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Everything posted by Nick

  1. Actually, bluetooth is light, it is ultra violet light. Why they called it bluetooth, I don't know. All electromagnetic waves have wavelengths, and thus frequencies, even light. That's why there are different colours of light, as each colour has a different wavelength. Electromagnetic Waves incorporate visible light, invisible light, radio waves, microwaves, other forms of radiation. The spectrum is like this;
  2. What do you mean 'publishers'. It is far easier to publish a game than to develop it. And I don't think there will be a problem with the majority of them, especially the big names; EA Ubisoft Namco Capcom Square-Enix THQ Activision ... All of whom have supported Nintendo fairly well with the GCN. But then there are the outliers that are 'meh'; Take Two Eidos Midway ... So we'll have to wait and see.
  3. Well, radio waves are not light, just as x-rays or alpha, beta or gamma rays are not. Invisible light is in the Infra Red and Ultra Violet (bluetooth) region. I would assume it will use one of these forms.
  4. It's on IGN, I'll go have a look now... EDIT: Here we go, from the TGS in September; http://cube.ign.com/articles/651/651301p1.html After reading it once again, I am almost certain you now have to be in the same room, and movement is detected by invisible light rather than radio waves.
  5. You abviously didn't check well enough. The sensor is quite visible, and, although it is unknown what it is, it mimicks the appearence of old type IR remote controls for televisions/VCRs etc. I would assume that from the sensor, however, that the signals will almost certainly by light electromagnetic waves (invisible light), rather than radio electromagentic waves, which are what wireless networks and phone signals work on. As for the other part, Nintendo has said that two sensors, to be placed at each side of the television set, are required to track the actions of the Revolution controller. You might not need to have the device pointed at the sensors, but you will enevitably need to be in the same room so that any light signal can be detected.
  6. Wholly Crap!! Talk about sexy!! If ever there was a GBM that is worth $150, this is truly that system! I was always going to get FFIV, but I may just have to import this GBM. Linkerage: http://www.techeblog.com/index.php/tech-gadget/gameboy-micro-final-fantasy-pack
  7. I agree. And people don't just get a slap on the wrist and sent home for the day, we're talking about sackings and blacklisting. Any person stupid enough to venture into details about a game that no one has heard of is jepordising the project, and any NDAs that Nintendo has in place. Point of matter is, we haven't heard anything about this 'game' officially, the team is likely to be small. Further, the team that 'would' be in development would know the name of the project, see someone is devulging details, and because of the likely smallness of the team, would catch out the perpetrator quite fast, and have them beaten to a bloody pulp. By process of analysis, my opinion is that this poor sap has wasted time in writing a 100% fake blog.
  8. They are out, have been for a while now.
  9. You should also not that the controllers have sensors on the front of them, which are detected by devices placed either side of the televsion set. This is what gives the controller 3D control. It'd be great if it were possible, but I don't think that it will be.
  10. Short answer: Zelda Long answer: I don't have one yet. I wan't to know more about it, that's for sure.
  11. This is a positive. Hopefully developers will follow through with their positive views.
  12. This is looking quite beautiful. Square-Enix is showing the Nintendo love. We get the best version of Final Fantasy III, 3D. I quite like it looking like Crystal Chronicles. Actually, it isn't all that different from Twilight Princess, except the adults look more childish in FF. I will definately be picking this one up, as well as Namco's Tales of Phantasia.
  13. Good for these guys, and for Nintendo. First exclusive third party title announced for the console from outside of Japan. Hopefully, more westerners will jump on the bandwagon.
  14. 1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 2. Golden Sun 3. Super Smash Bros. Melee 4. Super Mario Bros. 5. The Legend of Zelda
  15. I'll go it. Nick. I used to be Nick @ C-E on the old forums, and before that, toxation.
  16. I think you're right Offerman, but I think it was a collaboration with Sony and Phillips, just as the CD was for Phillips and Sony before it. And yes, there is some sort of DVD organisation, that's why the 'DVD Video' logo has a trademark 'TM' on it.
  17. I beg to differ. The GameCube is far superior to the PS2 graphically. It has much more RAM, well, more RAM, more light sources, the ability to display better textures. Resident Evil 4 was made for the GameCube, and, as a result, a direct port to PS2 could not be produced, becuase that system could not support the features the GCN could. That's why it had to be remade from the ground up. The hardcore Res fans will buy it, but I won't. I enjoyed RE4, but I'm not going to fork out another $100 for a game that has a few new areas and is 9 months old.
  18. Multiplayer: Smash Bros. Melee Single Player: Resident Evil 4 All Rounder: Soulcalibur 2
  19. That has brightened up my day!! Love it. I don't want a Nintendo Revolution anymore, I want a Sony Revolution!
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