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Everything posted by Nick

  1. It's surreal. It was so out of the blue.
  2. Are you serious? Did you even read the way he spoke? Do you know his opinion towards the 360? The way Dyack is speaking in this interview pretty much says "Eternal Darkness is ours, we don't quite know what we want to do with it yet". He and Nintendo don't see eye to eye as it is, despite him attempting to demonstrate 'respect' for Nintendo. And here's why he has been sold to Microsoft. He not just invested the first of the Too Human trilogy to the 360, but the entire trilogy to Microsoft platforms. Confirmation of this sell off is further demonstrated by the fact development was moved from a Nintendo console to a non Nintendo console. Furthermore is the fact he put this gigantic project on an unproven platform. Remember that Nintendo and Microsoft were both in second place last generation, a few million or so consoles does not define that position, tens of millions does. Microsoft is no more a proven medium than Nintendo in realistic terms, and definitly not as proven as Sony when it comes to user base. At the moment, even with all the crap that Sony has had to digest for the PS3, analysts are still backing that paperweight. People will know how I feel about anylists, but they are a business tool. But still Dyack moved to a less stable console. That is why Eternal Darkness will not be on a Nintendo Wii, and why Dyack has been sold to Microsoft.
  3. Happy Birthday to teh Dommie! Glad you had a good day!
  4. Currently, no. But I'd find a way... Wouldn't we all?
  5. With realistic games comes semi realistic travel times. Hmmm, a horse ride @ about 25k/h for 45 minutes equates to a world approximately 19 kilometres. Of course, if horse is at full speed and we have something closer to 40k/h... A world that is about 30 kilometres across...
  6. I have a much more uglier word for it. Misappropriation. What a load of crap. Some world exclusive, a game that was announced a week ago. How sad. Maybe next month...
  7. Nick

    Friend Codes

    It could have been done on the DS. Every DS has an individual ID. This marries with the WiFi game (Mario Kart, Metroid, etc.) when the network settings are configured for that game. That's why you must use the DS the game first went online with in order to play online. Nintendo are just being hyper inefficient.
  8. According to Nintendo, we fall in the Europe category because we use the same system. Now you've done it. You had to pull that one out. For the next fortnight we will be inundated with megaton crap. The closest Nintendo would have ever been associated with megaton is Ocarina of Time, although the Twilight Princess unveiling was close. Teh me9at0n wi11 b3 r0x0rs!!!!!111!!11*&%@
  9. Nick

    Friend Codes

    I don't see the contradiction. Having a friend code and speaking to people are two completely different things. As friend codes are now, you cannot, in any way, divulge friend codes in a gaming session. At all, unless you put it in your avatar and people are able to read it... And you can't speak to others without friend codes. You should have the ability to speak to anyone, at any time, if you choose to, either verbally or as text. Then, if you decide they are a gamer you like, or have similar interests, you are able to trade friend codes/IDs, and they will be added to a list of friends/rivals or whatever. If not, add them to some sort of ignore or ban list. pretty simple.
  10. Nick

    Friend Codes

    Kind of. But gamers shouldn't be limited to it. You should be able to give out your friend code online also, rather than have to arrange it via MSN or some other IM service, or in person. Of course, either you have to give permission for someone to access it, or they request it, not just look at a profile and see what it is. The internet can be damning, yes, but so can every aspect in life, not just limited to computers and such. The need to 'okay' someone to allow them to speak to you after a session or whatever doesn't really make things better in my opinion. It kind of kills it. I mean, what if we had friend codes in real life, and you saw someone in a park playing a DS or PSP? You can't simply ask what they're playing, what they're interested in, etc. You would need some sort of permission to do so. This would prevent many friendships that have developed this way from ever occuring. The majority of friends that people will make are most likely starngers. There is a slight possibility, but the fact that it has been confirmed that friend codes will be used defies it. Nintendo has been known to go back on their word, but vary rarely. And often for worse outcomes.
  11. Oh yes, friend codes. I decided to extend a little on knightendo's comments about friend codes on Wii (in the next Q and A update). He puts forward a very legitimate reason for their existance, however, I feel that it's a stupid system. For Nintendo to be going in a new direction, they really need to shake off any previous image they had (kiddie or not). I'm afraid that friend codes just don't help the 'kiddie' aspect. Although they may be suitable for parental control, the console already has a parental control as it is. This can be used by parents as a filtering system for both games offline and online play. Friend codes are a bulky waste of effort, and ironically make it extremely difficult to arrange a game with a set group of friends, as the staffers have experienced. As it stands now, you're connected with anyone in your friend list that's online at that time. Metroid remedies this a little. But not to a satisfactory extent. And you still can't speak to starngers. If Nintendo had just one friend code, it might be a different scenario, and one much more similar to Xbox Live. What do you guys think?
  12. People can be as arrogant or charismatic as they wish, it has absolutely nothing to do with the company. People at the Shepp EB are great, only too willing to ensure you get what you want. People in Wagga have been pricks, however, I must admit that there hasn't been any one particular person stay there for more than 6 months, or so it appears. You have no idea what the vouchers will be at Myer. Therefore, you can't discredit them. Just because something has happened in the past doesn't mean it is set in stone in the future. In a few weeks, Kmart (soon to be Target or Coles) and Big W will add their programs, and I'm willing to bet they will beat out anything Toys R Us or EB are willing to do. On that, I noticed a promotional video of the Wii in EB two days ago, albeit at their rediculous trade in value.
  13. Toys R Us have the best deal? That's debatable, considering Electronics Boutique will match it and Myer is offering $600 of vouchers to be spent in the home entertainment department. All you get at Toys is a free game.
  14. This is one negative reason for Nintendo's stupid philosophy of keeping everything tightly knit. Fans find the smallest bit of rumour, or feel they can make up their own, or attach their life to the dedication that one is in fact true, as we have seen in the last day or so, and babble on and on. In the end, naïve fanboys get their extremely delecate and fragile hopes up in the event Nintendo *might* have something even remotely realistic or amazing, and are dashed when Nintendo announce the real deal which, had there have been no rumour at all, been quite impressive in the first place, only to find that that is no longer the case. Half the reason people are complaining all the time is because Nintendo just isn't going to live up to their false expectations, and never would have. It's a vicious cycle that will take forever and a day to go away. We should ban all rumour threads from now until the console is released, and then perhaps at least remotely fresh rumours about games can start to dribble in. There is a rumour thread. Use it, instead of filling the boards with this garbage.
  15. What a load of shit. Miyamoto has nothing to do with Disaster. It's being developed externally, so whoever the poor, pathetic, low life loser is that actually attempted to start some sort of a mass rumour here is by far the sadest person of the hour. Less than 30% of the world's population own an HD TV? Get a life and come to grips with reality. That would mean that 1,500,000,000 people own an HDTV. Whatever. There wouldn't even be that number of HD TVs manufactured. To add to that, Nintendo never acknowledges non corporate material (fan fiction) in corporate dealings. GameCube would be spelt correctly and the add on device for the GCN was not going to be some retarded headset, it was going to be this freehand controller. That's why the Wii is a comparitively piss pot machine. Punctuation and grammar isn't too flash either. To suggest that Reggie is that incoherent is an absolute disgrace.He would be far more articulate and coherent than that. I'd say a 10 year old, 12 at most.
  16. Nick


    'Twas Conor's grand mastery of working out the issue.
  17. Nick


    Guys, try clearing your cookies. Some others were having the same issues.
  18. Nick


    Well, at least now, the name of the site can remain. Unless Nintendo pulls some rediculous stunt and renames the company. Hmm, wait, it has happened before ...
  19. Oh! Happy Tree Friends and Friends? Ohh, you meant the GCN.
  20. A whole two weeks? Give it up guys, he doesn't wan't Smash Bros. For an adventure game, try Viewtiful Joe. Exceptonally cartoon stylish goodness. Won't be disappointed. Well, maybe you will, but they are good games if you get into them.
  21. Nintendo do need to get their arses into gear. November 17 is too late. They will have missed the proverbial boat, and Sony will be on it speeding towards Microsoft. Nintendo has this serious issue with secrecy, and it will hurt them sooner or later. It may not have done it with the DS, but it will happen. Sony has a world wide launch after Japan for November 17, which will have been 6 years almost to the day after the release of the PS2. Nintendo, well, who the hell knows what Nintendo has planned. But if the Wii doesn't launch before the PS3, then the same thing is almost inevitable to happen that happened by Microsoft launching the Xbox before the GCN. Knightendo, I just realised that I have a query of yours that will be answered this week. Keep an eye out.
  22. Actually, the Memory Card 251 was 16Mb, or 2MB. Remember a Memory Card 59 was 4Mb, 1/2MB. The MC 251 is roughly four times that size. An SD card of 16MB will be plenty for a while, even for NES and SNES games. When you move onto N64 games, it'll be time to start worrying about a new memory card.
  23. Fifa 07? You'll be waiting a long time then. 07 isn't coming to the wiz bang PS3. Not so much a loss. But the PS3 is that little bit less wiz bang.
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