the game for the multiplayer to play with my brother and we're having a good time with it. I love that the focus attacks and whatnot are gone, i could never get them done properly . The combos feel much easier to do now but the timing is still strict, i like that. All the characters feel and play different with the V skills / triggers which is good but there's only 16 playable characters...that's my only issue with it atm. I know more are coming but i don't like this 1 character a month thing. Sure, if the character roster was bigger to begin with then it wouldn't bother me.
  10. It was challenging at first but we managed to complete it on second try. @Shorty is right it's a lot more easier with a teammate that knows the fight. You have to kill the boss within 30 seconds of killing the warden (a special add that spawns in the boss room), so we just got them both to low HP then killed them both.
  11. I'd be up for that too, I haven't cleared the raid yet but I finally got my sword quest complete!! Thanks to @DriftKaiser for helping me out.
  12. I'd like them to add an activity log, it may not be for everyone but i always liked being able to look back at my gaming activity.
  13. Just about to start this up Chun-Li HYPE, apparently she's up there with the best in this game. I always picked her regardless of tier but good to know she's good.
  14. Fantastic work guys!! very professional indeed. It shows how much work you put into this, Thank You! Looking forward to more.
  15. Sure, i'll pm it to you.
  16. No problem I'll pm it to you. If anyone else needs a code i have one spare.
  17. I hope that's a tease for Gen 7 and not a special pokémon for current games. It does look pretty cool though. @S\.C\.G I went into GAME to get codes and ended up getting an amiibo as well (Falco looks amazing). I asked for 4, I've used 2 for my bro and I. Do you still need more?
  18. My original plan was to get a PS4 in February along with SF5 but ended up getting one in December I'm super excited for this my brothers are too. We've always loved Street Fighter, it was one of the reasons i got a 360 back in 09. Anyhow the wait is almost over! Whenever we disagreed on anything we'd always settle things with a first to 3 wins match on Street Fighter or sometimes Smash Bros. We love fighting games so we're extremely HYPE! February starts off with Naruto Storm 4, then we have Street Fight 5 and that's followed by Smash dlc!! (if it's still coming in feb) and not to forget Pokkén Tournament in March!! That's one hell of a ride
  19. Thanks for the Iron Banner games guys! I was so terrible in there, only managed to do ok in one game sry It was fun playing with you all though, bubble party!
  20. Yeah you're right i just had a look at it and it's a solo mission. I hope the rest that follow are multiplayer. Also if anyone knows how long do i need to wait for Armsday materials delivery?
  21. No worries @Rummy. I spent time on leveling my hunter a bit and finally got that tedious sword quest done! (collecting the iron relic stuff + void skills 100%) I've also put in the codes into the curious transceiver which opened up a quest on Earth, if you have it we could possibly do it tomorrow when you're on + nightfall.
  22. Hardest mission yet, we did get a few good tries in but man the enemies just wouldn't stop haha. Non-stop action from the get-go. Also how do you generate a lot of orbs? only one of my items (artifact) say chance to generate orb on grenade kills.
  23. That is Awesome It's going to be soo good in crucible!
  24. Does the armor buff from The Ram stack with armor buff from my chest (increase defense when using void subclass)? If it does that's pretty damn nice!
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