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Everything posted by Dieter

  1. I was thinking about doing the exact same thing but didn't for the exact same reasons :shock: I seriously shit you not... Are you my brother?
  2. Three things: 1. Bold it and put on top of your sig WEAR IT WITH PRIDE SOLDIER. 2. You're not a founder, you're a member ¬_¬ 3. There is no 3, I hoped 1 and 2 would cover it
  3. Then join the campaign! :wink: /cubechris-ish hm-fusion.co.uk plug /cubechris-ish hm-fusion.co.uk plug /cubechris-ish hm-fusion.co.uk plug ENDLESS LOOP
  4. Seen you everywhere, ya whore! 8/10
  5. I should've know that that would get me trouble. I really DID laugh out loud you see
  6. Toes and/or penis. If those run out.... ribs.
  7. I was just thinking of posting that, damn you! Yeah, 'lol' is Dutch for fun or amusement... which is a really strange coincidence if you think about it...
  8. I've only seen Offerman use it ever
  9. dukkadukka knows where it's at :wink:
  10. At my school they've always been queers, but are 'experimenting' with girls... just in case, you see.
  11. I support this campaign (being a co-founder and all...) and am glancing in the direction of certain forum members shiftily at this moment! Don't take this too seriously, okay? But this isn't completely meaningless either :P
  12. Shit?! My site is down?
  13. Stay on topic
  14. Four days. RTFM.
  15. Not if you know the secret..... Take 6 broken eggs and breed and hatch them under a twelve pound toad. The eggs MUST hatch during full moon or it won't work! You will then recieve 1 Female Gamer. Cost: 500.000 tribute
  16. Owario gets my full support and access to a trust fund dedicated to the re-education of 'noobs'.
  17. Just for the hell of it, seeing as I already got a game sent to me by dear old Jonst DIETER LECLUYSE AKA FUWWEL AKA LOLNESS
  18. Bit late, aren't ye? I liked the book but can't remember too much of it. It reads very smoothly, nothing too straining though
  19. Games made specifically for nvidia cards (like q4 and d3) use a special technique that nVidia cards can do much better than ATI, simply because the cards were meant to do that well. It involves drawing pixels without a z-axis or something, I'm a bit vague on the details. No, ATI isn't on par with nvidia in OpenGL, but this hotfix sure helps
  20. Awesome idea A fairly old image yet still one of my best About me: I weigh about 11 stone and am 6 feet tall. I have super HM-Fusion podcasting powers and....I beat Jordan at UT :P
  21. Because console gamers demand revolution more, while pc gamers demand evolution more. That is, of course, my personal opinion
  22. It still is I think. You can't possibly use these benchmark results as a standard seeing as you need a liquid nitrogen cooling system and a seperate psu and a LOT of knowledge to get it running at those speeds. Not to mention your card would wear down pretty fast. Those reviews use the standard, pre-defined clock speeds and pipelines and stuff... making them more accurate, seeing as not a lot of people can oc their cards. All that aside, pure factual Mhz don't mean very much anymore (think AMD numbers compared to Intel, GP2X cpu clocks compared to PSP...). Of course, these massive numbers indicate great speed but just don't go looking purely at the bigger numbers, that's all I'm trying to say. -edit- Oh and I have an ATI but my next card will pretty much certainly be an nVidia
  23. So old, I've known this for a full ten minutes :P
  24. Also, watch out with that ebay CPU. The text under it states that it's just a 3.4 Ghz CPU overclocked to 4.0 Ghz. They probably didn't even switch the cooling block or anything. Bottom line is, you might be able to buy a pc AND a toaster at the same time! -edit- No wait, my bad, they switched the stock cooling for that wind tunnel-ish thing. So I'll rephrase. Bottom line is, you might be able to buy a pc AND a noisemaker at the same time!
  25. Not bad Wes I fell for most of them...
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