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Everything posted by Nick

  1. Linkage "Getting sales is great, making the game we wanted and having people buy it and enjoy it is fantastic. But having our peers say it's the best game of the year? That's insane. We beat the Wii." Hey all, I haven't posted in what has been forever, but I can't believe there isn't a topic on this. Michael Capps is the man that made this statement after Gears swept away with a heap of awards from DICE. He's Epic's chief executive officer. Now it's fine to boast about the accolades you have won for your products, but his last comment in the quote just demonstrates how childish some of these people are. The Wii is a console, so it wasn't competing against Gears anyway. What the Wii did win was the most innovative product of 2007. His comment on the Wii is entirely irrelevant and sounds more like a school yard contest of 'such a game is better than so and so'. No wonder Mark Reign has the attitude he does.
  2. That's pretty much it. I have seen a lot of threads get slammed because people are whinging or whatever, and people brand them as such. I myself don't have an issue with these people, but I wanted readers to know that you don't have to be a 'goth' or an 'emo' to demonstrate your sufference. Hmm, I suppose now I re-read it, it was still kind of superfluous.
  3. Hey all, I know this is going to sound cliché, but please, take the time to read this... This Christmas, or, holiday season to non Christians, please, appreciate your family. I myself am not a goth or emo, but I know what it's like to come from a broken home. I know that my father did the best that he could to give me everything that I needed. But the one thing that he could never give to me was a family. I don't blame him for that. It was my mother that failed to deliver, but the history is just that, and nothing can be changed about it. Appreciate everything you have, your brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers. They are most definitely an important part of your life, don't take them for granted. I don't have any siblings to share the problems I've had close to home, but there are two people I can depend on, and they know who they are. And they have had all the problems I have had and more. I love them more than anything, and hopefully I'll get to see each of them once again when the time is right. Ensure you let the people important to you know how you feel, and have a festive season. Merry Christmas everyone. Here's to 2007, Smash Bros., Metroid and the all new Mario. Hey, if I don't have that family, video games are there to fulfil the void. That might sound sad, but it's fulfilling to me.
  4. RGB cables should be fine...
  5. Nope, VGA by definition is only capable of 480p. Its maximum resolution is 480 horizontal lines. Once you start getting larger resolutions, you have xVGA or xGA. They are different. RGB is a component video standard that is capable of up to 1080p, although is usually not supported by devices. It is only restricted by those wank Scart sockets in Europe which prevent it from achieving anything more than 576i. However, proper component cables also carry a luminance, and are coded YPbPr. But you are right on the software front, if it doesn't support it, it won't be outputted, and so not a great deal of difference between the two. However, it has been confirmed that PAL Wii units will be capable of 480p at least.
  6. Sorry, you're right, VGA is analogue. Component and RGB are the same. Component refers to the three colour components of a video image, and are thus RGB for red, blue, green. VGA also has a maximum resolution of 480p, therefore; Coax<Composite<S-video<VGA<Component/RGB<DVI As component and RGB can support up to 1080p, so far.
  7. Coax<Composite<S-video<Component/RGB<VGA<DVI Coaxial, composite (RCA), S-video and component are all analogue, VGA and DVI are both digital.
  8. The better choice of the two for a fully decked out single player adventure. But Four Swords Adv. is not without its merits. Backstabbing ftw! What other games are you still looking to pick up Zechs?
  9. That does look pretty neat. But only two controllers? All the same, I'm with emasher, it probably won't fit where I want my Wii to go.
  10. Have no fear Marcus. The likelyness of S-Video being supported is very high now that is has been confirmed that PAL Wii units will output in 480p.
  11. Nintendo just made it that much harder for themselves and this machine. $400 is absolutely rediculous. It was over inflated at US$250 (AU$330), but this just pushes that boundry so much higher. Hyper inflation isn't even getting close. Microsoft will no doubt drop the price of the 360 this season, and when they do, it'll be a big hitter. That Core 360 will come down to $399, and when it does, it will be very difficult for someone to justify their purchase of a Wii, when they will never have played one before, and they will have a 360. No demo pods will hurt Nintendo, and this disgustingly over priced RRP will hurt even more. Wii Sports does not warrent an increase of $70 over the US counterparts, especially when they too are getting the pack in. Nintendo never ceases to amaze me. And it's always in the wrong way. Good for you Nintendo on getting the thing here this year, but my money will be spent on an import. Even after shipping it will be the cheaper option, and I'll get it before Dec 6.
  12. NewsNow, would be a good bet. Nice one Fierce, I like the title .
  13. Can't be November 10. Everything launches here on a Thursday now. And I seriously doubt games will have RRPs of anything other than $100. Nintendo are too greed, as are all other companies.
  14. Want to check the cross rates? The context was in Australian dollars. $100 of which is equivalent to 40 pounds.
  15. November 9 For Australia. $299.95 will get you a console and one controller and nunchaku. Games will retail for $99.95 (Nintendo and third party). Extra Wii motes will retail for $59.95, coming with a single nunchaku and the classic controller attachment will retail for $39.95. Component cables, like the GCN ones before them, $49.95, direct from Nintendo.
  16. Joystiq's reputation just took a major nose dive, now they are on the same level as Go Nintendo .
  17. Quoted for truth. The units all had rumble AND the speaker at E3. Bill and Nate's demonstartion highlighted the force feedback in Twilight Princess. DiemetriX is correct. Wii will have rumble, end of discussion.
  18. Woah. That was directed at... me? I really couldn't care less. If anything, I'm a little worried that the pressure is now off Nintendo, and they may follow suit.
  19. Like RedShell said, what do you expect? It's a Nintendo forum. Let the kids have fun with Sony's screw up. It's Sony's problem anyway, the diode issue is from their own manufacturing facilities. Sony screws Europe over just as much as, if not more so than Nintendo. And quite frankly, people that are posting the "USA centre of the world" garbage aren't too far fetched. That's how companies treat that place anyway.
  20. Hmm, what about the non-video game aspect of this news? HD-DVD will now have a strong lead in Europe. This could very well be the next Betamax. Sony was counting on the PS3 being the premier Blu-Ray DVD player to push the format. Now, that edge has been lost for at least 4 months.
  21. Hmm, rather interesting. I'm not that phased, as I have a PS2, but perhaps Nintendo just doesn't want to promote that feature. Or, they are secretly releasing a Blu Ray compatible device. Imagine the look on Sony's face. But that definitely wouldn't happen, far too expensive.
  22. Sony has delayed the release of the PS3 till 2007 for PAL regions. Aussie-Nintendo. Nintendo now has a prime capitalisation opportunity.
  23. Nick

    Wii Patches

    Yes, but the fact remains, you need that software running in the background. Now, if the Wii can't emulate a GCN game, then it will have extreme difficulty in running a background program AND play a game at the same time.
  24. Nick

    Wii Patches

    This only works because the code is physically still there to be manipulated. The only reason you can access unlimited ammunition or free lives or whatever is because it is physically possible. In the case of GBA flash roms, which are illegal anyway, there is a program running in the background. Not one single rom played on one of these things is running 100%, even if it looks it, there will be lapses in the code, and many of these devices crash regularly. Most likely not possible for GameCube games. GameCube games are not designed to look for the additional space that the Wii has (512MBs flash, SD cards), and in most cases except for 6 seperate games, don't even have a clue what the broadband adapter is. You can't make a game do something that lacks the code to do it. Freeloader and Action replay only work because a) Freeloader doesn't do anything to a game at all, it tricks the GCN into thinking it is a PAL or NTSC cube and b) is fiddling with code in a game that is already there.
  25. Nick

    Wii Patches

    This is a very interesting topic, however there are limitations for such a procedure. I seriously doubt GCN games can have patches applied, as they are not emulated on the console, they actually use the hardware. A GCN game will only do what it was programmed to do, and that in most cases is not to go online or use the Wii mote. Here's a reason why I very much doubt something like a patch could work on GCN games; It would have been done for Twilight Princess. The game is getting no graphical overhaul or new additions for the Wii version over the GCN version other than 16:9 and the Wii function. There is otherwise no differences at all between the Wii version and the GCN version. Now, if the patch theory could work, this would have been the premier title to do it with. Instead, Nintendo is going with two completely different versions, which is expensive to say the least. PC games and current 360 titles that can have additional items or things like that added to them can happen because they are made to have a modular type of code that can be added to or chopped and changed. This will also be the case with future PS3 and Wii, even DS titles (Animal Crossing). Games that are not designed to do so cannot have such features added after final release. That is, if they're not being emulated. Emulation is completely different, because there is likely some sort of operating system that is receiving information from the rom source and plugging it into the hardware, as the emulation software is telling it to. In this case, a patch could be made for a game, and the emulator could run the patch and game simultaneously, so that calculations that would normally occur are altered by the patch, and so say for a multiplayer game, the patch hijacks the code that would normally be received and sent via a second controller port, and instead of the controller route, the code is being channeled via an ethernet connection to another Wii running the same patch and game rom, somewhere else in the world. The second of the two is the greater possibility, and patents have been made by Nintendo to allow such upgrades to be used exclusively. However, as it stands, a non emulated GCN game will most likely not have the ability to be altered in such a form by a 'patch'.
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