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Everything posted by Letty

  1. FINALLY made some progress on Eternal Sonata Me and Jordan and Sarka are going swimming today!
  2. I have a screenshot of when I double killed from the grave. It was awesome
  3. Holy shit. I went back to Eternal Sonata today. I gave up at the Fort Fermata maze thing about 6 months ago? But today I got myself a map: (incase anyone else needs it) and I got through! I was so happy to see the sunlight again.
  4. The comments in customer reviews silly :p I'm impressed at how many people went along with this! Or it might just be THAT good...
  5. My...Crackdown save.... Its - its gone! D: I had about 480 agility orbs T________________T
  6. Oh my lord. I'd not visited eBay in a while, and I did just now...
  7. My day has been relativley ordinary. I went to work, (where I convinced a woman that she wanted to try silk painting, and she spent about £50 ), then I came home and cooked the best dinner ever. It was a sandwich, with a fried egg, beans, and fish in it! With ketchup. Then I cleaned my kitchen really well, played Crackdown, and now I'm going to draw a bit.
  8. Someone's been playing too much Prince of Persia
  9. Yeah, its great fun! Today I also met and talked with Alison Willoughby, who makes cool skirts and is quite famous!
  10. Just going for 8mm - dont want anything tooooo big! Only 2mm atm though
  11. I finally drove on the main road today Did some roundabouts too! I'm proud. Also started stretching my ear last night.
  12. Yeah baby!! I queued for aaages! It was Kaoru who signed mine Still can't get over it.
  13. I'd just like to inform you all on Sarka's behalf, that he got offered a place in Cambridge!!
  14. Yeah, I've got 2 brand new mixes here, covers made and everything, sitting waiting for some addresses to come their way!!
  15. On the topic of sugar - sugar ruins tea!!! Tea isn't meant to be sweeeeeeetttt!!!!
  16. I'd never even heard of them. Kinda glad though, Dir en Grey got more time One thing annoys me though, these guys have been around for years, and have 7 or 8 albums out, yet they're only being discovered by Kerrang? There's like a full 2 page interview with them in the current issue! MSI brought the place down
  17. Yeah, it was the Kerrang tour! I agree, the line up was shiiiiit - I left after dir en grey's set. Bring me the Horizon didn't even show up! Here's a Dir en Grey song if you're interested:
  18. omfgdirengreywasamazingbestnighteveritwasfuckingbrutalandimetthemandgotshitsignedomg!!!!!! Got my chest surface, wrist surface, nose bridge and lip pulled out in the crowd. I didnt even notice my chest one go! My lip got caught in some bitches hair.
  19. - I first became involved in the internet at the tender age of 11, where I had an account on NEOPETS.com. I went under the alias 'dizzyandproud'. (I was soo cool :p ) - I started secondary school soon after that point, where I met former mod Sarka! He introduced me to cube-europe, where I lurked for a few months. I finally joined as it became revo-europe! I was 'sarkas_girly'. - I also became involved in dA around that point. -I guess I like sticking to habits, as they've not really changed since then! Except for my neopets account. I amassed over 2mil neopoints, only to realise that it was a stupid website, and I GAVE AWAY MY ACCOUNT!! I didn't realise til later that accounts with that sort of money were going for tons on ebay T_T
  20. I've only done it for the dir en grey gig - they're just not practical for me to keep! for example, I wear glasses, so I couldn't keep my nosebridge, and I don't think that a lip piercing suits me.
  21. Not sent off my form yet, but here are my choices: 1 - Edinburgh college of art 2 - University of Dundee 3 - Gray's school of art I've opted for first year studies at all 3, hopefully I'll get in! I didn't get the grades for Edinburgh, but I'm hoping my portfolio will help sway the situ.
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